Tomoyo After and Little Busters to be Officially Released in English!

@HeliosAlpha Many thanks for the explanation. It was even perfectly spoiler free while you still told me the effects. But it’s irrelephant because I found out that the H wasn’t there to being with ^^
Still thanks thou ^

This is the best news ever! LitBus is very important to me, and I’m hoping an official localization will make it more popular in the West.

And I’m also glad that they’re not including the H scenes. From what I know of Komari’s, it’s really gross and would likely turn a lot of people off of the game, so we’re better off pretending it doesn’t exist.

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I’ve waited 8 years for this! It’s a Hallowmas miracle. The Great Pumpkin has truly given us a blessing.


Hell yeahhhh~
I hope they would erase the H-scene completely and change it with something pure~

I read the posting at FB where KEY said that the translations will be based on fan translations. Not that I doubt or unsatisfied with fan translation, but shouldn’t KEY do their own translation on this?

  1. It costs a great deal of money to get the resources to translate something from scratch
  2. I wouldn’t exactly count on VisualArt’s per se to be able to do as good a job at translation as the fans have

I am so much the excite! I have gone from thinking I would never see official releases to any Visual Novels to suddenly having more lined up then I think I can easily find time to read~<3

I know it is a long shot, but I hope they release a Vita version for Little Busters especially. Even if it is download only, I really like being able to take VNs anywhere.

I feel you. I read LB Converted Edition on PSP and it really helped me finish it faster (it’s a long freaking novel!). But still it isn’t the same sensation as on the big screen, which is one more reason why I’ll be buying perfect edition when it comes out.

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Best halloween that I could imagine, I hope there are Little busters book club because I want to read all again, not only the 3 new routes!

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My ideal would be if they had both a console version and a Vita and a Vita version with cross play so I could bounce back and forth. I am excited regardless, just might really need to reconsider moving my desktop computer to a room where I can get at it more.

Gosh, I’ve been waiting for a full translation of LB for years! I read a few routes way back when it was first translated, but stopped there because I knew the routes were ‘improved’ in the EX version and thought that we would get a full translation of that soon. Now I think it’s been four years :sweat_smile:

I remember I just loved the whole atmosphere, it was a really fun group. The common route had a unique quirkiness that I really enjoyed.

As for Tomoyo After, I’ve never really even been curious about this game tbh. I have nothing against the character, she just doesn’t charm me in the way that she seems to charm other readers, and I thought her route in Clannad was pretty weak. But I’m glad it’s getting an official English release as well, obviously the chances are she’ll have a much stronger storyline this time, I’ll definitely check it out.

It is a crime to start Little Busters! and not finish it!
Glad you have a reason to finish it now tho.
Just as an aside, the routes weren’t actually “improved” in EX (in fact, most would say they were got worse for, uh, awkward reasons). The 3 routes that were added are amazing, indeed, but you have to read all of the original routes before you can read those anyways.

As for Tomoyo After, I would say that it doesnt matter whether or not you liked her in CLANNAD, because thats how great the VN is. I know there arent as many people who have read it to back me up on this, but most people who have will tell you its amazing.

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They did get some scenes and details added to them, and I don’t mean those.

Heck yes. Tomoyo After is wonderful.

I haven’t finished it yet but I can back this up. So far I’m loving it

Only modern-ish Key VN you’ll hear me praise without being like “but it had more negatives than positives.”

Really? I guess I wouldnt know since I never went through and compared them ^^;. But now that you mention it, I guess that makes sense. I remember a couple scenes (even a couple choices) that wouldnt have made any sense in vanilla.

Would love to get my hands on some physical copies if they ever release them.


Yeah I have no doubt it’ll be good, I’ve only heard positive things about it. I’ve just never managed to psyche myself up over it, but I have no prejudice over the character, I’m sure I’ll be totally sucked in as soon as I actually start reading.

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Ahh, finally, the Key x Sekai deal has paid off. The game we all wanted is finally confirmed. Good excuse to party all day every day.

oh and I guess I’ll pick up LB as well


Oh how I would like a physical edition release. That’s why I like kickstarters.


Tell me about it

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