The Anthem of the Heart (Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda) Movie Discussion

This is a discussion page dedicated to The Anthem of the Heart, which we recently watched at the latest Kaza Movie Night.

Some people wanted to make some more in detail posts about their opinions on the movie and giving it its own topic would be a great way to let them do that while keeping the other topic just for planning. And even if you didn’t get a chance to participate I’d still love to hear your thoughts on this movie!

You may discuss anything that happened in the movie without using spoiler tags but remember to tag references to all outside works with an appropriate [spoiler].

To kick things off, what would you rate this movie?

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The movie was good, it had good animation, music…etc. heck, I even enjoyed the musical in the movie.
The movie had a few awesome plot twists that I wasn’t expecting at all, which gives the movie extra points. The end was awesome, the characters’ relationships were unexpected.
However, watching this movie for the second time made me realize how cliche some scenes/characters are. While the story was good, and it had an artistic side to it, the characters weren’t anything memorable. Also some scenes made no sense at all, and made me feel that they were just there to force the drama (Cough cough Ano Hana cough cough)

But overall, it was fun to watch, especially with you guys.


I thought the movie is pretty good.

On what it did wrong, it mainly fell flat on drama scenes. A lot of them felt very forced, and its attempts in creating tension felt artificial. It’s mainly because the characters feel like they’re overreacting to anything. I’m not saying that the idea of those scenes should have been done away with, but rather there are many other ways to present it without it feeling forced. I also found the music to be excessively melodramatic at times.

The exceptions to this criticism is on all the scenes that involves the egg: Jun Naruse’s past, her breakdown (but not the scene that lead to this ofc), and Takumi (sorta) confronting her near the end of the film. Especially the latter; I thought that was written well.

However, the rest ranges from being fine to pretty good. I like their thematic exploration best. The symbolism of the egg was most interesting: a representation of someone’s repressed emotions. Notice how it was the egg that sealed her mouth shut. Notice that the egg was starting to crack when Jun is starting to know Takumi – perhaps starting to harbor romantic feelings for the guy – and finally broke apart when she broke down the night before the musical. The egg cracked due to the amount of emotions she wanted to repress out of fear of hurting others with her words.

So yeah, this is a good film, and it was fun watching with you guys (though I ended up causing inconveniences along the way… I’mreallysorryabouthat :komue:)


It wasn’t a bad movie. It was mostly a good movie.
Many scenes felt rather forced, too many miraculous occurences.
Dynamics between characters are mostly non-existent. 2nd main heroine didn’t feel “real” at all. Baseball-guy at least managed to shine closer to the end, still… he was too much cliched. Heck, all of the characters were.
I doubt I will ever rewatch this movie, but as a one-day attraction its okay.
Graphics were passable, but some use of 3D was rough.
I should mention, that music was pretty good. I really liked the 1st song that Jun sang in the musical… The whole scene was strongly written. Though, the strongest scene for me in the whole movie was the scene with conflict between Jun and Takumi. I didn’t expect the way it would go… and it was surprising.
Watching the movie with you guys was enjoyable and I hope to repeat it (watchin, not the movie itself) again.


The movie is a 9/10 in my book. There was a theme, several messages, the singing was beautiful and while the scenes didn’t bring anything new to the table, their execution was pretty damn great. I have jokingly commented on how some characters were supposed to get punched in the face, but then the movie went and did something even more brutal.


I really enjoyed this movie. I was really glad I was able to catch it when Aniplex put it in theaters. I really love everything surrounding Naruse in this movie in particular. The egg, the drama, the fairy tale, the progression.

I was a lot more lukewarm on the romance between Takumi and Natsuki. It feels like it was kind of forced so that Takumi would have a reason not to end up with Naruse. I can appreciate not wanting the two to end up together, but the whole “well, we didn’t clearly break up so we are kind of still together” aspect a bit over the top. It is kind of a minor complaint, but it is present enough where I do dock a few points for it.


the anthem of the heart or kokoro ga sakebitagaterunda as a whole could be described as good, but that’s all,i was really hyped when the first trailer came out, because i felt the charming and feelings that anohana brought to my eyes just watching the ‘‘pv’’ but then time passed and i whatched and at the end i got really dissapointed :madd:

the animation was good and fluid as expected from A-1 pictures the backgrounds and everything, in the other side the character designs are flat and simple, nothing memorable i just felt they were lazy made Masayoshi tanaka just recycled his designs from anohana and ano natsu de matteiru particularly the main character but that’s acceptable i guess

the premise of this movie was really interesting a girl whose words are sealed by a egg prince in order to stop hurting others with them sounds fine in my opinion, but as i whatched the movie i felt the plot half original and half cliche, a shy girl who doesn’t seem to interact with others, helped by a group of students, one of those is guy with a disability in his arm and anohana’s main character, who wants to make a muscical/theater, i don’t know but that just seem like clannad to me, also the relationship within the character were kinda good but sometimes it felt force like if they had to be together for the sake of the plot but the parts when jun and takumi interacts felt right and fine, i really like the egg thing though,

the plot passed in an episodic way but i think that benefit it pretty well, i found the last 30 minutes to be good the part when the play started was well directed and here is where the movie really shines and that’s the ost, oh Gosh i found it pretty awesome, i’m a great fan of classic and symphonic music so i was amazed when i heard beethovens sonata pathetique in some of the tracks as well as the sky symphony :michioh:, i felt everything about the ost fit perfectly well with the scenes.

although the drama was horribly forced and unnecessary in some parts that didn’t felt organic like the final pairing for me it was awkward. overall the main intention and meaning was well developed, and unfortunately followed by cliche scenes that ruined the mood, this isn’t a bad movie it’s rather average



So how did the whole mess begin? With two failures as parents. It was all because of you!

I’ve seen this movie twice already (first time in cinemas, and second on blu-ray) and I’m quite fond of this movie. It’s exactly why I suggested it for movie night! While a lot of the complaints are true; the drama does fall flat, the romance isn’t anything spectacular, and the musical part of it wasn’t really anything special…

But what I really love about this film is that it, well, feels so real. Just the first scene alone, showing the magical “castle” actually being a love hotel. The characters feel real, their motivations feel real, and the whole situation feels real. Takumi’s lack of motivation in general, Nito’s hesitance to patch-up any issues and sweep it under the rug, Daiki’s hot-headedness… Heck, even Jun, the least real character in the movie is shown to be quite real (and afflicted by a real mental problem) towards the end.

Objectively, it’s not an exceptional movie. It’s fairly good, for all points considered, but it did etch a special place in my heart for being so real.


This movie was great. I do think that there was a great amount of lost potential for development and background though.

Comparing this to Anohana, it does feel really lackluster. I know that this is a movie, and Anohana was an 11-episode series, but still.

The music isn’t as memorable. I know its guided towards play-music, which is more realistic than creating a hit during the play, but there was such wasted potential for creating beautiful OST’s that could fit the scenes and could express her “emotions”.
It’s especially lackluster in the music department compared to Anohana by a milestone.

The animation and art is very fitting and good.

Designs felt recycled from Anohana to be honest. The heroine is the only one that looked different.

And then the forced drama that didn’t have much build up in the old love hotel. I think that was fairly the weakest scene in the movie.

The movie is great as a standalone, but it definitely would have had more potential as a series.

I don’t necessarily like the pairing though. I can see from the side about why the pairings work, yet if there were no development, I’m not really a fan.

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