Rewrite Quotes & Screenshots

(Chihaya HF)

But sadly, everything is irreversible. There’s so many things I’d love to experience one more time.
…time is short, but all too plentiful.
It passes by so fast, and after it’s over, you’ve already forgotten so many moments.
I wonder how much I’ll remember on my deathbed.
…when that moment finally comes, will I feel like Tennouji Kotarou really existed? - Kotarou

(Chihaya HF) (Like…Hardcore Spoiler)

―――You’re going, aren’t you?
Yes, I am.
―――How was it for you?
Very satisfying. I don’t think it could have been any better.
―――I see…so I was useful.
You were more than useful. The world would have ended if not for you.
You were the one controlling the aurora, weren’t you?
―――I thought it’d be nice to let this happen at least once. The planet will change after a billion years. Eventually the sun will explode and destroy all of it.
―――Compared to that, all the life we see only lasts a moment. But I wanted to let one of those moments last a little longer.
―――He asked me how I felt about my life, whether I was okay with it the way it was.
―――Since then, all I’ve wanted is to see another moment like that.
No doubt you were Kotarou-kun’s greatest partner.
―――You’d better give them their possibility now.
Yes. I am his predecessor.
―――Now, go pass it on. -Sakuya to (―――)?

And now for the silly!

「Umm, isn’t my finger…d-dirty?」

「Not really, I don’t mind licking you anywhere.」

「Uhuu~ They’re making so much progress.」[/quote]

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My memory on Rewrite is hazy, so these might not be exactly right.

“Hell if I know.” - Yoshino, answering Kotarou’s question about what youth is.

“I will beat even the God himself!” - Yoshino

Yoshino is a quote machine.


Kotarou: ‘Listen, Kotori. This isn’t violence. This is education.’

Kotori: ‘Education…’

Kotarou: ‘We want to teach them that doing bad things results in punishment. …we educate them physically!’


“Take zis!!!”

Having a small butt comes in handy sometimes.
~ Kanbe Kotori - common route

Prepare yourself… you’ll be sleeping with the fishes in ten minutes… in a sea of your own blood!
~ Yoshino Haruhiko - common route

I have learned one thing from talking to Yoshino. Acting too cool makes you look stupid.
~ Tennouji Kotarou - common route


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rewrite - Chihaya Ohtori Character & Route Discussion

“Can’t you strengthen your butt and use farts to fly?” - Gil

Kotarou: Gotta take a huge dump. Will be late.
He replies immediately.
Yoshino: Shithead.
An accurate response.


To add some additional shit

“That’s right, you are a shithead. You are Mister Shit. The shit controls you. In fact, you are nothing but shit.” - Yoshino

“If you laugh at people just for pooping you’ll regret it someday!” - Kotarou

“Throw away your lust right this instant!” - A Cop to Kotarou

“Phatz wus mow ah whorl wurks.” - Akane

“The P in PC means Personal!! PCs must always be used by one and only one person!!” - Pani


“Your stupidity is the real mystery here (lol)”
-anonymous mocking kotarou

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“Arigatou ultra Yoshino!
Hyper YO-SHI-NO!!!”
From: Internet friends, and the Okaken.


Everyone loves butts!!
~ Kanbe Kotori - common route

There is a part of the brain which enjoys ecstasy beyond space and time when saury is eaten…
~ Nakatsu Shizuru - Shizuru route

The star of destiny between the rivers in the sky shines over both of us.
~ Yoshino Haruhiko - Shizuru route

Don’t think like a hero. That’s dangerous. If you succeed, you will be one.
But the vast majority of people who try it die. Do you think you’re an exception?
~ Esaka Shugen - Shizuru route

What needs to stop is your breathing! Your very existence drains the Earth’s resources!
Strangle yourself now so you can provide nutrients to plants!!
~ Konohana Lucia - common route

Give them hell for me. That’s the way I roll!
No one’s here to see this, which makes it the perfect last gig for me!
… isn’t that right, Kotarou?
~ Yoshino Haruhiko - Moon route

If anyone ever reaches the sky…
I want them to find the girl on the Moon…
Find the girl crouching all by herself…
I want them to walk up to her…
That is… my only wish…
~ Tennouji Kotarou - Moon Route


~ Kagari - Moon Route


Kagari does not like being rubbed.
~ Kagari - Terra route

Life… was… not… born… to… give… up…!
~ Kagari - Terra route

I’ve always been thinking about belonging somewhere. Not having a place where I belong makes me anxious. Because I’m not used to myself. I should’ve focused on finding my identity, not on becoming someone important or respected.
I should’ve tried to become myself.
~ Tennouji Kotarou - Terra route

Only the powerless can organically learn the humility needed to cooperate.
That’s why I turned to someone weaker. Because I knew the powerless can be motivated by their sense of inferiority to achieve great things…
~ Esaka Shugen - Terra route

Defeat is nice once in a while. It allows you to admit many things you couldn’t before.
~ Esaka Shugen - Terra route

As if conquest is not also a right granted to all life!
~ Earth Dragon - Terra route

Also, why isn’t that long quote that’s used in the Rewrite Series info on Kaza in this topic?


Those are some reeeeally good quotes. I also totally forgot that the Earth Dragon talks in Terra :stuck_out_tongue:

For posterity:

“After being rejected from everything, I can’t be satisfied with a normal life anymore. A normal, everyday happiness isn’t good enough for me. … At the same time, I want other people to accept me. I really, really want that. I’m greedy. Selfish. The more I can’t get, the more I want it. And to do that, I need to walk a different life from everyone else.”
~ Kotarou


“BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS” - Tennouji Kotarou (Oppai Route)


“Jeah!” - Shizuru (common route)


(Lucia’s Route)

I can relate to Chihaya on so many levels…


I’d like to praise Rewrite (specifically Tanaka) for its dark quotes that only Rewrite has. I can honestly say that a Rewrite has the darkest quotes in all of Key works, to the point where it feels uncomfortable reading, even if we aren’t in that situation.
I think Kotori’s route had darker quotes during the final parts but I can’t seem to find any that shocks me.
Believe it or not, but this isn’t even dark compared to some other stuff in Akane’s route.
(Akane Route)


Just going through one scene in Rewrite right now, and found this quote (slightly edited):

[plays Yuriha]

“Just imagining being separated from you makes me want to cry. If that ever happens, I’d probably say this: “I wanted to be with you longer.” But please find someone… maybe a friend, maybe a lover, but please find someone you can spend the rest of your life with. Please find someone who can walk the same path as you. To me, your mother was that kind of person. Chihaya, you and I, it’s probably harder for us to find a person like that than most, but I’m sure you can do it. So, please find that someone.” --Chihaya’s dad

Considering Chihaya’s inner personality (which I’d like to discuss some time in her discussion topic), I thought that this quote was beautiful.


Stop chanting things that might get cut from the console ports…!
~Kagari, Oppai route

Chi-chan Shake it now, baby now~
~Kanbe Kotori, Common Route
For some reason it made me laugh Kotori speaking english in that scene