Discussion topic for the Rewrite fandisc, Rewrite Harvest festa!. Feel free to discuss the product as a whole, as well as any references to the original Rewrite, but tag any spoilers for specific routes or references to outside works with [spoiler], with adequate context provided in parenthesis. For an index to all route topics, see Rewrite General Discussion.
Oooh, I didn’t even notice there wasn’t a discussion for HF o.o
I think HF was okay… but nothing amazing. It felt largely different to Rewrite, in that HF was a lot more relaxed (most of the time.) I’m not much of a fan for relaxed stuff, but more stories set in the Rewrite universe are always welcome.
Oh, it was nice to see what Inoue actually looked like too, ahaha~
Kotori’s route was… okay… Kinda bland and straight-forward, but I guess that’s too be expected. Essentially, the story of this route is about how Kotori and Kotarou’s relationship evolves from the awkward mess that it was throughout the Kotori route of Rewrite. [spoiler]I think the ending was really nice, but the lack of a kiss CG is disappointing… /[spoiler]
I didn’t like Chihaya’s route, mainly because I don’t like Chihaya. There was lots of fun with the club members, but not much else.
It was the kind of simple happy ending you’d imagine from the end of the Rewrite route, but nothing more.
I really liked Akari’s Lucia’s route. It started part-way through the Lucia Rewrite route, and went on a tangent leading to a different story.
Premise of the route’s plot here: Brenda and Co. created a clone of Lucia, who is named “Akari” by Lucia. Akari doesn’t have any memories or knowledge, and can barely form a sentence, however she has a weird Auto-update feature that allows her to learn from Lucia’s memories. Akari reveals (to Kotarou) that she has all of Lucia’s memories, and believes herself to be Lucia. This leads to a competition over Kotarou’s affection.
While it was reeeaaally short, the story was pretty nice. It was a more lighthearted ending when compared to the Rewrite ending. Brenda came back as the big bad, and it was very satisfying… however the strange absence of Kagari’s existence kinda bugged me…
The Shizuru route was… umm… I’m not even sure what was going on in that. It was set in the Oppai route, and everyone got infected by idiocy.
It’s a strange experience… and I don’t think I managed to finish the experience. I guess some people would enjoy it for the comedy though~ ^^
I’m not too sure how I feel about Akane’s route. It was a nice spin-off of sorts, and it had a really interesting story. However I was let down that they removed what made Rewrite’s universe so interesting.
You learn things that apply to Rewrite’s story though. Finding out a bit more about Gaia’s past, and finding out that Akane recognized Kotarou as the boy who saved her when she was young.
I think I would have enjoyed this route, if they wrote Akane differently. She just seemed like a spoiled rich girl…
The CGs were pretty yuck as well.
The Kagari route was easily the best overall. It had a really interesting story, and it still felt like a part of Rewrite. The CG work was lazy, and the writing felt a bit lacking in emotion… but I wanted to know what happened next!
I’m a fan of the Groundhog’s Day style, so this was my kinda story. It wasn’t great, but it was better than the rest~
Overall, the fan disc was pretty “meh.”
I think the focus on lightheartedness was a big mistake, apart from in Kotori’s and Chihaya’s routes, where it felt like the happy ending was earned.
I keep meaning to play Rewrite Quest… but I always end up playing Dungeons & Takafumi’s instead XD
I think you need a couple more spoiler tags in there, @Takafumi, and by a couple, I mean a lot. Or if you’re lazy you could just put a tag starting at the third paragraph and ending after the third to last paragraph. I think that would be enough of a warning for people who haven’t played the game.
Anyway, I think Kotori’s route was my favorite. I consider the fact that it was straight forward to be a good thing, because her route in the main game was anything but that. She deserved a completely normal story after everything that happened to her in the original. Chihaya’s route really was just fun with the club members, but to be fair, we probably shouldn’t have expected much else from an air head like her. I have to disagree with you on Akari’s route though. It was a slightly interesting concept introducing her, but the whole route felt like a poor excuse for fan service to me. Shizuru’s route was absolutely hilarious, but I can see how that might bore you if you didn’t like the oppai end. The art on (almost) all of Akane’s route CGs was pretty bad. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that thought so. I wouldn’t consider it the best, mostly because I loved the Kotori route, but the Kagari route was really interesting and easily my second favorite. I very much prefer her original clothing to the uniform though. Rewrite Quest is the main part of the game and I highly recommend you play it eventually. I’m pretty sure that its bigger that all the other routes combined even if you only count the text. Not to mention that the story is really good and feels much closer to the main game than most other routes (though there is still the lighthearted theme). The secret final boss is by no small margin the hardest I have ever laughed at a VN. Pure genius if you ask me; I never even thought of the idea, but it fits so well.
Apart from Rewrite Quest, Harvest Festa felt really short, and in many cases rushed, but I think that’s more the fault of the particular style of of fan disc they went with than it is the fault of Key. You get about the same length as any other fan disc, which usually isn’t that much, and it gets split between 6 heroines and a minigame.
I avoid fan-discs most of the time, the only exceptions being Sharin no Kuni’s, so I never really know what I’m getting into~
I don’t think there is much I need to add spoiler tags to though, apart from maybe a line in the Kotori paragraph~ Ahaha~ There isn’t anything that gives away part of the story, and I only briefly talk about the premise of each route.
If someone entered the Harvest Festa discussion, without having read it, I’m sure they would be fine with knowing a basic summary of the beginning of each route~
If it wasn’t for things like summaries, I would have no way of figuring out which Visual Novels have interesting ideas~ There is a looooot more to the stories in HF that weren’t even mentioned~
I do spoil a bit of Rewrite, but why would someone read into the HF discussion without having read Rewrite? @.@
Canon you mean same RW universe… Lucia also is… If it wasn’t canon there’d be no point in writing it.
The point of HF was to get money. The extra material it actually adds to the Rewrite universe was completely throwaway apart from the stuff in Kotori’s route.
Are you calling If it wasn’t to be considered canon, fans would just read a fanfic or a doujin instead of buying a HF copy.

If it wasn’t to be considered canon, fans would just read a fanfic or a doujin instead of buying a HF copy.
Arguing if something is canon or not in Rewrite is pointless. Even though half the fandisk is blatantly AU when comparing it to Rewrite, the other half is still composed of possible canons that Kotarou lived through. It’s still an official work, even if it’s just a “what if.” Fanworks are not a substitute for official works, no matter what quality the works are made.
When people see “fandisk” they know not to expect everything to be canon. A fandisk is generally just for fun.

Fanworks are not a substitute for official works, no matter what quality the works are made.
We’re not talking about quality here.
Harvest Festa Akane’s, Kagari’s and Shizuru’s are set in an alternate world but within Rewrite universe. They don’t contradict Rewrite, because they’re set in another universe. Official work + non contradictory = canon.
What’s the point of reading an official work if it’s not canon? And why wouldn’t they write a canon story to begin with?

Harvest Festa Akane’s, Kagari’s and Shizuru’s are set in an alternate world but within Rewrite universe.
The term is “alternate universe” which I mentioned before. For all intents and purposes, they are the same as every other AU work out there. The only reason they can be considered canon, is because of Rewrite’s laws, which makes everything anyone writes relating to Rewrite canon. My Rewrite fan-game can be considered canon, even if it has nothing official backing it, because it hasn’t been proven non-canon, and it fits with the laws.

They don’t contradict Rewrite, because they’re set in another universe. Official work + non contradictory = canon.
The only thing contradictory is your use of the word “universe.” Contradictions don’t matter when it comes to Rewrite canon. The VN contradicts it’s self at times.

What’s the point of reading an official work if it’s not canon?
It’s more material. If you like something, any amount of it is entertaining, even if it isn’t canon.
For example, Marvel comics. Due to the amount of people who write them, and the length of time a franchise lives for, the “canon” of the Marvel universe is reworked over and over, and a lot of non-canon material is written too. They even have Deadpool who continues to render canon meaningless. Does that make the comics worthless? No. The content is worthwhile to those who enjoy comics, regardless of if they are the new canon or an AU spin-off.
Content matters more overall than context. Zelda fans still love the story of the games, even if the Zelda “canon” is forced nonsense. The Star Wars universe is still loved, even if it’s “official canon” is not as good as the non-canon material. Doctor Who had loads of non-canon material for years until it was officially introduced to the DW canon.
And when a story isn’t canon, it can be fun to find ways to work it into the canon. Attach Tomoyo After to the Clannad mechanics, or work out the timescale of events in Litbus to figure out which epilogue is final. Headcanons are great fun. There is entertainment from not being bound by the canon, and there is entertainment in working with the canon.
I like to believe that entertainment is what matters to most .
Everything in HF is canon However, half of it takes place in the oppai route world, thus making it an alternate universe that doesn’t affect the actual Rewrite timeline.
Heck, even the character routes in rewrite are just alternate universes/simulations so those aren’t necessarily “canon” either
Either way, I’m just in it to see the Kotori route and I’m pretty hype for that actually.
After some years studying japanese I’m finally trying the Kotori route. I’m enjoying it! .
After Koutarou’s proposal to get married “The correct answer after the WC (
imitating the advertising cuts of TV programs )”
I want to help translate Rewrite HF into English…so what can I do?

so what can I do?
Apply for a job at Sekai Project I guess
It won’t be just HF though. Sekai Project is doing the entirety of Rewrite+ from scratch, since apparently Amaterasu’s translations weren’t good enough.
Since there’s no point in a fan translation by this point, your only real option is to work for SP. I don’t know how to go about doing that, though.
Incidentally, how confident are you with your Japanese?