I wouldn’t say at all that Chihaya is a bad character or that her route is the worst. On the contrary, her route is one of my favorites. It’s just that Chihaya doesn’t develop at all in what’s supposed to be her route. She basically does what the plot demands her to do, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.
[quote=“kyuketsukimiyu, post:56, topic:1990”]
If you are going to kill a character…do it and stick to it.
[/quote]It’s harder to do than you think if you as an author really liked that character. >.>
I do agree, however, that Sakuya’s implied return via Key Magic is kind of stupid. It practically erases any sort of character development that might have stemmed from it, and if it wasn’t for a particularly good purpose, it merely comes off as fanservice for the sake of it, and it weakens the story as a whole. (Looking at you, Charlotte.)
[quote=“kyuketsukimiyu, post:56, topic:1990”]
I really wish they had done a separate sprite or at least had a CG for Akane as she descended into madness.
[quote=“kyuketsukimiyu, post:56, topic:1990”]
I really like when stories make me care for characters who I found annoying when I first encountered them.
[/quote]Same. To cite another Key example, Rin and Haruka from Little Busters were rather annoying when I first saw them, but as time grew on and I got to learn more about them, I grew to like them more as characters. Haruka especially is one of my favorites in the LB cast so far. 
[quote=“kyuketsukimiyu, post:56, topic:1990”]
I should know better with Key girls, but an eyepatch loli with two tone chunibyou eyes was hard for me to take seriously. But I feel like she was one of the best characters in this route. The way she is written having to pick between fighting her friends and not being able to give up what she believes in was really well handled. At this point I am really looking forward to her route and finding out more about her backstory
[/quote]The minute I laid eyes on Shizuru’s sprite in Rewrite, I fell in love with her. I loved her design, her personality and her attachment to Kotarou. I, too, thought she was handled extremely well in this route, both in terms of her personality and her fighting abilities. I do admit, this route spoiled me in terms of the sheer Shizuru fanservice this route got. It made her actual route kind of disappointing… 
But I digress. The other routes are very different from this one, so it’s best to adjust your expectations for maximum enjoyment.