Poll: Which Key Visual Novels have you read?

I went in the order when Key had started with Kanon, then AIR, CLANNAD, Little Busters!, then skipped to Rewrite afterwards. I was hesitant about playing Tomoyo After, especially with the H-scenes because it was hard for me to view that type of stuff but I played other games that were similar to it (though I should feel ashamed reading them in the first place). I never even played Kud Wafter before because I was hoping they would have an official release, being of course the all-ages version instead of the 18+ version but I guess not.

Other than that, I decided to also play Planetarian because I heard how interesting the story and I gave it a try and I plan on buying the HD release soon. It is actually easier for me to buy them from Steam since I made an account some time ago and it would help those who put so much time and effort into creating them could continue to inspire us as readers who love and enjoy these works.

EDIT (9/8/16) I’ve read Planetarian several months ago which was really inspiring and enjoyable to read. I’m finishing up with Tomoyo After for the Steam release and I can say that I appreciate the re-read a lot more than I bargained for since I played the 18+ version a few months ago. I’m almost finished with Little Busters! EX because I was curious to read the EX routes that I heard were good, especially Saya’s route. I plan on reading Kud Wafter anyways which I’m going to play as well despite what others may say about the game.

I played all of the fully translated Key VNs in this order: CLANNAD, Air, Kanon, Planetarian, Tomoyo After, Little Busters!, Rewrite. It actually doesn’t surprise me to see Rewrite leading the poll. It would’ve been either Rewrite or Little Busters!.. That’s pretty obvious, don’t you think? Wait…Who the heck played Harmonia as it’s not out yet? :sunohii: Is it Out? IS IT?!


Somebody is enjoying trolling kaza :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately, even with admin powers, I can’t even check who voted what so it shall forever be a mystery


Now to wish pain and suffering upon @Karifean for making this poll impossible. Time to craft a Voodoo doll.

Edit: #Satisfaction


It just symbolizes how you’ll never truly be done with Key. :wink:

CLANNAD, planetarian, Tomoyo After. I reeealllyy want to read Little Busters!


@octoberpumpkin Have you watched the anime yet??

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I’ve read Planetarian and Clannad so far. I definitely plan on going through all of Key’s VNs though

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I’ve read Clannad, Planetarian, and Tomoyo After. I plan to read Air and Kanon sometime in the future and am waiting for the official releases of Little Busters, Rewrite, and Angel Beats First Beat.

I have not! I’d rather wait for the VN and keep it all brand new.

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Yesssss. So many first-timers joining us for the LB Bookclub :smiley:

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Almost forgot to add Tomoyo After~ :slight_smile:

It’s interesting to see how far this poll has gone since I last voted. I can’t remember if Rewrite’s always been number one, although it’s interesting seeing it, LB and planetarian fighting for the top three spaces. I think it’s also good that the Classic Key Titles are getting some recognition after the Bookclubs. Not sure if the same can be said once we get into the other Key games, but it’ll be interesting~ :smiley:

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Well now that every title on the list actually exists I’m looking forward to ticking off Ecstasy and Harvest Festa as soon as the localizations are out =)

I’ve read only Little Busters, Rewrite and Planetarian.

I tried Clannad, but I couldn’t bear with Ryou/Kyou route, they made me drop the VN.
I felt that Clannad had too much routes for characters that I don’t care too much. But my opinion on this may change if I read it some day. (I watched the anime)

Also I will buy Harmonia soon when I have money.

I’ve read Planetarian, Air, Rewrite, Clannad, Tomoyo After, and Harmonia. I can’t wait until the official translation of Little Busters comes out!

I’ve read Little Busters, Rewrite, Kanon and Planetarian. Also I’m reading ONE but I suppose is not from Key even if the most of the staff ended in Key.

Clannad, Tomoyo After and Planetarian in that order for me, all from Steam ( and all in the last few weeks).

Will definitely consider getting Little Busters and Rewrite when there is an official English Language version.

EDIT:- Updated now to add I have read LB+Ex and Harmonia.

EDIT 2: And now added Kanon and AIR

  • A new bump to encourage more additions from everyone…

Wow it really was a long time for this topic!

For now, it is only Harmonia so that would make me the Key newbie in the block. Little Busters! will be in progress again at some point and Kanon or Planetarian will come a ways after that since a true release of Summer Pockets is a long way out (if ever).

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