Planetarian anime preview, and more!

Earlier today, Key just concluded their live planetarian broadcast, where they gave a short 5-minute preview of the upcoming planetarian anime, along with the ending, "Twinkle Star". Fortunately, we were able to record the stream, and we've uploaded the preview, along with the ending animation over at our YouTube channel!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Preview is extremely promising, but I really really dislike the ED they’re using. It clashes so much with the atmosphere of planetarian…


I was about to say the same thing. The ending is cute, I’ll give it that, but that just doesn’t really fit the tone of planetarian, which in my opinion was very unique and important to the story.

Nonetheless, the animation looked stunning. I have absolutely zero complaints on that front, and in fact it more than exceeded my expectations.

Anyways, let’s all just look forward to July! :masgrin:

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The preview has gotten me pretty hyped. I do enjoy the ED but also have a few concerns with how it will effect the actual ending of each episode. That said, I don’t think it’s a bad choice as it doesn’t really kick into high gear happy feelings until 15 seconds in. It should give enough time to pause it if you feel like it. Here’s to hoping it amounts to nothing and emotional endings use a different song.

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damn all that advertisement, I saw the PV, it looks very good and its well animated but it kinda lacks the mystery feel and emptiness that the VN had, maybe this impressions will change when we watch the whole thing.

why wouldn’t they advertise rewrite’s anime like that!

It’s pretty damn ugly, but I’m sure I’ll get used to that. It looks promising though, and there’s a lot they could do with the story outside of a straight adaptation. Looking forward to the vocal version of Gentle Jena.

I like the ED, not only because it’s old school, but also because there is a 30 second intro to it with no vocals, which means… They could be going for a good old lead-in ED, and those things make anything good.

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Lots of people are complaining about the ED, but I personally love it. Chibi yumemi is all too cute and the song is absolutely wonderful~ The biggest fear is that it’ll ruin the mood of the story but I have to disagree.

(planetarian spoilers) One issue is that they might play it right after a very emotional scene, thus taking away the impact with a happy song. However, thinking back on planetarian, the only really emotional scene is at the very end. And trust me, I will be the first to complain if they use that ED as the ending to the last episode. I’m hoping they’ll use the VN ending, maybe an updated version with Lia vocals like we heard at KSL Live~~

Another issue is that it ruins the whole mood of the world of planetarian but… The world isn’t all about this desolate world, where humanity struggles to survive and has no hope for the future. The point of planetarian is that in this world, there remains this one girl who never loses hope that a customer will finally visit the planetarium again. It’s kind of an analogy to how, despite the desolate world, humanity shouldn’t lose hope that it can get back on its feet and continue with their heads up high, wishing once again for that starry sky. And I think the ED illustrates that very well.


The animation was pretty much what I was expecting. Looks fine.

Ending will probably be fine for the first 5 episode, and they’ll probably use Hoshi Meguri no Uta for the final episode anyways, so we’re all good.

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Man I’m beyond excited for this. I really hope this does well, it has every right to be perfect.

No soul will escape me making them watch this, since fools can’t read.


Ultimately this was only a preview, but can I just say how brilliantly this introduction was presented? Some top notch visual direction here. Just some examples:

  1. I especially loved the vertical panning shot of the Hanabi Department Store foreshadowing the action taken directly after, whereby the Junker infiltrates the department store. But notice how he doesn’t use the front door, he climbs through the window, (hence the vertical panning shot) implying there’s something wrong with the entrance, probably locked, or blocked by some destroyed building remnants or something of the kind.

Already giving the viewer a sense of the state of affairs within the setting. Absolutely no dialogue necessary :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. I also loved the shot where the Junker creeps into the store and places his hand on the Snow Globe (lovely symbolism and nod to the drama CD!)
    The snow globe is covered in ash, and he wipes the surface with his hand to reveal the inside containing a view of the starry sky. But when he sees this, his reaction appears to be one of perpetual confusion.
    This is subtle foreshadowing of not only his character’s lack of knowledge of the stars, but also laying out the premise further once more (being of a post apocalyptic nature, with radiation and pollution covering the skies).

And this is all before any exposition has told us what is even going on. Once again, no dialogue necessary. Of course VN readers would know what all that stuff means without having to even think about it, but for a newcomer this is some great stuff.

Very impressive if I say so myself.


Just listened to it.

For the Twinkle Star song, it sounds kinda generic imo. At least for the verse. I love the chorus though, it has that kind of “soaring in the beautiful stars” kind of feel to it.
I don’t think people are realizing that Planetarian’s setting isn’t the focus of the story, but rather the skin to an apple. Most of the story is spent at the Planetarium fixing Gena and talking to each other

The ED isn’t at all un-fitting for Planetarian. Most people are remembering the last 3-4 chapters , and the environment in the world it’s set in, rather than the story itself, and what the characters are doing. Most of the story actually (for the first 12-13 chapters), is very just Yumemi talking energetically and the Junker being irritated. Having this song is very fitting for Yumemi as a character.

Plus, like Pepe said, there’s only one sad scene, which is the actual ending to the story And like most Key VN’s/stories, there’s a sepcial ED Song reserved for that specific scene. Maybe a new song, maybe an old song, maybe a new arrangement of an old song.

Anyways. Other than that, World’s Pain was an interesting song. The beginning caught my attention. Sadly, the chorus couldn’t do the same for me. Good chorus, just not the Wow-Factor for me at least.

Cause we all know the PV2 was Rushed to meet the deadline.

Edit - I just watched the clip. Chibi Yumemi is so cute :smile: Animation, Art, everything, it’s just beautiful. Only thing I’d complain about is not using the original Hoshi No Sekai. Out of all the Planetarian OST’s, Hoshi No Sekai is the one that doesn’t need to change or be updated.


Chibimemi :minaamor: !

This is absolutely amazing, I love this adaptation. The minor contradictions to the VN are excused because this is looking incredible! I can see that real-life planetarium show selling out instantly, they really have gone the extra mile for Planetarian. Great to see it shining on the official scale. Also, there is a rain effect on the city backdrops of the planetarian-project site.
:crystal_ball: :sparkles: :dizzy:

I tried catching this stream last night, but completly missed it cause my vpn wouldnt work for me =[. Other than that i really love the animation and songs. I hope they advertise this and rewrite at AX.

Alright the double sided opinion from me again, here it goes.

I really understand why people dislike the ED, it ruins the atmosphere and such, but hey, we all have some expectations to Planetarian itself because of the VN, and the songs from it, so anything not sound-alike may bring a conflict of “this is what I did not expect and I am not familiar with”.
I would like to point out that I actually like the ED this in a way of how different it is, I want to mainly support’s @Pepe post as I was actually thinking the same thing.
We all could aruge of how a Planetarian ED should or should not be, yet I think when it comes to something like this, we can look at it in a different perspective, in such Pepe presented it.
Last note on the ED, this may be just me, but I would rather have a really nice song like this to remember Yumemi as, instead of a sad song (yet that may bring some good melancholic feelings and vibes, dayum this is hard).
In terms of music, I cant say much for now, but I absolutely love the synths and then the rocky-vibe in the chasing etc. I feel like we will get some good intense music to get our hearts pounding :P!
Nevertheless, I like to see Planetarian come to life, I am absolutely hyped for it and I think it looks rather cool instead of pleasent to look at (not saying it has bad graphics!)


I think the only part of the ED I really don’t like is that shot of Yumemi sitting on top of the projector. I know it’s a pretty iconic image at this point, but it just doesn’t make any sense. The guys on the stream said something about the ED being based on what Yumemi did the other 29 times she woke up which would be doing chores around the planetarium and practicing her job. Once again, the projector shot doesn’t match that.

I also don’t understand why you would switch to a more easily animated design and not animate anything. Seriously, the animation is so bare-bone.

The final shot is really good though. You got Yumemi bowing, then it zooms in on the sign and hangs there for a whole 6 seconds. It’s probably not too hard to guess, but the sign says “We sincerely await your return.” This shows Yumemi waiting for the customers and co-workers to come back, yet at the same time watching the episode was a visit to the planetarium, and Yumemi wants you to come back for the next episode. That is the perfect mix of emotions.


I just watched the preview as well and I can say I really like the animation as well. I know there are some concerns about the ending theme but despite that I would have to agree with @Pepe on this one because it does show how that in this sarcophagus city where it may seem that all hope is lost, but Yumemi was the only robot who had looked forward to bringing customers to view the starry skies for themselves and to give humanity a reason, not just hope, but to experience the many wonderful things in life where those who may be lost in this world have a reason to dream of possibilities and inspire to tell others of the things they saw in the planetarium. Also, chibi Yumemi was very cute and I look forward to the anime very much when it comes out.

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Does it really have to be chibi though? I would’ve preferred a slideshow of stills of Yumemi tending to the planetarium than what we got. It’s really jarring.

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It doesn’t have to be chibi, no, but there isn’t anything wrong with it either. One place where I feel the chibi working well is the images of her scrolling up, holding a bouquet, or tripping while holding the lightbulb; they give a much more lighthearted feel which I think represents how yumemi genuinely felt while stuck in that planetarium.

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I personally loved the ED and i think it will be perfect to make people more attached to Yumemi.

We have 5 episodes only to make that happen, so i think this will work pretty well.

I can’t wait to see the anime-only watchers reaction to the last episode hehehehehehe

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Am I the only one that doesn’t care about the ED, and just simply very impressed by the current state of the actual content of the episode itself?

Come on guys, there was so much more here to sink our teeth into! :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally speaking OP and ED are absolutely minimal in contributing to the quality of substance in an anime. They contribute 1% at best in my honest opinion.