Osu! Topic

We should play man, but if Bonecuss and Link are way beyond your level, then I will be too. Cuz I just got back after 7 months of not playing osu, and I still got it :smiley: even Bonecuss was suprised! (Still again my accuracy sucks ballz, yet my reactions are still with me, get rekt marcus xP, love ya no homo)

Also congratz on reaching top 20k in osu!mania. We should play that but I suck, I am only top 23k :confused: and also only 4k. Just message me on discord or line whenever youre free and we can play ;D.


My Osu! account http://osu.ppy.sh/u/1007923
I dont play too much recently (just three months :smile:)
Just play for my favorite songs, nothing more :sunny:
Anyway if you guys need one to go play party just tell me :blush:


This is a pretty big deal. The first ever 700+ pp play in standard osu.

Okay, so I somewhat recently got past that mania goal of mine: “get ranked within the top 1,000 of my region.” I also was able to play with @IkaCZ yesterday, and that was a bunch of fun! It also reminded me that I had reached my previous goal, so I thought I’d put together a few small recordings.

I did a play of World’s End, Girl’s Rondo(Asterisk DnB Remix) in mania

(I originally wanted to do a Boku Boku recording, but I couldn’t get S rank. orz)

I’ve also been getting better at osu! standard, so I thought I’d put together a recording of my current status in it.

Here’s me (horribly) playing Accelerator in standard

“Come on Potatoe!” “Fk yeah!”

My next goal in standard is to get within the 100,000 global ranking.
My next goal in mania is to get within the 10,000 global ranking.
My next goal in taiko is to be able to get past three star maps consistently.


Where’s them Catch The Beat goals? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Congrats though, I’ve been hovering around 1000 UK in standard, but just recently broke through and started improving properly getting mad plays. Probably when I get to around 20k worldwide I’ll branch out into other gamemodes further, probably taiko first.

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I think my next (first) Catch the Beat goal is… “Play Catch the Beat enough to form a proper goal.” xP (Also, mod my skin so Nayuki catches snowflakes or something in CtB.)

Woah, nice! I’d like to be even near that level in standard.

Not sure if this applies, but Taiko makes me feel a bit dizzy if I haven’t played it in awhile. (Not sure how @LinkThinks does it.)

Keep playing Hard Rock.

What happened to Nightcore and Hidden?

Hidden on Taiko is straight up impossible I dunno how people do it.

Nice that not a lot of people plays osu!mania in czech republic and im actually top 20 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Note: Im still shit at 7k
Second note: @NotKyon is better than me in osu!mania 4k.


Mania is the only game mode that I’m worth shit at, so hey if anyone wants to play, hit me up.

beatmania still master race though

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[quote=“IkaCZ, post:30, topic:2269”]
better than me in osu!mania 4k.
[/quote]I’m really not though! Actual skill-wise you’re much better than me. Anyhow, we need to play again~ I organized a few 4k maps that I think would be fun!

[quote=“Pepe, post:31, topic:2269”]
so hey if anyone wants to play, hit me up
[/quote]Ah yeah. I’ve actually been interested in that but figured you’d probably be pretty busy and never said anything…

(I’ve never played beatmania. Maybe I should do that.)

Should we organize an unofficial Kazamatsuri osu!mania tournament or something? (I mean, everybody knows mania is the true best game mode, after all.)


I really hope people people are still into game haha.

So I’ve been on and off Osu for a while and recently decided to play again. When I first started, I played non stop and was addicted, but of course fire that has a huge flame uses up a lot of fuel. I crashed after a bit and just dropped the game. Now fast forward to today, I want to started playing not just for fun but with friends! (that’s you guys)

I want to re-ignite (or at least try to) the game and have us all bond and play something together. Maybe even have a Kazamatsuri tourney ahem @NotKyon This may not be the best game but hey, we gotta start somewhere. Message me on osu or here and let’s get crackin’.

@Pepe I’m calling you out, friend

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How about we start slow and schedule some regular multiplayer sessions first?

Good idea, haha. First, may I get a head count on who wants in? A like or a PM would be enough. I can make a casual schedule that could fit in everyone’s or if not, most of the schedules after.


I did it!!! :D

Will upload a mania and a standard osu! video soon. At the time of writing, my osu!mania ranking is 9,993 and my osu!standard ranking is 88,534.


If you see me online feel free to start a match if you like. :) As far as scheduling goes, mine is pretty hectic but maybe something will work out.


@Pik3rob @Madekuji_san @Bonecuss @NotKyon @Mugga

Alright friends, mark your calendars because hopefully we’ll all be able to play on 5/27/16 (friday) 6:00PM Pacific Time. Unless you are all busy then, we could change and add more days we can meet up. It will be standard osu (sorry, i’m a casual) and a tournament is still a way to go since it feels like we’re all on different skill levels.


I can make it at that time. I can probably make it any time.

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Well I would love to participate but I am not at home and wont be here :P. I guess I will have to join you guys next time.
I will have to spam @Bonecuss for the impressions and how it went then :’).
You guys have fun tho!

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I’ve been playing Osu! for almost 2 months and I hope to be able to play with some of you! I just play the standard mode but I’m willing to try any of the other modes if anyone wants to try them with me! I also practice a remix of Saya’s Song each time I play and haven’t beaten it yet. It’s the song I need to complete to feel like I’m not a beginner anymore. :yukismil:
Feel free to add me here https://osu.ppy.sh/u/8172417