Little Busters! - Sasami Sasasegawa Route & Character Discussion

Discussion thread for Sasami’s arc & character in Little Busters. Feel free to discuss anything from Sasami’s arc or vanilla LB without spoiler tagging, but please tag references to events from Saya or Kanata’s arcs with [spoiler]. Her birthday is the 3rd of December.

What would you rate this route?

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Okay yet again there’s something I don’t fully understand about an EX route.
How does Kyousuke communicate with Riki? It seems like it conflicts with the already established things to do with the creation of worlds and such. There’s a “hole” in the created world? What does that mean? Saya spoilers:

As implied in Saya’s route, the world’s time is not the same as the real world’s time, so can be entered at any point. So why does Kyousuke communicate and worry about Riki?

There were bits of this part that I didn’t catch because of the machine translation being bad at this part. I also don’t fully remember this part. Pretty sure there’s other bits I was a bit confused about.
I guess I can accept that there can just be “holes” in the constructed world, but no time passes in the real world while they are in a dream world, so Kyousuke communicating with him doesn’t seem to make much sense.

I’ll probably edit this post a bit once I think about it a bit more later.

I think it’s not something that is easily explained either. In terms of Sasami’s route, it is interesting in that it happens in a few parts of the timeline and not necessarily at the same pace as the others. Saya’s route of course happens anytime during multiple iterations of Riki’s loops. As long as they were in the dream world, Saya could exist there until she left.

Hmm, it’s just a bit annoying because they’ve set up some pretty consistent magic in the world and then they do something like this without explaining it that well.
I’m interested to try and speculate on this with others when the patch comes out. Since the anime excluded the scene completely it may just be that it’s an unexplained frustrating weirdness.

Sasami´s route had a lot of nonsensical moments and many of the plot points felt rather forced, I loved it. They had written themselves into a corner with Sasami and they had to jump through a lot of hoops to make it right. Some decisions like Sasami turning into a cat are laughably dumb but it certainly gave the route a unique feel. It’s not the creme de la creme of LB! but I enjoyed a great deal.
The premise of the dead pet wasn’t really going to stand a chance against child abuse etc. so I like that they went for a more comedic feel. It’s not that LB! is short on comedy but this is a different level, almost like a parody of a real route. I don’t know about anyone else but I laughed a lot over the course of the story when Sasami was being turned into a housewife against her will. One advantage this route has over the others is that it’s relatable, I speak from experience when I say that losing/killing a pet hurts. Most likely your first time dealing with death is the death of a pet so this is a common thing. How ever ironic it may be Sasami´s route is actually one of the most normal stories in LB! and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Sasami probably has my favorite design of all characters, it’d be between her or Mio. Her personality is interesting since she is pretty much a tsundere but still feels unique since she goes tsun for Rin instead of RIki.


I know Sasami’s route has a few problems, but the bad end is just the ridiculous icing on the ridiculous cake. You choose not to go back for Sasami and let her stay in the dream world, getting the bad end as a result. In the real world, Sasami disappears and everyone except for Riki has forgotten who she is. This just makes no sense to me. Why would choosing to stay in a dream affect your physical existence? Would have made more sense had she still been around, but in a coma or something.


Oh fuck, I forgot about that bad ending. What were they thinking with her route!?!? That’s so stupid!!!
I think everyone just needs to pretend Sasami’s route in the VN just doesn’t exist and the anime adaptation is the only version. This route makes me really mad.
Like Saya’s route expands on the magic of the dream world in a way that is completely acceptable and fits with everything explained in Refrain, but Sasami’s route just fucks with everything, you can’t expect the reader to just accept all this weird new stuff, the magic of the world has been really coherent and solid so far.

Happy Birthday Sasami! I still haven’t played your route but I hope to soon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Happy birthday my cute Sasasasasasasa! Her route is one of my favorite routes! And it explain more about the secret of the world.

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And then shits on it all disregarding everything.

Why? I’m pretty satisfied on the story.

All you need is more imagination.

Basically, it’s all about the psychic power. The dying person or even animals that have extreme strong will or wish may affect other’s mind when they’re in unconscious state like sleeping or in a coma.

And you can think about the movie Inception too.

The affecting coma/sleep makes NO sense since the created worlds are not in the same line of time, so it’s just some random thing that shouldn’t happen.

While I agree that it messed up a lot mechanics-wise, both time, and the effects the dream world has on reality, is something that was messed up in the original Little Busters! Time only actually progressed if Kyousuke stabbed his hand irl. That makes no sense if you look at the big picture, especially when looking at EX.
The lines between the real world and the dream world were blurred during Little Busters! quite badly as well.

I’m just gonna say they kinda made it up as they went along~


Ah yeah that scene is a pretty wonky one. I guess the way you can interpret it while keeping structure in the way the world works is that he was practicing crawling up to the engine?
I guess you have good points, I’m just sad that they couldn’t keep it consistent.

The formal Sasami route happened after Refrain. All events while heading to this route before October is supposed to be happened in real time. The condition to this route is actually bypassing all other heroines route conditions so Riki wouldn’t fall in love with anyone before the accident just like the real time.

Then because Little Busters members experienced the dream world. Especially Riki has a strong link among them. The kitty’s dream world “accidentally” affect all of the members except Kyousuke wasn’t in the school at the beginning.

I always thought Sasami’s laugh was one of the highlights in Little Busters!
Someone made a video of Sasami’s laugh. Play this when you need some laugh :wink:

I recently just finished playing Sasami’s route and I’m hoping that there will be some clarification as I formulate my thoughts. Although the route takes place after the events of Refrain, the “holes” that were constructed in this world[Refrain spoilers]which was similar to the world where nothing happened that Riki had wished to become strong to save the Little Busters from the field trip accident, he needed to find a way of how to save Sasami by the dream he was having as it relates to her regret of why she disliked cats in the first place.

I was questioning about how was it possible for Kyousuke to communicate with Riki, even though he had left for his usual job-hunting after the date of October 23 considering [Refrain spoilers]the secret of the world was resolved and afterwards they are now living in the real world with the heroines routes’ previously cleared of their regretsthat he was using the form of Lennon to explain that they were living in a dream where the world is imagined instead. The “holes” I mentioned earlier was really hard for me to understand while it needed to be under control for a “master” to maintain. What was the significance to these “holes”? Are there references later in the other EX routes as to why these “holes” appear, and if so, how does it relate to the world after Refrain?

The bad end, of course, pulled my heartstrings when Riki was the only one who knew that Sasami still existed in the dream world and was going to wait for her return.The end of her route was very heart-warming as Sasami was able to come to terms with her cat’s final moments which was almost similar to[Rin2 spoilers]Rin’s first cat, Miles.

It was not easy reading this but I actually enjoyed her route. I’m hoping to read this again in the Little Busters! Perfect Edition as well.

I’m pretty sure the holes in the world were just meant to give Kyousuke a way to contact Riki. Like, normally an outsider wouldn’t be able to enter a dream world. Also, you don’t need tags for Refrain stuff since you can’t read Sasami’s route before finishing it.

Overall, pretty torn on my feelings for this route between the journey and the ending

Coming pretty much straight out of Refrain and “Child Abuse: Round Two”, it was a little difficult to get adjusted to the heavily contrasting feel of Sasami’s route. I was never that fond of overly nonsensical premises and especially ones that isolate the cast, so I can’t say I enjoyed this route nearly as much as I would’ve wished. At the very least I’m thankful that it didn’t take the vanilla LB approach of “boy and girl have problems, literally everyone else fucks off elsewhere” and people were actively involved in Sasami’s route, even if not as much as Kanata’s

It had a couple of neat moments overall (especially when Kyousuke has to force his way through the world’s breaches to warn Riki) and it certainly redeemed Sasami’s character into much more than Rin’s “princess-like rival”, but overall the entire premise feels like open realisation that Sasami would hardly ever get involved with Riki if she wasn’t forced to by supernatural means.

That said.

The ending fucking destroyed me.

I kept imagining my cat in place of abandoned, lonely, so hard-working Kuro and it just…



That is the funny(tragic?) baseline of the story. The writers literally have to lock the two in a room without third parties for them to interact at all.

(And wow, 2015 Helios was a lot more positive about this route than 2018 Helios. I already lowered my score from 4->2, but I forgot the stuff I wrote about it.)