Little Busters! - Minigame Discussion

Ok, so while it seems like I’m viewing dialogues through a microscope, I may be blind to everything else.

Today, I found out you could change the way you bounce your ball if you move up or down :wtf:

I have no memories of knowing that before, so it’s quite possible I had completely missed out on this information on my first playthrough years ago, even though it’s literally written down in the game when one of the batting practice sessions start!

Well, I’m generally not too good with this minigame. My highest combo count until now is 4.

I know it says that, but I never felt a difference. I figured that feature would be removed because of the touch controls.

The difference is very obvious though. I use it a lot, usually holding forward is a lot better. You have to be holding up or down.

The different of holding down is very noticeable, it even makes a different sound when you hit the ball. Up is less noticeable, it prevents the ball from sailing over your teammates’ heads but also makes it more likely to crash into cats, sooo I usually just don’t hold either.

I’m still having trouble judging when - and where - to hit a returning ball because the zoom on the big partition is different from the smaller Rin-Riki-only window. Is there a trick to that? Right now, I can consider myself lucky if I can hit those balls at all. Trying to give them a certain direction seems almost impossible.

After the pitch, I always look at the big overall screen instead. The throws back to Riki always seem to be aimed at home base accurately so you don’t have to move from the position and all you need to worry about is timing.

On that note, I haven’t even figured out how to use that feature on touch controls…

I remember making good use of it in the original, especially when I wanted to not hit those damn cats :yahaha:

This is the bane of my existence

F***ing f*** me with a sideways twist of f*** yeah!

This was on Kurugaya’s route so about the 4th play through and with a full complement of players.


Brand new score on the Catering Mini game! (previous was 52) :ohoho:


Still haven’t won the baseball game yet, but the mini-games make this visual novel so much more humorous and fun to play, really makes it a blast and it fits completely into the story as well.

These are some well placed mini-games if may say so myself. The ripostes are kinda odd but that probably due to the language barrier of being translated.

I couldn’t stop laughing. Mask the Saito appears for the first time…and immediately loses to Haruka.

So much for a last boss.


Last boss spoiler (sorta?)

He was beaten twice in a row by Komari and Rin in my Haruka playthrough. it was pretty sad to see him still rank bottom after 2 wandering lmao, but I stopped laughing when he kicked my arse in the last battle ;_;


A post was merged into an existing topic: Little Busters! Batting Practice Rankings

Just got the ‘Farewell, Unknown Lifeform’ achievement, seems hard to get but the minimames appear to be somewhat easier after Refrain. Rin’s stats were good but not as high as in a previous playthrough. Have to admit it took a few reloads though!

Steam achievement

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I have surpassed my limits once again :push:


@Dunciboy and @VyseGolbez I won the baseball game on my first playthrough, only because I resetted whenever Rin got bad stat increases since she’s the pitcher. I made sure that she learned all her pitching skills (especially the upgraded version of Raging Meow Ball.) The strategy I employed was to hope Rin would strike out all the batters so that the rest of the team wouldn’t have to do anything. The few times a batter did hit the ball, Kurugaya or Haruka would catch it. It’s kind of a time-consuming strategy so I wouldn’t recommend it unless you really want to win the baseball game early or you really like Rin. I haven’t played the Perfect Edition yet, but I assume this tactic still works?

What is the best items to give rin for the unknown lifeform all arm strength? Also is there any way you can make her obtain more items so she has 3? I was like barely able to beat 2nd form with 2 sasasami shoes. Also what does that butterfly do?

I know you are supposed to be able to trade items with Rin but since I was skipping the battles I don’t remember having the opportunity at all, I have no idea what Rin was carrying other than items she got from from Sasami. So much of it for me just seems to be down to luck and persistence with reloads, though no doubt it’s possible (and more satisfying) with planning and not having to reload.

I don’t think Rin carries any items to sasami cause she gives them to Riki (you). The only item she carries by default are ‘bristle grass’ and ‘cup jelly’ i think.

To give her items you have to keep the battle rankings on and when wandering if you encounter rin and she is not on a rank from which she can challenge you then you can trade your items with her.

Yeah all arm strength works well. Beat it with just like 1 or 2 fight rewinds with sasasamis exam sheet and wrist weight. And I got 1 perfect.

It wasn’t near as hard as I thought, just play with masato a few times for wrist weight, trade with rin whenever she has an item and get 1 other high arm strength item. Keep riki at rank 1 and rin at rank 3 so you can trade, then when you drop to 7th just stay there so you can just trade. Use the ranking just for trading.