Little Busters! English Edition - Typo & Bug Reports

We got a typo, my dudes:

“Everyone felt silent”, rather than “Everyone fell silent.”

Even if you don’t include Saito, Haruka isn’t last. There are 10 normal competitors, so she’s second to last.
Also, “nick name” looks unnatural. I’m pretty sure it’s one word, and even if not, it should have a capital.

Goddamn, here’s another one:

This might be my mistake, but I’m pretty sure you don’t say “I’ve got a hay fever”, you just say “I’ve got hay fever.”

Found a lot of little ones:

Bit of nitpicking, but this should probably say “the three of them”.

<<Rank 10>> should have a space before and after it, all the others do.

“in the ground” should probably be changed to “on the grounds” or something.

Again, not sure on this one, but his gibberish is only capitalised here. You can see “Harya hore horeu!” lower, and most of the time the ones that aren’t at the beginning of the sentence don’t have capitals.

“parasol” is the only weapon I’ve seen where the first (or only) word doesn’t have a capital.

That’s it, I’ve put off reporting this bug too long:
Since I got the game, holding ctrl to skip past the logos before the title screen, and pressing start or load (don’t know about the other ones) with ctrl still held, makes the game immediately crash.

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“relate” should be “relay”

Reinstalled it once again today, and it works!


Translation patch focusing on the main story route of Kudryavka Noumi (Ver. 1.2.3)

The newest patch fixes about 600 spell/translation-misses mainly inside the story route of Kudryavka Noumi.

Thank you for your continued support


That… Is a lot :shock:


Should I uh… should I reread Kud’s route now?


The writing says Kanata-san but I hear the Dorm Head say Kana-chan.

Here is the Japanese text for confirmation.

Also there is a space between the period and the parenthesis.

“littler” vs “little”


It now says “flied combo plate” from “fied combo plate”


Saya’s Route
Missing the L in Leaves.

Also “hangs” should be “hands” here.


Eaves is a word… I just don’t know if it would be correct in this context. Maybe if the eaves were relatively low? Probably need to check the Japanese.

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Yes but in this context Riki is outside under a tree. I’ll also go back and grab the Japanese text as well for anyone that can read it.

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In this case, ひさし means exactly “eaves”, so I’d say it’s not a typo :+1:


Saya’s Route

“though” should be “thought”

“fiund” should be “find”

“harm” should be “arm”


I see that Belka is now referred to as “she” in Kud route.

On the 28th May, during the Sasami related scenes, Belka is still being referred to as “he”.

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Didn’t have time to check if Belka showed up as a boy outside of Kud’s route before the deadline for the last patch :yahaha:

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Two from Saya’s route:

May 22th. It only happened within the dungeon, the save before entering displayed “22nd”

This could be on purpose I guess, but Saya’s version of this scene doesn’t make sense:

“Kengo wins by a landslide.”
“Me neither, but thank you.”
Doesn’t make sense.

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From Haruka’s route, the “i” in “if” needs to be capitalized.

There’s also a period missing after “classrooms”, as well as a comma between “teacher” and “we”.

That “c” needs to be capitalized.

The “s” needs capitalization.

So does this “s”.

And this “t” also needs capitalization.


Kanata route:

Should be your* sister.

Should be “I understand” or “Understood”, not “I understood”.

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(replay 1)
(basically the very end of Saya)
(late Saya, I don’t think it’s a spoiler on its own but just to be safe)


A very minor one during the unlocking the furniture club door scene with Kud if you choose Haruka to help.