Let's compliment each other!

Ganesh_Swami, I like how you welcome people who comment on the “Introduce Yourself!” thread. As someone who greets people on another site as part of the welcoming committee, it is good to see another person that wants to help others feel comfortable when starting up.


You have a really nice bio on your profile :smiley: not many people take as much effort to fill that up but you did and that’s great. Hope we can get to know you a bit more here on kaza :umu:


You’re one of the people I’ve talked to the most here on Kazamatsuri in the years I’ve been a member here. You’re super friendly and outgoing, and it’s always a lot of fun interacting with you. Keep being awesome~ :ahaha:


I don’t listen to many anime song covers, and even though I’ve only listened to a handful of your song covers, your singing voice is wonderful.


Oh hey, I just noticed this thread, so I figured I might add a bit of a challenge to this thread.

I don’t usually give out compliments, nor am I really big on being complimented myself (although of course I do appreciate a compliment every now and then), but after reading through some of your posts, I think you deserve merit for being able to survive through such a hellish life, and rightfully so. Life is hell and I think we both know this like the back of our hands, but if you managed to get through that as a child, I assure you, you will make it through everything life will throw at you in the future.

Keep your head up man. Go out there and achieve something. I mean, hey, who knows what life might have in store for you?


Hey Nate, we haven’t talked that much but from the few words we exchanged, you seem like a really cool person who’s not afraid of talking to others when you have something to say, and for that I have nothing but respect (and a bit of envy, teach me your ways).

I’m so sorry for the Harry Potter VNs so you better be sorry for saying Princess Evangile is bad


'Sup, Sparks? Thanks dude, and I’m actually not that outspoken IRL, just to be clear, but after 5 months in Kaza all I’m seeing is familiar names so there’s that. Indeed we haven’t talked to each other a lot, and I think we need to! I do get the same impression from you; you seem very friendly right off the bat and hey, it’s great to have people like you on the Internet full of hostility.

P.S. Princess Evangile is still bad. Read something better. :yahaha:


But but but…I didn’t get to read it yet (and have no idea what to expect of course but I would still like to try it). :cry:

Speaking of having a rough life, you are not in an ideal situation for the field of expertise and the country that you live in either. I don’t know if you still plan to move to the US or somewhere else at this point, but that is not an easy decision to make and moving out is not easy. I really like the fact that you are willing to try to get out of a bad situation.

Also, I really enjoy reading what you have to say in the Discord area and on Kaza. That’s not much of a compliment compared to what SSparks31 has said earlier or your awesome compliment to emilevnp though, but I hope it is at least helpful to you.


Our talks are pretty infrequent now, but I appreciate the kindness you’ve shown to me and everyone else. You allowed me to vent about my issues without a single complaint, and for that I’ll always be grateful. Plus, another huge Kanon fan is always nice. I mostly joined this forum to meet other people who are fond of Kanon, and our first conversation about the series was really enjoyable.

Thanks for being there and for always being so friendly and considerate.


Another thing I like that is you are willing to share all sorts of awesome artwork that I would have never found any other way. In some cases, you are creating the artwork itself or with other people. As a Kanon fan, it is always nice to view.


I’ve only interacted with you on a very minor basis (although the sharing circle was a blast), but I find you a very mature person :umu: Always level-headed in the way you talk about things and give advice, and I appreciate that sort of thing as a great addition to the kind of people we have on Kazamatsuri. Keep up the good work!


Pepe, I’ve come to think of you like the brother I never had. Since we met on Kazamatsuri, I soon hired you as staff, later meeting you in Japan and spending some of the most fun two weeks of my life with you and promoting you to admin. I feel like I can share almost anything with you, and even if I’m bad at communicating sometimes, you always manage to grasp the heart of what I’m trying to say. You understand me better than almost anyone. You’ve also helped me stay sane in some of the darkest times of my life.

It’s incredibly reassuring to have someone like that as my partner in running Kazamatsuri. I have absolute faith that we share the same goals and intentions for Kazamatsuri. Given this, we can see different sides of issues and debate solutions without ever feeling concerned, because we both know we want the same thing in the end. I’m still a cautious person and believe active communication is important, but I trust you more than anyone.

I understand very well that I could never run a community on my own. But with such a perfect partner, I feel like we’ll be able to overcome any obstacle together. Thanks for everything Pepe, I hope to continue standing beside you for many more days to come. I’m sure there’s all sorts of fun times waiting for us.


(Not sure if we can compliment each other twice but I’m doing it anyway.)

Your ability to manage your personal life and this forum while maintaining a smile is something I admire. I also admire the care and respect you give to every one of the forum members. These are the qualities of an excellent leader.


Well, I don’t really know the person above, but, I like your profile picture. And you seem like a nice person too. :smiley:

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Kanon, I really appreciate your honesty and your ability to convey your emotions. You always speak your mind, often using just a few simple words to get some pretty deep messages across. I’m always looking forward to seeing you switch from easy-going to serious, and, while not using the most respectful, considerate or profound formulations (that I often complain about), saying some pretty profound things.

I often often find myself thinking or outright saying “if only Kanon was more like this or that”, only to conclude that those things would take away a lot from your charm.

It was pretty challenging for me to understand and acknowledge you. And it took a lot of time. No wonder, given the difference in our personalities. It was a heavy case of judging a book by its cover only to find out that behind the initial impression, there’s a much more complex personality. It required me to rethink some things I thought about people in general, but it was well worth it. It was an amazing experience to find out that the guy I considered a troll was actually pretty passionate and brought some interesting views to the table - especially when he got serious.

I don’t thik I’ve ever spelled it out, so I guess I’ll take this opportunity to do so: I truly appreciate and respect you. (No homo.)


Naoki, when I first met you, you seemed pretty fixed in your beliefs. You had an outlook to life and you stuck to it. Such a way of life is in some ways admirable, but something more admirable is growth and progression.

There have been many changes, in exposure, in environment, in age, and in understanding, so I’m not sure I could pinpoint the exact moment you changed in my eyes, but sometime over the past few years you started to appear more accepting. You still challenge ideas (as one should) but you do so for self-betterment.You don’t get many people like that.

Basically you’re a Kengo clone.


Figured it’s time for a bump since most people have probably forgotten about this thread.

I admittedly don’t know much about @Takafumi and I can’t say I’ve ever spoken to the guy once in my two years of being here. I’ve read a lot of his posts, though, and I seem to learn something new every time. He’s helped me through many a “what the fuck did I just read” moment. He runs a pretty interesting blog as well that’s definitely worth checking out.

Plus, I learned the word “zeitgeist” from him.

Now I’m going to break tradition a bit here and do two, because there’s another person I specifically wanted to talk about. I’ve only just recently interacted with @Naoki_Saten, and over the past few months I’ve really taken a liking to how he operates. Naoki thinks things through—thoroughly. He makes rational decisions and speaks his mind. Now I’ve had some fights with Naoki before about stupid crap and went a really long time without talking to him. Just recently through some very productive talks I’ve become aware he’s actually a really cool guy, and while I still don’t talk to him all that often I’m definitely glad to have him around.


I can’t really think of much to say about Hardscope since I’m still pretty new here and I haven’t interacted with him much, but I have to compliment his choice of avatar.

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Time to bring back compliments! I too am a Mami Kawada fan, her music is part of why I love Shakugan no Shana and NagiAsu so much. I wish she was still singing for all to hear. You have excellent taste in music!