I used to a lot, but the computer I have right now gets random lag spikes, and I wouldn’t want that to ruin other people’s games… so now I just bot game every couple weeks. I found it through Shurelily’s videos (RIP) and slowly became a fan of LilyPichu’s videos. She interacted with Dyrus a lot, and eventually the cypher led me to his channel, which then led me to watch some tournament (I think it was IPL?) and settled my place as a TSM fan. I eventually made an account when they were showing off Syndra and Rengar at Gamescom.
EUW. I have an NA account… I think. Never really touched it though.
I’m a lowly 17. I think I played around 50 games through 2012 and 2013, and then I stopped when I got hit by double-homelessness and lost my computer.
I mained Teemo, who is pretty versatile. Top, Mid or Bottom. Whenever Mid was left open and Teemo wasn’t fitting I’d take Katarina, Veigar or sometimes Lulu (this was back when a Lulu out of support was considered a troll pick, so I got some hate for it.) Right now I’m learning Gnar, and despite how top-lane suitable he appears, I really enjoy playing him in Mid Lane. Maybe it’s just because I used to use mid lane champions a lot though. I’m not sure how ideal he really is in mid lane though. I’ve never tested it in a non-bot game x.x
I’m still experimenting with item builds (not sure whether to focus on mini Gnar or Mega Gnar, and I was too lazy to look stuff up) but my favorite build so far was Ninja Tabi, rush BotRK, a Deathfire Grasp, a Frozen Mallet, a GA (just for that final push into the base) and a Warmog’s. It was a very situation build since I was having so much fun messing around as Gnar that I managed to get enough gold for a BotRK at ~15 minutes, and then I just figured I may as well get some Deathfire ready for burst damage since there was an overfed Yi that I needed to get rid of quickly and the bots weren’t focusing him in team fights (stupid bots.) Frozen Mallet seemed perfect for catching up to enemies just before Mega kicked in, and the Warmog’s was for some much needed health and regen.
Gnar, definitely. Lots of fun to play as. I liked Katarina for a while before the year hiatus, but it was very number county. Roam about, look for someone out of position, check if I had enough damage to kill them instantly, and repeat. If a teamfight starts, show up late and clean up.
As long as you eat those oranges, it’ll be k.