Key Music Fan Covers

Not bad, but it seems to have some problems with the audio levels; it’s very hard to hear you over the music!

yup you right— :slight_smile: Thanks for remind me about that—I feel the same too

Wayyyy too late, but yes, that is a rendition of Tomoyo After’s ‘Light Colors’. Underrated song, methinks…

Love this player…

Tori no Uta


This is my problem. The only time I actually get to try singing is when driving. Lol


So this was just posted


If this is judge free territory, as it seems, I may take a stab at something in the near future. =3=


Not sure if this has been posted yet, but the angle of his camera makes it easy to see what chords are being played. Great if people want to learn the song.

Quite a while ago I found this really nice website which I kept forgetting to share.

It has a reasonably large collection of fan made remixes and arranges that seem to be continuously added to.

Also, relevant to the bookclub, I don’t remember where I found it (I think through this website), there is this bot that tweets out Air music remixes from time to time.


Hello folks,

I’ve just listened to this cover on YouTube, so I came here to share it… just to find out that it was already shared. Nevertheless, I invite you folks to read the video description… (fitting).

*"This piano improvisation is dedicated to a very special person of me: D.H.
He was one of the oldest friends I had. I think I got to know him when I was still in Kindergarten, and later, we both visited the same school.

We used to play nintendo together in my home and we had many similar interests, like pokemon or playing “the sims”. I have many fond memories of him.
He could live a normal live like any other pupil but when he was 15, he was diagnosed with Leukemia. His life turned upside down ever since then: he had to take a long break in the school and he had undergone dozens of painful chemotherapies

The last time I saw him was 2 years ago, in the class reunion party. He appeared very weak, his hand was shaking the whole time and he lost all his hair. But still, he still remained the old fun-loving guy, who never lost his humour. He never lamented once he was unfortunate and he never gave you the feeling he was disadvantaged. It was always fun talking with him, because he was a really honest person, who cared deeply about other people.

And he said something to me that made me really happy: “I am glad, that you became a musician after all”. He know that I loved the piano and he always believed in me, that I would succeed one day as a great musician. I even promised him to invite him to a concert of mine in the future.
But in the end, he lost the battle against his Leukemia. Yesterday, I found out on facebook, that he has passed away with 22 years.

Therefore I want to dedicate this piano improvisation to him. “Faraway” is an absolutely incredible and emotional piece by Jun Maeda and I think, this is a very fitting song to give D.H. a decend send-off.
Rest in piece my old friend.
One day we will meet again.

Thank you for reading this wall of text, because D.H. meant a lot to me and he always inspired me with his enjoyment of life, despite his illness.


from (


Animenz was talking to me about this when he was on the Key Modern Medley on the Key15th tribute album. (They were being worked on by him at the same time.) He really does care a lot for his friend and I thought the tribute was very touching. He told me that he wanted to include Faraway in the medley for his friend as well and I thought it was a great idea. Animenz is very talented and a good person as well!


Animenz is a great player indeed. What I like about his skills with the piano is that he doesn’t just make “copy and paste” covers, he adds something to the song.

The first time I’ve listened to his works were covers from Yuki Kajiura, in my pre-Key era.

I really liked the cover he did for Angel Beats, fantastic. There’s a surprise in that cover that strikes at the most unthinkable moment and without warning.
Finally, I really hope his inspiration will come back soon, since he was planning to do Key’s covers last week.

One of my favs:

P.S.: I think this cover really shines if you listen to it entirely. You may know why. :slight_smile:


Yep, this is absolutely the reason why he’s most popular as well. I use to do covers but I stopped doing them because I couldn’t find ways to innovated, and I hated just copy pasting covers. Welp, I guess I don’t really need to do cover piano stuff anymore, there are better people out there :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not necessarily true! If you want to stand out from others, all you need to do is perform songs that nobody else has performed on Youtube before! You might not make much of a splash with the No Game No Life opening, but if you did something like, I dunno, the Rewrite OST? You’d get recognition for being the only one to do it! Either that or, do something in a way that nobody has done before.


One important thing that all the major artist I’ve personally known have in common is: they do what they do because they love to do it (and in some cases rare because they even became sick if they don’t write/play).

There’s always going to be someone who is “better” than us in some aspect, always. Don’t stop playing if you feel you like it, and don’t do it just thinking in your audience. It usually backfires.

I remember Mike Oldfield said, he prefers one musician that plays one note with his heart, than a studio musician. I think animenz plays with her heart a lot, and a lot of hard work too.

My two cents. :slight_smile:


Well, I finally finished my Tori no Uta cover. I’ll probably post it in the Air BC thread sometime soon instead of here (since it’s more relevant there), but I’m excited about it.

In the meantime, a rock cover of Little Busters! I found while browsing Youtube:


I found this artist randomly on twitter the other They do some pretty neat key covers

Full channel here if you want to hear more of their work

ok lets hope this finally works.

Am I the only one that cant see anything you posted?

Definitive perfect version of Sha La La Ecstacy