Kazamatsuri Podcast Applications

You need to watch some westerns.

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I prefer cheesy romances ~.~ Westerns aren’t cute.

Southern accent is easy just be really lazy with your tounge when you pronounce words and use the word ya’ll alot.

speaking of accents, I can do a russian accent - like those in the movies. I practiced it just for fun because it was funny to me, but now I can fully speak in it lel.

This BOOKCLUB podcast has sparked my interest Im thinking I want to try to get in on this. I mean I got time, I love Key to death and Air is funnily enough the only Key VN I have yet to read, I have always have had quite a bit to say when I read the other VNs so I think this could be really fun.


Hi @Gigaspy, so glad you could to join us for the bookclub! You should head on over to the Introduce Yourself! thread so we can all welcome you~

I’d consider contributing to The Monthly Terra at some point. Like the others above I have time constraints but I enjoy researching the history and production of Key works and would likewise enjoy sharing my findings with whoever is interested. If you’d like to have me on sometime down the line, just let me know!


I’d like to join the Monthly Terra, but I don’t know if I have the proper equipment to do so. I have a microphone attached to my laptop, but it’s kind of quiet.

I use a laptop mic and do just fine~ Go ahead and try, if there’s a problem, I guess you’ll know by the interview.

Or just get a standalone mic and be done with it haha

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I’m actually interested in being involved in a podcast at some point. Since I’ve barely read any of the VNs (have only read Planetarian and have never gotten around to getting the issues with my Rewrite patch fixed), I don’t think I’d be of any help in the bookclubs right now, but I’d like to be a part of a Monthly Terra.
I’ve got decent experience on YouTube (I actually have three channels, two of which have real content and followings), and with podcasts as well (am one of the founding members of a small podcast channel myself). We’ll see if I could work within the system. If so, great. If not, oh well, at least I tried.

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I’ve decided on three times for group interviews. What I’d like everyone to do is make a reply telling me which of the three times you’ll be available for an interview. Make sure you select ALL the time you can make, not just the one you’d prefer! This way I have a better understanding of the picture and can make adjustments if need be.

Anybody who fails to reply to this post with availability by the 2nd (monday) will not be able to attend the podcast. For obvious reasons. And if you haven’t raised your hand yet, this is your final chance to do so. Here’s the times!

All times are in CST:

  • 10am the 3rd of February
  • 2am the 4th of February
  • 6pm the 4th of February
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I can make it on the 2nd and 3rd slot probably, but I prefer the 3rd slot as I might be caught up with schoolwork during the second

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I can make 2nd and 3rd,definitely.

2nd or 3rd would probably be my choice, most likely 2nd would be best I’m a night owl.

I can make it at 10 am on the 3rd, and 6 pm on the 4th. I’ll have access to a slightly better mic on the latter time, although I may have to get up and do things every now and then because my parents will be home. I could make the 2 am time if I go to sleep as soon as I get back from school on the 3rd, but that could be impractical.

I can do either of them on the 4th, although if I did the 2 AM one I’d prolly only get like 2 hours of sleep before school. Out of curiosity, why are we doing this on weekdays?

Because we’re starting the next week, so I’d love to get the interviews done very soon.

Well, seen as I work, I might only be able to make the 6:00 on the forth, but I’ll have to check my schedule again.

I’m going to be deadddddd

but I should be there.
Might not make the first, but I SHOULD.

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