Right, that’s also recommended @Kierva. Go take a look at the CLANNAD or AIR Bookclub podcasts for reference.
Okay I’ve taken a look and since the podcast will be after the release of the game I’m gonna try to play the EX route before the podcast starts. Hopefully I figure out a way to make time to finish it. I work a full time job on top of having two time consuming hobbies (anime and video games).
Just wondering when I can try out for the application and if I could get permission to join the discord :3
You’re a dango. You already have permission.
All right I am super late to this party but better late than never! I’d also love to be a part of these. I love this game to pieces so I’d be down to discuss any and all the routes, including the EX ones. But if I had to pick one or two, I’d go with Haruka and Kud. I’m still new to this whole thing but I love Key stuff so much I couldn’t help but throw my name in.
@grooven You can join Discord whenever you want! Just see here: Kazamatsuri Discord Chat
@Rin I would love to try you out! Make sure you work hard to get Dango rank first though.
Is it too late to sign up for the upcoming podcast? I’m new to Little Busters, so I would be fine with any slot!
I’d be interested in taking part in the Little Busters podcast. I literally know nothing about the story but if I find something fun to talk about I’m down for some recording shenanigans.
I’m not quite a Dango (what the heck is a Dango anyway is it a Dingo that dabs on the weekends?) yet but I’m sure I can get there nice and quickly to get access to the Discord!
To learn what a dango is, Nagisa recommends you to read Clannad
(Google might also help but that’s boring)
I will be reading rather than googling thank you very much! I think my list is Harmonia>Little Busters>Clannad for my Kaza experience.
It’s something that is very delicious.
I guess I’ll tag people to see if they’re still interested, it’s been a long time!
@SuikaShoujo @Mogaoscar @Hardscope @Naoki_Saten @VyseGolbez, @Yerian, @Pepe, @Arete, @wha2les, @soggysadboi, @Makochan, @balance, @EisenKoubu, @Madekuji_san, @Blitz, @Kyon_geass, @Echo, @Kierva. Are you all still interested in joining the podcast?
@Kanon Wanna talk about your daughter?
What about @therationalpi, @Exenorate, @Bowiie, @Iotheria? Is it time for @technololigy and @Bonecuss to join us?
Our plan is to record the podcasts at 0:00 UTC Sunday, with 15:00 UTC as a potential backup time.
You damn well bet I am!
Interest is always there ofc
Consider my body ready.
No way am I missing out on this! (≧◡≦)
I’m back!
D-daughter? I’m not that old dude.
Well just to get what I said earlier down in writing, I would love to, but the timing couldn’t be worse, the chances of me being busy is pretty much 100% with little I can do about it.
Poke me closer to the time.
My earlier interest was kinda reliant on doing this over the summer, now I’m barely going to have time to read LB at all so, yeah.
I’ll gladly join if there’s room for me.