I have to vent because I’m really excited to go back to Japan now that it’s actually looking like I’ll have a decent amount of money to go over with 
I was planning to visit a friend in Osaka, thinking it wasn’t that far from Tokyo. Maybe it was because I took the shinkansen but wow I didn’t realise how far apart they actually are! (not to mention the expensive trip T_T) I guess it’s just going to depend on how healthy my funds are when it gets to september.
Also, I watched this video recently and it came across as really interesting. It’s a westerner’s experience in Tokyo and while I’m sure it’s a bit put on, it’s interesting to me as when I first travelled there recently I already had at least a base understanding of some parts of the culture whereas the speaker is going in experiencing much greater culture shock. Bonus points if you can spot the 1st Beat advertisement!