We have a little break before the next Bookclub is going on, so since there isn’t going to be a podcast for there to be a time conflict with I’m finally starting this up again, and hopefully I won’t mess up scheduling any more
For now go ahead and make any suggestions. I liked vyse’s suggestion last time so to kick things off I’ll nominate The Last Unicorn.
The Exact date I’ve yet to determine, but It’ll probably be a Saturday in a week or two at 22:00 GMT like last time.
Actually I may as well go over how the Movie Night process works for anyone who doesn’t know or hasn’t picked it up yet.
Typically people will nominate a movie they want to watch with the group (ideally you should bold these so I don’t miss your suggestion and include a paragraph saying what its about to convince others to vote for it) and I, your host, will accept these for a week or so. Typically I’ll close suggestions sometime during the weekend. I’ll open a poll and give everyone 48 hours to vote on which movie they want the group to watch the most. That closes Monday or Tuesday usually and people have until that Saturday to procure a copy of the winning movie. At a set time Saturday (or Sunday for some) we get together on the Discord, hop in a voice channel and watch it together, sharing commentary or jokes. The more the merrier, so even if you don’t have a mic you can get in the channel to listen and post your thought in the #voice text channel. Its a lot of fun when we get a lot of people to turn out, so I hope to see you guys there. Even if you don’t normally post or participate much this can be a great way to get closer to some of our members!