Kaza Movie Night!

I am going to arrange for unrestricted access to voice for people who may not have Dango but want to join in. Yay for inclusion!


We will be using the voice channel “Wander”. Because we won’t want much noise during the film, I’ll kindly request that you set up your microphones with push to talk. Don’t worry if you don’t have a microphone as you can still use the text chat in discord (“voice”) to communicate, although we’ll most likely be all talking about the film on voice once it finishes, so having a microphone advised.

Since we might be having non-dangos in the voice channel, be sure to be extra kind to them as this’ll probably be one of the biggest impacts in their opinion of the community.

If anyone happened to need help setting up the microphone or just wanted to have a chat with someone who’ll be watching the film beforehand to break the ice, don’t be afraid to tell me either here or tag me on Discord and I’ll gladly join you if possible.

Oh, and once again, it’d be great if those of you who are going to watch it could say so. This way I can make a list with everyone so that I can make sure we’re all set before the film starts.

And with this, I don’t think I have anything left to say in preparation for the movie night. I’ll meet you there, until Saturday/Sunday.


I would recommend using “Battle” instead, that’s generally the channel we use for specific events. Wander is if people just want general chatter.

But yeah, 90% sure I’ll be there.

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Welp, nobody has said anything, I hope people will be there ^^;

10 hours left guys!

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That was pretty good! If you missed this Movie Night, I recommend coming to the next one.


Movie night was, as always, fantastic.


It really was nice to watch and experience something with others and listen to the discussion afterwards, forming opinions and such while it was still fresh.


What else can be said, everyone who was there enjoyed it!

I’ll be looking into hosting a Kimi no Na wa Movie Night next, please, post your interest if you’d be wanting to attend to it and also state if you wouldn’t be able to do so at specific times or days.


I wouldn’t mind watching Kimi no Na wa! It’s tricky for me to do Saturday though, so if Saturday works for everyone else (it’s the weekend so I’d guess more people have time) don’t worry about trying to change it just for me, I’ve already seen it.

Aight, time’s come to launch operation Kimi no Na wa. Get your legal copies ready because the night is upon us. I’m looking at the Saturday after this next one, so the 23rd.

As for the time, since the last movie night was a success, I’ll still stick to 2200 UTC, however, as I’m fully aware that there are quite a lot of people that can’t be with us at that time, I’ll be setting up a second session (although depending on the time it takes place, I might have to designate a co-host).

Anyway, whichever your timezone is, if you want to come and can’t make it to the 2200 UTC session, speak up so that I know at which time we’re aiming to host the other session.

I can’t stress this enough. Speak up because no one else will do it for you. There were enough people to set up a second session for Koe no Katachi but since no one said anything they ended up missing the fun.

I would love to attend, but not at the 22:00 UTC.
That’s 6 AM for me. Not the time to enjoy a movie, but a time to enjoy a good long nice sleep.

"Should be there unless anything delays me on that day, which there normally shouldn’t be! :lucky: "

  • Quote from person who jinxed themselves

I shall see you there, my friends. :ahaha:

I suggest bumping it up to 24/0 UTC.

Wow, we’re actually in the same timezone?
But yeah, 6am is tought, so I won’t make promises to join on that timeslot if ever.

These seem to be the most accessible options. Feel free to vote up to two times, although if one already benefits you way more than the other two, you can still only vote for one. Of course, vote only if you are interested in watching Kimi no Na wa.

These results will help setting either one or two sessions depending on how many people vote which options.

  • 0000 UTC Saturday 23rd (Friday Night)
  • 1600 UTC Saturday 23rd
  • 0000 UTC Sunday 24th (Saturday Night)

0 voters

All times work for me, but it will depend on when my family decide to visit me that weekend as to whether I can attend any given time.

EDIT: Actually, I’ll vote 1600 and 0000 Sunday.

I’m fine with either time for 1600 UTC Saturday 23rd or 0000 UTC Saturday 23rd (Friday Night).
They both work out for me since I’m off work that day. I want to try my best attending Kaza Movie Night since I didn’t get to do it last time which I felt pretty bad. I haven’t even seen Kimi no ni Wa and I heard so much about the movie which I’m definitely looking forward to watching it with everyone. I hope my presence there will inspire others to join in the fun. So, count me in. Yay~ :happy:

That’s actually great. I don’t know how many of us have already watched it but I guess than more than half, so having fresh opinions will be nice