Kaza Movie Night!

I actually enjoyed myself on Kaza Movie Night while I got to watch Tokyo Godfathers with you guys. I also like to thank @arete for proposing to do this and have everyone have fun watching the film together. I hope we can do another one sometime in the future perhaps.

Thanks for your kind words, I had a blast watching with all of you too. I’ve been busy with the first week of classes which is why I’ve been silent but I would like to host more movie nights.

After talking it over with Aspi I think I will only be doing one showing from now on though. This is because it splits viewership, and also now that I have classes me watching the same movie two times in one day may not be the best use of time. But I’ll still make the discussion pages for the movies, so if you can’t make it feel free to watch it on your own and post your thoughts there.

We’ll have to decide a new time then. Maybe somewhere in between? I’ll just put up a poll. Pick all times you could watch. If you’re not sure about timezones I recommend using this (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/) to help.

  • Saturday 18:00 GMT
  • Saturday 22:00 GMT
  • Sunday 02:00 GMT
  • Sunday 06:00 GMT

0 voters


This poll has been up more than long enough. The time will be Saturdays 22:00 GMT. I hope that as many people will be able to make it out as possible, even if you can’t come every session.

The next time will be February Fourth, so go ahead and get in some suggestions.

I don’t have a theme this time and I think it would get old having one every week but it might be a cool thing to keep in mind for special occasions.


So if nobody else has the courage to get a first suggestion in, I’ll take the bullet for you guys. I’d like to suggest The Last Unicorn. This is a western animation that is regarded as a fantasy classic in several countries, and is a movie I would point to if someone were to ask me for a western animation that’s watchable by adults. I even feel that this movie is more for adults than for children, to be perfectly honest. For the premise of the plot, a unicorn finds out it’s the last of its kind and tries to find out what happened to the rest. Here’s the Wikipedia page, if you need it, though I recommend not reading the plot summary beforehand for obvious reasons. Oh, I also guess the age does show a bit in terms of animation quality, as it is a movie of the 80ies.

Now that someone has suggested a movie, I wanna see what you guys suggest :wink:

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I’d like to suggest a really old film, an Italian film in late 40’s: The Bicycle Thief. It was something I watched for a review in class and one that our professor highly recommended, and it was beautiful… and also very emotional. It’s a story set just after World War II in Rome, about a father of a impoverished family whose job he got needed a bicycle. He got one after selling his stuff (or did he pawn it?), but the bike was stolen while he was working. And so he started his desperate search for his bike along with his son.

Now let me just cry in the corner after remembering this. //sniff

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I don’t have much time for an update so I’ll be quick for now.

I’m also renominating Wolf Children since a lot of people voted for that too.

Yadda yadda, 48 hours, you know the drill

  • The Last Unicorn
  • The Bicycle Thief
  • Wolf Children

0 voters

And again, the time will be this Saturday at 22:00 GMT.

Wolf Children soundly won, so be sure to get it before saturday, everyone!

Sorry guys, I won’t be able to join you tonight. I’ll make sure to watch the film and contribute to the discussion tomorrow. I’m really sorry.

We have a little break before the next Bookclub is going on, so since there isn’t going to be a podcast for there to be a time conflict with I’m finally starting this up again, and hopefully I won’t mess up scheduling any more :derp:

For now go ahead and make any suggestions. I liked vyse’s suggestion last time so to kick things off I’ll nominate The Last Unicorn.

The Exact date I’ve yet to determine, but It’ll probably be a Saturday in a week or two at 22:00 GMT like last time.

Actually I may as well go over how the Movie Night process works for anyone who doesn’t know or hasn’t picked it up yet.

Typically people will nominate a movie they want to watch with the group (ideally you should bold these so I don’t miss your suggestion and include a paragraph saying what its about to convince others to vote for it) and I, your host, will accept these for a week or so. Typically I’ll close suggestions sometime during the weekend. I’ll open a poll and give everyone 48 hours to vote on which movie they want the group to watch the most. That closes Monday or Tuesday usually and people have until that Saturday to procure a copy of the winning movie. At a set time Saturday (or Sunday for some) we get together on the Discord, hop in a voice channel and watch it together, sharing commentary or jokes. The more the merrier, so even if you don’t have a mic you can get in the channel to listen and post your thought in the #voice text channel. Its a lot of fun when we get a lot of people to turn out, so I hope to see you guys there. Even if you don’t normally post or participate much this can be a great way to get closer to some of our members!


Maybe another voting for the timeslot?.. 22 GMT is a killer. orz

Since it has been a few months since the last poll I wouldn’t be opposed to holding another vote, especially if several people would like to try a different time.

Timezones are a bitch

We are still allowed to do recommendations?

I really recommend. It has some great action scenes, and the cinematic is beautiful!

Sadly, it is only in Chinese with English subs, but It is a really good interpretation of the famous novel.


That movie looks really interesting but wow, is it long. We might need to spit that into two viewings, back to back weekends.

yea. it is very long. gives LOTR a run for the money XD

Oh, recommendations aren’t just for anime.

Let me pitch in my favourite underrated and underappreciated childhood movie.

Last time I watched this was back in 2005 so my memory of it is somewhat hazy, but I did enjoy how much the movie dedicated itself to making its characters grow and learn to look beyond greed, as far as certain characters were concerned, in favour of important relationships.

A shame barely anyone I know has ever seen this. :sad:


I’m not sure what kind of movies are good to watch in a group. The drama heavy ones didn’t really work. I’d wanna try any of these 3

I’ve watched Shaun of the Dead, and that movie was amazing. It’s obviously a parody of the zombie apocalypse genre, but while being an excellent parody it’s also the most engaging zombie movie I’ve ever seen (tbf it’s an incredibly dull genre). These people obviously know how to handle this kind of film, so I imagine all three are good.


Hmm… So, err… judging by that Chinese film I guess we can make suggestions for foreign movies as well?
Then let me nominate this classic Soviet comedy:

It is one of my most beloved and probably one of the most well-received comedies of all-time in Russia even nowadays.
I am not sure how many of you will be interested in watching it, but… well. This is a really nice one.
Also, iirc, it does have an official English-dubbed version.

And let me nominate this one masterpiece as well.

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I’m not sure if the results will be different from last time but since we’re starting Movie Nights again may as well throw up a new poll for its time. To mix things up you can only choose your 2 best times, because if you’d be free at any of the times you may as well not even vote.

The first movie night will be 4/29 or 4/30 btw.

  • Saturday 18:00 UTC
  • Saturday 22:00 UTC
  • Sunday 02:00 UTC
  • Sunday 06:00 UTC

0 voters

If we go with the earliest one we may start a little after that so it doesn’t overlap with the “Let’s Strengthen Our Bonds” event

And what’s a movie night without the movie?

  • Red Cliff
  • The Last Unicorn
  • Treasure Planet
  • The World’s End
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • Kidnapping, Caucasian Style
  • The Professional

0 voters

Personally I’m having a lot of trouble choosing. There are a lot of great movies nominated this time.

I’ve closed the poll for the time. Since its only two hours after the sharing circle we may have to work something else out. I’m not sure if even Aspi knows how long that may go, so what do people want to do? We could start it whenever the sharing circle ends, whenever that may be, we can push it to another week, or maybe there’s something else we can do.

Also we currently have a tie for the movie. If that doesn’t change in a day or two I’ll roll a die as a tiebreaker.

I’d definitely suggest only starting once the sharing circle has ended, should it go longer than two hours. After all, we want to get our community together, not separate them over different events. Of course, just watching the next week is also possible.

Polls are closed. The movie night has to be after the sharing circle, but because I don’t want the official time to be “whenever that ends” we’ll call it 20:00 UTC, at the earliest. We very well may push this time back even more if the sharing circle, which is higher priority, demands it.

So would people rather do it at that time or push it back a week? I’m fine with either. Honestly next weekend works better for my schedule but I also thought it would be nice to have the sharing circle then a movie afterwards.

Movie was a tie so I’ll flip a coin for that later.

I’ll make a more detailed post before the movie night but I’m on mobile so this is as much as I can handle now.

Well due to me forgetting to find the movie yesterday i think we should push it to next week, to May 6th. This also means the time will be the original, 18:00 UTC.

Also the movie I rolled was Shaun of the Dead so be sure to get that before then.

I’d like this opportunity to highlight that the voting system is terrible and extremely susceptible to manipulation. The main problems are:

  1. We don’t forbid voting on ones own nomination.
  2. We can only vote on a single movie.
    Having these two together is like begging for a tie. As we can see Khsell was the only one to not vote on his own film which was kind and foolish of him. If there’s no incentive to not vote on other people’s nominations, the vote will most likely only be decided by people who didn’t nominate anything; this is basically the same as depending on luck. I suggest we mend one or both of the above issues before the next vote.