Jokrono and MagusVerborum try to understand Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

I’m sincerely curious to watch you playing Chiru, I have not yet listened to the podcasts.

Krauss just wanted to realize his dream… :yahaha:



Episode 5 Rolls on!

This Episode’s focus on Natsuhi early on was really great; I thought it was a fantastic was of introducing Chiru as its own coherent package, as well as doing a great job of reframing Natsuhi’s actions in earlier episodes, particularly Ep1. That final scene of Bern confirming in red that Natsuhi was alone in the end also speaks really well to some of the themes that this Episode starts to hammer home and I think it’s a fantastic setup.


It’s kinda nice to see someone else at the helm (no both sides of the gameboard) but my goodness these witches are SAVAGE. I just want sweet baby Natsuhi to be happy, and it looks like that has been certainly denied. We’re going to be seeing a lot of her in this episode so I hope you like her! I know I certainly had a rollercoaster ride playing her~


And so the gameboard inches closer and closer; and the mysteries are mounting up. The man from 19 years ago was one of my favourite surprises going in to this episode; it really caught me off guard but that also pushed me to rush for an answer on who it was, which you’ll see becomes an interesting problem. Also I cut it out but we spent a good long while discussing how to voice the man from 19 years ago, but it’s a voice based off an old DnD character I loved dearly who was an interrogation expert; so it was fun to pull that voice back out after all this time.


I can still hear…
the roar…
of the sea…


This is a fun chapter. It kinda sets up all the the adults for the rest of the episode, and mayhaps provides some clues as to the nature of this gameboard~

Also, Lambda gets to test out her acting skills! Yaaaaaaayyyy. As Lambda’s number 1 fan I just want to say how happy I am to see her finally getting the spotlight. She may not ever dethrone Beato as the one true #bestgirl but if she doesn’t make it into the top 3 in the character polls I’ll be disappointed.

ALSO ALSO. My maniacal plan to put us on the opposite side of as many ships as possible has finally been revealed! SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP SHIP!

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So the chaos begins; the first hitch along the way. The foundations of theories slipping away. What can we do about that? It was really great to see the theory I had attacked this way; but if anything it actually only redoubled my confidence because to open Chiru this way felt like a direct challenge rather than a complete debunking. My confidence at around 33:00 really goes to show how ready I was to fight going in to this episode, and the pain train is only just beginning.


How could they made Jessica wear those clothes?




Lots of theorycrafting today! Get your thinking hats on :deino:


This is the episode of the playthrough where we can finally answer the real questions: How much of what we’re shown should we be taking literally? What is the line between fantasy and reality? Will Ben be able to dodge questions indefinitely or will he crack under pressure? FIND OUT SOON! :happy:

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More theory work gets put to the test today. This was really exciting for me since it was the closest evidence we’ve had that my epitaph theory might be correct so far. Also Battler seeing Kinzo was good reinforcement for the idea that he is an accomplice. Here’s hoping it all works out in the end :stuck_out_tongue:


Ima be real, playing this many characters one after the other with relatively similar voices (Beatrice Natsuhi BRonove and Virgilia) nearly broke me. SHOUTOUT TO MY PERFECT VOICE ALLOCATION PLAN.

Also hey, the epitaph got solved again. It’s a good thing we have the world’s biggest idiot to handle all the fame on this one!


It was super great to finally get to see how the adults reacted once the gold had been found; especially with the focus on Natsuhi this episode, it was really interesting to watch them scrambling to keep their plan together. I wonder how this gets resolved :deino:


I really enjoy the talks we get with Virgilia in this episode. Chiru ups the ante in terms of action so it’s nice to have some chill talks in between.

…also arguably your reaction to the lessons Virgilia is trying to teach will make or break your enjoyment of Chiru as well as how deeply you can appreciate it. It’s really about the heart after all <3


Simple short chapters are an interesting change up in this Episode; personally I’m a fan of the faster pace that things seem to be moving at here. Also; this episode presents one of the most asked about puzzles (at least as far as I experienced) in the whole story. Any thoughts on why people find this puzzle in particular so interesting?


The infamous ‘knock’ riddle is simultaneously one of the most interesting and pointless puzzles that Ryukishi puts forward to us. I’m glad that Felix here decided to tackle it, I basically skimmed it the first time i went through and didn’t give too much thought to it. Still, as usual you can learn a lot about the setup of the board by figuring out what the solution is :stuck_out_tongue:

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I came to say that your voice to the man of 19 years ago is perfect. Better than the original. I felt like was really a psycho on the phone. lol


EH?!! There’s no way that thick-headed @Jokrono could ever begin to understand the masterpiece which is Umineko!! :yahaha:
Just kidding, love you bois, I’ll catch up as soon as I can


@JmTrad Thanks! I was surprised how positive of a response that voice got, honestly, but because it’s a character voice I’ve had a lot of experience with I have a lot better emotive range with it which is why I think it’s working.

@TsukiyoAlex love u 2 enjoy catching up


Episode 5 certainly carries on for a good while with these fast and hard chapters loaded with lots of useful clues and details. Seeing as the whole book is like this I don’t really consider it a spoiler to say that there are a lot of important details tucked away in innocuous sentences in this chapter, and it was really fascinating to go over it once more.

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