Introduce Yourself!

No worries man I’m 25 going on 26 its all gravy…kek…

Well Hikawu. Really curious to see your fanfiction. :3

Read and be amazed! I did what Riki must be quite used to by now, either literally or figuratively; putting him in a skirt and with Kyousuke.

I posted a fanart pic by Zen earlier with Riki as a maid waitress and now I hunger to write a fic where some of the girls get part-time jobs at the cafe they visit in the VN. On a particularly busy day, they rope Riki into helping out…and the rest writes itself!

Yo @hikawu and welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here :p.

Welcome, @Hikawu. Good to see you’re in the amateur writing business, too. :slight_smile:

Welcome. I just got here myself. See you around.

I’m 28 and this topic is making me feel old.

Welcome, newcomers~


Hi @Hikawu! Welcome. :slight_smile:

The fanfic sounds interesting. I’ll be checking it out soon.

I’m a little above 6 months to wizardry… Yup, I’m 29…

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24 here! I thank you all for making me feel better about that. You are truly selfless people!

Well… now I don’t feel like a senpai anymore ;_;

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Hello Key fans !

I’m Conk3r, a 21 years old French guy in Engineering School. Maybe some of you have already seen my name on Twitter. My first contact with Key was in 2012 when I’ve discovered Angel Beats, which has become my favorite anime. I remember picking it just because one of the mains characters looked like Haruhi ! Intrigued by Key and its works, I’ve watched Little Busters, which was somewhat disappointing, and played the VN, which was particularly awesome.

Then, I’ve watched the KyoAni era : Clannad, Kanon & Air, and played Planeterian. Now, I’m consider myself like a Key fan and really look forward the Angel Beats VN. I’ve already pre-ordered the english edition of Clannad, thanks to Sekai Project. What more can I say …I’m a big fan of music (particularly Metal but also Jazz, Hip Hop, Electro …), cars (especially the 80’s/90’s ones), and video games. I also play guitar (Ibanez rulz) and learn japanese language in self-educated, which is obviously pretty difficult ! This is my very first english-speaking forum, so sorry for the future mistakes x)

Oh, and Yui-nyan best girl.

See you soon, guys :smiley:


Welcome @Conk3r! Just wondering, any plans to visit Japan Expo in Paris? VisualArt’s/Key is gonna be there, or so I hear!

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Welcome, @Conk3r. Welcome to our family of Key fans.

[quote=“Conk3r, post:977, topic:49”]
I’ve watched Little Busters, which was somewhat disappointing, and played the VN, which was particularly awesome.
[/quote]I’ve only watched a couple episodes of the anime, and I wasn’t really happy with it. The VN is indeed awesome, like you’ve said. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Conk3r, post:977, topic:49”]
I’ve already pre-ordered the english edition of Clannad, thanks to Sekai Project.
[/quote]Not another person to be jealous of… XD


I will be around Paris in July, so yeah, chances are I’ll be there ! The list of exhibitors is still unknown but I don’t think Key will make the trip. We can only wait and see …

And thank you to both of you for your welcome !

Did you watch the whole anime? o.o

At the very least you have Toyoizumi, so Key will be there in Kuddy spirit.

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No, Key have already announced that they’ll be there! We wrote about it on the blog:

Welcome to @Whitecrow, @mastix, @sgtmcgravy98, @Hikawu and @Conk3r! Hope you all are enjoying your time here! Once you’ve earned the Member rank, you’ll gain access to our Skype Chat, and you’ll be able to place your mark on our world map as well!


Welcome Conk3r! Glad you could find us here :smiley:

Saying we’re excited too would be an understatement! Have you preordered it? Also, have you read Heaven’s Door?

Hope to see you bring some new discussion!

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[quote=“Aspirety, post:982, topic:49, full:true”]
No, Key have already announced that they’ll be there ![/quote]

Oh, I didn’t know that, thanks for the tip ! I’ll certainly be there in that case :wink:

Yes, on Amiami. They don’t provide pre-orders items, but it’s the cheaper way to buy a copy. Limited edition can be purchased on CD Japan but 11.000 yens … it’s probably too much for my wallet !

Yes, I’ve got all the volumes !


I like this guy.