Introduce Yourself!

I haven’t played Rewrite yet. I don’t even have it yet. Does it live up to Key’s reputation?

@Clannad_Man, yeah I know my opinion of the movie is unpopular. Haha. I found the first season of Clannad really irritating though. Fuuko kept coming back and cheapening her arc.

Yes and no. It’s the most un-key key game ever, yet most of our members seem to really love it, despite some obvious flaws.

Welcome to your new home @mastix! You seem to fit in well~ If it makes you feel slightly better, as the founder I’m 23 myself, so you’re only slightly above me!

Yo. I’m a Key fan from the Philippines. So far, I’ve watched every Key anime except for Little Busters (I’m waiting for EX to be translated). I’ve read LB, Rewrite and Planetarian. And i think out of all of them, LB would be my favorite. I found this page since I tend to read discussion pages a lot. My only regret is that I haven’t found this site sooner.

Well, i hope to contribute something soon


I thought almost everyone on this community was around 23 years old… So there’s hope I’m not the SHOTA of Kazamatsuri.

Senpai-kouhai relations are defined by class, not by age. He’s a basic user, so he’s your kouhai.

Also, welcome, @sgtmcgravy98 Are you hyped for Charlotte?

I know a lot of people didn’t like the first season, either because nothing happened, or because things returned to happy daily life so quickly.

If I had to guess, I’d put the average age at about 20, excluding Purple, the outlier.

That depends what field they are talking about. He might not be thinking of forum stats, but experience instead. Mastix is probably one of the earliest anime adopters here.


@sillylittlemelody Of course I am! Although, I haven’t heard much about it though. Still can’t stop me from looking forward to it though. xD

Edit: Woah. A Jun Maeda Work…

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Heeeeeey another person from the Philippines! I keep wondering when more and more people from our area will show up as I know a decent number of people interested in Key over here :stuck_out_tongue:

Never too late to start contributing! And remember, you’re allowed to bump any topic, no matter how old, if you wanna participate in it :wink:

You and @Purple are currently battling out for that title

Aye you’re right there. I guess he’s my senpai in life then :stuck_out_tongue:

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[quote=“mastix, post:946, topic:49”]
I found the first season of Clannad really irritating though. Fuuko kept coming back and cheapening her arc.
[/quote]Fuko best girl~

Image source:

[quote=“sgtmcgravy98, post:948, topic:49”]
And i think out of all of them, LB would be my favorite.
[/quote]Welcome to the club, @sgtmcgravy98.

[quote=“sgtmcgravy98, post:948, topic:49”]
My only regret is that I haven’t found this site sooner.
[/quote]I hope you have a lot of fun discussing with us. I can see you already have in some of the threads. :3

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Yeah, I’m trying to make up for all the past discussions I could’ve had. xD

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How old is he? I thought he was a lot older, judging from the pervertedness, but that must be the adolescence hormones.

Welcome @sgtmcgravy98! I’m so glad you found us, and I’m interested to hear your discussion! :slight_smile:

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:955, topic:49”]
How old is he?
[/quote]He’s the same age as you


That’s a popular opinion~

Not very. He still thinks Grisaia is good.


Fuko is totally best girl. Which is why screwing with her arc by constantly bringing her back really bugged me.

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Yo @sgtmcgravy98 and welcome! Hope you gonna enjoy all the time with us and have a lot of fun discussions :p.

Selamat datang @mastix :slight_smile: . It’s fun here you know~ everyone are very friendly ^^

What’s the problem with Grisaia? I plan to read it, so don’t spoil it, please.

Welcome @mastix and @sgtmcgravy98!

I kinda liked it when they would do that. But I haven’t read the VN yet, just watched the anime. (Waiting for the official English translation.)

Don’t let these meanies ram their opinions into you. Grisaia is perfectly fine.

Also didn’t know you were the same age as me! I’m probably the more immature one hehe

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I am here to introduce myself! I’ve played Kanon and Clannad but I like Little Busters best, as evidenced by writing a terrible (but not that terrible) LB fanfic on!


Welcome Hikawu! So glad you could find us! Feel free to hop into any discussion, no matter how old or dead it may seem. Hope to see you around :smiley: