Introduce Yourself!

Heya! Hope you enjoy your time on Kaza~

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Thanks for joining @richarano! You are quite talented! Itā€™s always exciting to see more artists join our ranks :slight_smile:

Be sure to use the forum a bunch if you wanna gain access to our Discord chat!

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Yeah, thank you everyone! :smiley: And nice to meet you guys~

Nice to meet you @richarano, welcome to kaza.
I hope we have fun together here~ :smile:

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Hi Everyone ! Iā€™ve been on Kazamatsuri a few times before to check Key news, such as the time when the Rewrite anime was announced and I was in band class, so I couldnā€™t stop smiling :sweat_smile:, or the time when a new Mainstream Key-Story was announced (teased I mean). Iā€™ve also read some of the forums before.

I decided to join the Kazamatsuri community now, after hearing about the K.E.Y. - Project ! It seems very fun, and Iā€™d love to contribute to it any way possible ! Iā€™ve already done fan-arts of the main Rewrite heroines beforehand. And Iā€™d love to continue to do fan art and contribute to talking about specific routes for the other parts of the K.E.Y.

A little bit about me is that I play the piano. Iā€™m no expert like Animenz (sadly), and I mess up sometimes of course, but for the piano, I love playing calm music. From Key, Songs such as Tomoyo Afterā€™s ā€œRivuletā€ and ā€œWorth Livingā€, or Little Busters! ā€œSayaā€™s Songā€, or Charlotteā€™s ā€œYuukiā€. I especially love playing CLANNAD and Rewriteā€™s music on the piano, since theyā€™re both very calming and beautiful. (By the way, for anyone who loves calm-piano music, check out Yiruma. He has beautiful music pieces)

I love Key music in general. Ranging from beautiful calming BGMā€™s/OSTā€™s, to their J-Pop/J-Rock songs.

I like to draw. Iā€™m not the best artist, and I canā€™t stay faithful to the original design, but I love to experiment with drawings. I can only draw with paper and pencil. Using a pen makes me feel as if Iā€™m going to mess up. And I canā€™t draw on apps/programs, whether itā€™s from mobile devices or the computer. Only time I draw on there is if I trace my hand-drawn drawings on there and experiment with coloring. I especially love to draw Rewrite heroineā€™s because I love drawing the uniforms. After I draw the uniforms, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I also draw my own original characters too. My weakest point is that I canā€™t exactly do the wrinkles right when drawing clothes, and I canā€™t color well. I rarely ever color on paper, because Iā€™m scared of messing the drawing up (if weā€™re talking about anime-characters). I can color on mobile apps, using my own character designs and experimenting with colorā€™s, but I still consider myself only average.

Other things about me is that I make my own stories for fun, I like to make music, I like to write lyrics, I am currently learning Korean, my favorite Key works are CLANNAD & Rewrite (as my name kinda says), CLANNAD was how I discovered Key, searching up Harmonia and Charlotte (sometime during spring) was how I found Kazamatsuri, and Iā€™m excited for Rewriteā€™s & Planetarianā€™s anime adaptions, Rewrite+, Angel Beats! -1st beat!-, Little Busters!, and Harmoniaā€™s English release.

Sorry, I said ā€œA Little Bitā€ and it turned out to be 3 paragraphs.

I hope to be close with the Kazamatsuri community ! Thanks for anyone who reads this !


Sounds like you keep yourself busy! Letā€™s hope you have time for us at Kaza, and welcome!

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Same as me! :smile: Welcome to Kazamatsuri, buddy!

You sir have the same problems as mine though itā€™s less problematic since I, myself, canā€™t even complete a drawing and when I usually do I end up dissatisifed and cut the paper to shreds.

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Welcome to Kaza!

Iā€™m a fan of him BTW ahaha XD

Yeahā€¦ It takes time to get used to it TTuTT

Looks like I found a buddy here uehehehe

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Thank you @Arete, @Kawaii-is-Justice, and @Whitecrow for the warm welcome ! :smile: Itā€™s nice to know I have some similarities to some Kazamatsuri members ! :smile:


Youā€™re bound to have some similarities. Itā€™s the reason we all stick around!

Weā€™re basically one big happy slightly dysfunctional family. Give it a month and youā€™ll fit right in!


A month is a bit too much. Iā€™d say two weeks or so.

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I feel you so much on this one ;u; (well in my case, I mess up everytime XD)

Welcome to Kaza! Iā€™d love to see your contributions for K.E.Y. :DD

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Hello, my name is VyseGolbez.
Iā€™m from Germany and for now Clannad is actually the only Visual Novel by Key that Iā€™ve read. That is going to change in the future though. Interesting thing is, it is also the first Visual Novel in the style which comes to my mind when I think of traditional Visual Novels. That means with the others that Iā€™ve read, Iā€™m not so sure if they really count as Visual Novels or if they are a bit more in the group of Games.
Well, since itā€™s for now the only Key-VN I know, I canā€™t possibly pick a favorite yet. Guess itā€™s both the best and worst by default? One good thing of that is that I was able to experience Clannad as VN first, even though the Anime exists for a long time as well.
Other interests outside of Key, well, Touhou comes to mind. I also like to listen to music and analyze it a little. Mind you, my theoretical understanding is a bit rusty, though.
Anyway, after this wall of text, itā€™s nice to meet you all, hope you welcome me all.


Welcome, Vyse!
Is that another Touhou fan who I see? ^^
Satori is quite cute, hehe, but how likeable she is depends on the fan interpretation she has at the momentā€¦
(My favorite is Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanaduā€¦ though I love most Alices in all kind of medias, soā€¦ and Yuuka rocksā€¦)

Wel, welcome~
I started with CLANNAD too, it was very engaging despiste having watched the anime first, then I moved on into Little Busters! then Rewrite and then Planetarian.

There are some games out there with VN gameplay integrated, but play most like videogames, soā€¦ itā€™s hard to say, actually. (An example I know is the Ace Attorney and the Zero Escape series)

Hey, if you had to start with one that wasnā€™t LitBus, at least you went with Clannad!

Really all I know of Touhou is the music. But, I enjoy it immensely, so youā€™ve already got something in common.

Welcome to Kazamatsuri! Donā€™t mind Yumemi, sheā€™s just a little bit broken. Aside from that, take a peek around, read some topics, contribute! The more you post, the more youā€™ll enjoy it here.

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Yeah, that was one of the ones I was talking about. Really, I have the feeling that the genre VN is just as blurry as RPGs nowadays.[quote=ā€œVierMill, post:2012, topic:49ā€]
but how likeable she is depends on the fan interpretation she has at the moment

Isnā€™t that the case for pretty much every Touhou-Character?

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Well, pretty much, though some are moreā€¦ā€œstableā€ than others, while others vary a lot more.

Teach me please, I just started playing piano and playing such songs are my goal.

Also, from what I read, I guess you are going to fill this place with your fanart. Good to hear! Have a nice time with us!

Have I heard fresh reactions? Welcome aboard bud. Iā€™m looking forward to hearing your impressions once you read the rest of them!


hi er this is cles,

am i doing this right i am very confusedā€¦
erm just a regular key fan
i like most of key stuff cant really pick a favorite.
residing in a tiny island in the south east area region.
hope to support key more and make a vn somedayā€¦


Hello @Cles_Astodor_Haras!

I hope that you have a great time here with us! Donā€™t worry, I bet everyone was a bit confused when they first joined Kaza (at least I was), but with a bit of time youā€™ll just figure out the way we work and how we discuss on different topics. For the time being, just enjoy your time, read topics and speak your mind on whatever you want to. Everyoneā€™s opinions are welcomed!

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