HOLY BREAKER! Released at Comiket 87!

HOLY BREAKER! -The Witch Betrayed Blue Moon Wicca.- has been made available for purchase at Comiket 87! The Limited Edition release comes in a nice-looking black case with a DVD copy of the game for PC, bundled with the 2-disc OST which includes the OP and ED. It is selling for ¥3,000 at the VisualArt's booth while stocks last. You can view the current stock of their products at this link.

Forum member @Pepe has already been in and managed survive with a couple of copies of the game. The event is running through to the 30th, but there is no guarantee that stocks will last that long. If you're in Tokyo and looking for a copy, make sure you get in soon before they run out! We'll be sure to let you know if the game becomes available for sale to the general public in the future.

If you've managed to pick up a copy of the game and already tried it out, let us know what you think in our Discussion Topic! Just make sure to keep spoilers tagged~

(NOTE: Girl not included.)

Source: http://c87.product.co.jp/

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/holy-breaker-released-at-comiket-87/

Oh god you posted that image ahahaha

So word on the street (twitter) is that this baby sold more than both Hinoue and Baba expected. Good shit!

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