Someone was streaming it on Twitch earlier this year. Early Summer I think…
I used to play it when people were still actually online playing it, but it was very dead. (I hear it was really popular once upon a time before I even had internet access.) I played Mai for all the speedyness but I was more about looking cool than actually winning… Nowadays I just include them (and some fan-made Key characters) in my MUGEN installation, which is a customized version of Infinite Loli Factory.
While we have doujin games on the topic, what Key-related games have you all played? In-case you’ve never looked around for them, as you can imagine, Key doujin games were reeeaaally popular in the early 2000s. It’s nowhere near as popular now, but we get more quality at least~
The only ones I still have lying around are Air Flight, Air Tennis, AirRade, ColorfulSnow, Mamono Hunter Mai, Kanon & Air Smash, and Pocket Kanon & Air.
The only ones I still play every now and then are Air Tennis, Colorful Snow, and Mamono Hunter Mai. The others are hit and miss.