General Gaming Discussion

Get the ps1 emulator, download the 4 cds and go ahead and play it ;d. Oh dont forget to set up your settings, like a controller - what should do what.
X - A, square - D for example idk your choice just an advice

Thanks Biz, it helps to sort out a lot of things like that :)!
Now the posts that contained LoL subjects has their own place and wont disturb you here anymore.

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It’s no problem at all~ :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of games- Man I need my new computer. I wanna play with you all. :frowning:
Should be raring to go around December time, then we can rock. -3-

Hopefully we’ll be able to continue building the LB school together then.

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Aww poor biz, we want to play with you too. Hopefully youll get a new one soon ;p

Saying that makes me feel like you are bulding a LB school in minecraft? Sorry if I got it wrong.

Yep, a while back @Rabla @Aspirety and I were building it and streaming it, we got some good progress but then me and aspi got busy. I’ve been available to continue for a while now, but aspi still would rather focus on things like the website which is understandable.
Here’s the thread with screenshots of our progression: KazaCraft Minecraft Server: Building the Little Busters School!

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Ohh I get it. Yeah that is understandable. People gets busy really fast.
I would help if I had minecraft… but still the idea of bulding LB school is really awesome.

This was one of the first things I saw when I originally found Kaza. You guys did some seriously impressive work. I’d be cool to participate in something like that, but I could see it getting really messy with too many people.

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That Persona 5 hype. Biz prolly had to change his pants.

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I’m pretty excited, but my pants have remained very much in perfect condition.

Can’t say the same for @Rabla though.

I’m currently gong through GTA: Vice City again. Top game.

Guess what? I’ve completed Last Scenario. Took me 91 hours of playtime to beat the game and all challenges (except for the last superboss that you need all 100 Hex tiles to challenge. Dude’s way too tough for me to bother beating him ^^).
I must say, I didn’t expect all that much, with the game starting all standard-like. But it got better and better as the story progressed. I’m seriously impressed ^^
Also took me by surprise that the ending theme was sung in japanese xD

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OMG YOU ACTUALLY finished it?! WOOOOOOOW respect bro! I love the game, and I think thte storyline is like… reaaaaally awesome. You could see it yourself.
And yeah I love the ending theme, its so nice. I sometimes listened to it just because it had this emotional feeling in it.
Maaan you got me really… I didnt think someone would play it right away I mentioned it.
Im glad you like it :3! … Holy jesus Im speechles :smiley:

Well, I was interested in what kinda games people would make with the RMXP. I’ve only played like 3 completed RPG maker games and those were made on the 2000 and 2003 versions. (Incidentally, the German community initially thought badly of the RMXP since its battle system was less advanced than that of 2003, and because it was new and they’d have to learn many things all over again while their projects were still in the making.) And the nostalgia kinda got me, too ^^’
So, what should I say? I’m glad people are still working with that program and keep making good games ^^

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Has anyone else been playing Fantasy Life on 3DS? I’ve been taking it at a pretty casual pace, but I’m loving it.
I imagine in a few minutes Smash Bros will end up taking up a lot of that time, though :stuck_out_tongue: currently downloading

After listening to the Planetarian podcast, I remembered a certain other game with a post-apocalyptic setting that I’ve played many years ago. The title is Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon and it’s a game for the Wii. (Eng Trailer, Jap Trailer)
Did anyone else play it? It’s a beautiful and emotional story of a boy who’s been left alone in a world that had ended. It doesn’t exactly have the best gameplay, but a very pleasant soundtrack (especially the OP and ED themes) and it’s quite good at setting the mood with little extras like graffiti or fragments of people’s memories. I definitely recommend this game to everyone. If you love Key, you’ll surely come to like this game as well.

Oh wow that game! I remember hearing about that. Always wanted to play it, never did…

That really looks pretty awesome :o, sadly I dont have Wii so I cant play it. Would try it tho.

Probably gonna get a PS3 at christmas, what are some games that I should consider getting? (Other than LB for muh ps3 assets)
At the moment, I’m thinking about FFX/X2 HD, the Drakkengard games (Probably just gonna jump straight to 3), Project Diva, and Journey.
There’s some Tales games that I might be interested in, and all you Persona fans should recommend me a game.

I would buy ps4 in your situation, but if you already decided to go for ps3 I wont stop you :p.

Depends on what genres you like, maybe some sonic games, maybe some FF’s, metal gear solid may be good too. Idk if Destiny is on ps3 but its hella worth it. Then you can just reconsider dark souls or even some fps like classic 360mlgswagyolo of duty.

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