D-do you know that character is actually a t r a p ?
Like everything, go through it in release order. Fate/stay night > Hollow Ataraxia > Zero. That’s the main three. Nothing else really matters since they all take place in alternate timelines, or different realities, or alternate timelines of different realities, and all of them are glorified fanfiction. But if you want more Fate you can check them out.
I have been tricked, my hearts broken, but wait somehow i still like alphsto. Have I become gay because of him NOOOOOO!!!. Nah I already knew he is a trap its probably why I like him so much other than the fact that that character design is insanely good. Although for every story i have seen or read other than Steins;gate traps seem to be my favourite characters. Both because of the just enjoyable characters and how cute and sexy they are, and no, I am not gay, I just like traps..
Thanks seems really useful. Wont get into the series for a while (3ish months) but once i do, this will be really useful.
Always nice to login everyday,and see my Day 1 Kazaboiz still playing.
R.I.P. Nav,I’ll never forget you.
He doesn’t know ForsenKek