Currently Airing Anime

Yeah I dunno. The way they combine orbital physics into their war is really interesting and fun, and it’s just managing to keep my attention. But the story and characters are so unbearable…

I’ll keep watching if only for the funky science at this point.

The story and the characters are the good part. Inaho is cute. Slaine has an interesting evolution. Inko is adorable (please don’t die!) Rayet is pretty standard, but it’s a standard that works. The romances between side-characters is nice, and the various counts are fun.
The story has picked up after the first season and a bunch of developments are occurring, all of which keep me interested in seeing what comes next.

The anime-science is just a convenience - one that many dislike.

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I’m not saying bullets can’t orbit a planet.
I’m saying predicting someone will be there right AS the bullets orbit to be at that exact spot is bullshit.

But that’s the whole point of his mech. It can predict up to a certain amount into the future. This has been mentioned multiple times since Tharsis was introduced. It’s a mechanic in the world. It may be bs, but it’s reinforced bs, and as Key fans we should accept that. Tharsis predicted the bullets would remain in a stable orbit for a certain amount of time. All Slaine had to do was direct the fight towards that orbit. He shot multiple volleys, so there are multiple chances to take.

I do like the funky science part of things its fun using the heat generated from grenade explosions to keep your Kataphrakt from freezing…cool what sorta irks me sometimes is how they want to be super in depth with the science and then ignore it when its inconvenient Slaine even points out in the episode that the Tharsis couldn’t predict far enough into the future to see if the volleys would hit while they are right there and yet he went with the plan anyway? There are any number or variables that could have wonked out and screwed that plan up including him being tied up in battle when they come through. Also the talk of wind affecting the bullet trajectories in space…I get that there are winds in the upper atmosphere but if they were fighting that low then they should get caught in Earth’s gravity well and get pulled towards the planet.

It occurs to me I watch maybe too many mech/space operas. lol

Yeah, and space wind.
And I used unused braincells to control the eye that I invented that is perfect.
Autism Jesus can do anything, knows everything, and will save the world.

You’re being too literal. Look back to the earlier episodes. “Winds” aren’t the type of winds we see on the surface of Earth. What do you think is going on in the geomagnetic field? The Plasmasphere’s just gonna stay nice and calm?
Space in that area is pretty much ruined after the moon explosion and the mars gate.

They really aren’t doing anything as crazy as you are all saying. Someone was inspired by the science lessons they took as a 13 year old. The information isn’t always accurate, and the explanations aren’t always pushed in your face, but they put enough out there for viewers to come to the obvious conclusion.

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Ok if thats what they are going for I can accept. The show pretty much thrives on the plausible side of things and lets that explain away everything, but your telling me that even with an analytic engine Inaho could calculate firing a bullet through those same “winds” adding in atmospheric reentry and then wildly fluctuating gravity fields to hit a mech preciously in the shoulder joint? Ignoring the fact that the shot should have burned up while reentering the atmosphere the thought of any kind of accuracy in that situation…to say it stretches the imagination is putting it lightly.
Don’t get me wrong like I said I like the show I really do for all the crazy science I do like that they at least try to explain it but there are times when they just throw it to the wind.

IIRC they were in low orbit during that scene, so the winds would have been a non-factor. But yeah, that scene was completely unnecessary. Marito figured out how to defeat it, and called in support from a giant warship in orbit that most likely has some form of targeting.

But I think the director of this episode took some inspiration from Shirobako’s or something.

you guys are probably all going to hate me for this, but my engineering experience and inner physics enthusiast are demanding that I comment.

[quote=“Kanon, post:143, topic:28”]
I’m not saying bullets can’t orbit a planet.
[/quote] oh, they can, but that’s not the point. there’s basically no direction he could have fired to achieve an effect like he did. if he fires prograde the shots will surpass escape velocity, if he fires retrograde the shots will fall back to the planet, if he fires anywhere else the shots will not even be at a remotely similar altitude to where they are fighting. not to mention that even if he DID manage to get the shots off in the right direction, the small angle changes from recoil would mean HUGE differences in their arrival time, so much so that it couldn’t even be considered a volley anymore.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:144, topic:28”]

Tharsis predicted the bullets would remain in a stable orbit for a certain amount of time.

[/quote]orbits don’t really change. once fired, those bullets will stay in the same state of orbit until they hit something. which is one of the more heated moral debates of doing combat in space, you can’t technically miss, you just hit a different target and it takes longer.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:144, topic:28”]

All Slaine had to do was direct the fight towards that orbit.

[/quote]As I said above, that stage of orbit would not be anywhere near where he could go.

[quote=“Bowiie, post:145, topic:28”]

using the heat generated from grenade explosions to keep your Kataphrakt from freezing

[/quote]fun fact: Grenades won’t explode at extremely low temperatures. ESPECIALLY temperatures that low. There’s actually a lot that annoyed me with that scene, but I’ll leave it at that for now.

[quote=“Bowiie, post:145, topic:28”]
get caught in Earth’s gravity well
[/quote]they’re never not in Earth’s gravity well. if they weren’t, they would just drift away from the planet.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:147, topic:28”]
The Plasmasphere’s just gonna stay nice and calm?
[/quote]uhh… yeah? I don’t see why you would expect otherwise. there’s very little in the way of other forces acting upon it, so it should stay in a state of relative balance.

[quote=“Bowiie, post:148, topic:28”]
even with an analytic engine Inaho could calculate firing a bullet through those same “winds” adding in atmospheric reentry and then wildly fluctuating gravity fields to hit a mech preciously in the shoulder joint?
[/quote]yep. give me all the info and I could do that. no analytic engine required.

[quote=“Bowiie, post:148, topic:28”]

Ignoring the fact that the shot should have burned up while reentering the atmosphere

[/quote]hmm. it depends on how high up they were when they fired. If you didn’t know, re-entry flares are actually caused by the friction between an object and the air around it, meaning that it literally ignites the atmosphere because it’s going so fast. Think of it as nature’s air brake. Thing is, the speed of the bullet is mostly just from the acceleration of gravity, and if they’re low enough that won’t give it enough time to get enough speed for re-entry to really be a problem.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:149, topic:28”]

a giant warship in orbit that most likely has some form of targeting.

[/quote] this is probably my single biggest pet peeve with the mecha genre. why in the world would you use a giant robot when you have colossal battleships which CLEARLY should have more firepower. it would be like trying to fight a naval army while using nothing but foot soldiers on life rafts.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:147, topic:28”]
You’re being too literal.
[/quote]YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO LITERAL! (I know I am, but I’m having fun)

[quote=“Kanon, post:146, topic:28”]
Autism Jesus can do anything, knows everything, and will save the world.
[/quote]this is probably the single best description of Aldnoah that I have found yet.

Anyway, rant over. feel free to discuss it or not, it’s just something that’s always on my mind when I watch the show and this gave me enough of a reason to actually do some calculations on it.


10/10 post would read again.

My reason for watching Aldnoah(And by the extension, the entire ‘stupid badly written robot war’ genre Japan constantly makes) it to see just how Valvrave it can get(to Val-v-rave: The act of being so outlandishly ridiculous and stupid it becomes excessively comedic).
So a post explaining in detail just how Valvrave these actions are is great!

Inaho is probably my biggest problem with the series to be honest. He’s so mary sue it HURTS. Why is this little brat the only competent solider in the entire United Earth Defense force, to the point where the adults are relying on him? Even before his magic eye.

And if his magic eye is so amazing why aren’t more people utilising similar technology arghhh

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Even if you have robots, why would you make them human-shaped? There’s much more optimal designs to go by.

Slaine is carrying the show. Everything interesting that happens only comes around when Slaine gets involved. Certain side-characters have their moments, but they are just moments.

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Anyone still watching YuriKuma? Because I never thought I’d say this after the first two or three episodes, but its actually gotten really good.

Yeah I’m really liking this show. It’s got such a nice aesthetic and theme that is super weird but I like it because of that. Parts of the aesthetic seem Madoka-y which I am liking.
Really looking forwards to where this show is heading.

I am just hating Slaine right now. After the first season I was just confused about him. But now that I see his childish jealousy towards Asseylum (I don’t think Inaho loves Asseylum at all) and what he did simply because he wasn’t patient enough to wait for Asseylum’s awakening, yeah, I’m just hating him now.

I noticed this, too. Inaho is totally unrealistic. But for some reason, this doesn’t bother me at all. I never had any problem with gary stus in animes, like Kirito (I kind of like him). What bothers me the most is the emptiness of most VN protagonists, something Key doesn’t do and I love them for not doing so. Kotarou is SO the best protagonist of the VNs I’ve read.

Everyone hates Slaine now… Even Slaine hates Slaine. But someone has to carry the show, and he’s the one bringing story and development to Aldnoah. Lemrina and Mazuurek kinda do, but no where near as much as Slaine.
He has a mission, and he’ll carry it out, even though it’s not what he wants. He’ll use Lemrina, even though she’s the first person he’s met who understands him. He’ll take advantage of Asseylum, even though he’d never want to cause her harm.


[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:156, topic:28”]
I don’t think Inaho loves Asseylum at all
[/quote]oh he definitely does. that’s one of the few character traits that he actually has. why else would he be doing all this shit to get her back?

[quote=“Takafumi, post:157, topic:28”]
Everyone hates Slaine now… Even Slaine hates Slaine. But someone has to carry the show
[/quote]yeah, this basically sums up the show at this point.

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:156, topic:28”]
What bothers me the most is the emptiness of most VN protagonists
[/quote]what the hell kind of VNs have you been reading? its been quite a while since I’ve ran into that trope.

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:156, topic:28”]
Kotarou is SO the best protagonist of the VNs I’ve read.
[/quote]eh, I wouldn’t put him as the best in my book, but he’s definitely up there.

What mission exactly?

And here we have Slaine’s purpose of exsistance in a nutshell. Slaine is a character that exists to be hated both by the audience and the characters in the show. He is the foil to Inaho who gives you nothing to read by the way of emotions, meanwhile Slaine gives you everything under the sun to the point where you just don’t want to understand any more. He is there for you to hate because hate can serve as a hook as well as liking a character can. I know it works for me if I dislike a character enough I will stick around to see them get their comeuppance, and Slaine has backlogged a good bit now. I was fine with a lot of what he has done, but he has went over an edge now that makes me loath him as a character because of the way he has treated the one character in the entire series that has gelled with him on any level.

[quote=“AngelofDeath720, post:158, topic:28”]
What bothers me the most is the emptiness of most VN protagonists
[/quote]Truly the ultimate self insert…if they have no personality there is less baggage to get out of the way for the reader.

[quote=“AngelofDeath720, post:158, topic:28”]
oh he definitely does. that’s one of the few character traits that he actually has. why else would he be doing all this shit to get her back?
[/quote]I would say he definitely has some strong feelings for her, not whether those feeling are “love” (probably) or merely a strong respect for her for being the only Versian willing to reach out to humanity remains to be seen. But can you really call love a character trait?