Currently Airing Anime

Is it just really bad, or is there another reason for why it’s fairly popular in Japan? I’m not watching it, so I don’t know…

Take note of the subbed title, it’s EXACTLY what you expect from that point on. Sexual humor that is REALLY worth, if one can take the jokes. So there are reasons it is popular.

I watch Idolm@sters Cinderella Girls in this season…I never following Idolm@ster before…I think idols in Idolm@sters Cinderella girls have their own charms…I love how cool Shibuya Rin,

You know, Mr. producer-san with his dead eyes really amuse me a lot…

So anyone watch this anime?

I don’t watch it, but I know @Rabla is an IM@S fan

So I thought: “Hey, maybe since they did Maoyu recently, maybe ISUCA by ARMS won’t be so shitty and hentai-ish like everything else they’ve done.”

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

To quote someone on Hummingbird:

You literally can stop watching after the first 30 seconds becuz you know its shit immediately.

For any of you who have already watched it, I am so sorry that your eyes also had to witness that. For all those of you who haven’t, please spare yourselves and never do.

I saw it pop up on my desktop, and I’d never heard of it, so I was going to see what it was. Guess I’ll be able to drop it soon thereafter~

Because I can. (relevant to Key, and spoiler because I’m saying it’s relevant to Key)

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Oh god damn, this scene. The reason why I love this scene so much is that Kato is simply pointing out a matter-of-fact part of the game and Rinri-kun (seriously that is the only part of his name that I can seem to remember) gets all defensive about it and they end up having to play the second game to prove his point XD Props to the endcard of the second game being an obvious callout to CLANNAD.

This series is just a bunch of metahumor splashed in whenever possible. BUT what makes this series good is the “heroine,” Kato. Her deadpan attitude is just so unique and her reactions to pretty much everything are just so… normal. And I like that. I like how they actually were able to make an honest-to-god normal character.

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Sorry, but which show are we talking about? ^^;

Pretty sure it’s Saekano (although I never watched it)

Oh yeah, I need to get on that. Episode 0 set up a nice plot, so it’ll be fun to see how it goes.

Normal girl was great.

Saekano Heroine no Sodatekata.

And she’s practically carrying the entire show, being the only interesting character.
Fine, I’ll continue watching this show. But if the author pulls another WA2, I’m SO flipping tables…

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Well, I know what you hate about WA2, and the MC is already a loser to begin with, so he can’t really get much worse than that :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like I was right about this. I mean, I liked ep3 and all, but now it’s really getting boring. So I seriously hope that they have some more plot beyond what’s been shown so far, and that a new development is underway. I really hope…

Are you guys still not liking Aldnoah after that orbiting bullets bullshit?

I’m actually enjoying Aldnoah 2 quite a bit. I didn’t think much of the first season, so it’s surprising.
The last two episodes were fun.

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Aldnoah is the straight up definition of a guilty pleasure…for some reason it’s just fun. I look forward to it every week even with the sheer amount of bullcrappery going on aka future prediction orbit bullets huehuehuehue.

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It was very slightly implied, but it takes a lot of interpretation.
The thing that kept me watching that show was that they’d explain all of the magic techniques, and as long as you remembered the specialist terms you could understand how everything worked. I’m guessing a lot was left out, but you can fill the gaps.

I’m not sure I’d call it a guilty pleasure for me, simply because I don’t feel guilty liking it. It is what it is. It’s an action story, with cute anime science, and lots of energy. The people who can’t enjoy a story with cute science must have a hard time with media. Chaos;Head would drive them insane.

Now give me Ushinawareta and I’d shout guilty pleasure for days.

I guess I call it guilty just because it seems like it tries so hard to make itself unlikeable and yet somehow I end up enjoying it still.

[quote=“Takafumi, post:90, topic:27”]
Now give me Ushinawareta and I’d shout guilty pleasure for days.
[/quote]This just reminded me I never finished this Ishinawareta…oops