Something I personally would like to do is set up a few scheduled events where people of the Key community would be able to get together and do things other than just talking with each other. This could range from anything like playing an online game together to just setting up a time for people to get together and watch some anime. (Ideally, I think having someone stream it for everyone else would work best, but we could always make due with whatever’s available.)
As for actually setting things up, my first idea would be to play osu ( since it’s free, easy to get into, and has more than enough Key music to keep a group playing for a while. If you’re interested or have any questions go ahead and leave a reply. Maybe even say what times you will be available or drop a few ideas of what we could do; any help would be much appreciated! I’ll be doing what I can to help get things started, but I can’t do it alone, so I need some input from you guys. With any luck, we might be able to get a couple events set up in the next few weeks.