This episode feels a little different. Not much really happens and it’s not very interesting plot-wise, but what it does have is an insight into Fuko’s personality in the home. Kouko’s Diary expands a bit on what occurred between her and Fuko before the fated accident. The problem is that there’s not much to gain here that we haven’t already seen in CLANNAD, save that Fuko is always strange no matter where she goes.
In fact, how Kouko reacts to Fuko’s antics in this story reminds me a lot of the relationship between me and my little brother. Although my family in general does some pretty strange things to begin with, my little bro tends to do some really questionable things. He talks to himself out loud at times, he peeks into rooms and then just leaves silently, and he even asks strange, out-of-context questions when starting up or in the middle of a conversation. We have the occasional chuuni fight too, so Fuko’s hijinks in this story really take me back to the best of those times.
The fact that Kouko interprets Fuko’s actions as her own means of maturing is also interesting. I personally would have interpreted it as a means to get Fuko’s busy onee-chan’s attention, but how Kouko sees it makes me think in a different way. My mother never got what I meant when referencing shows I watched or games I liked, so I always wondered what was going through her mind. I wanted her to understand what I liked, but after a while I realized that it was too much to ask. We share a few more common interests now, but sometimes I still feel that we don’t completely understand each other in that respect. It’s fine, though, as long as we understand how much we care for one another.
Wow, a lot of personal parallels with such a small story. Maeda really knows how to hit those heartstrings, huh? I can’t wait to see how the next few stories fare.