Charlotte - Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

The two new char not yet.

Alright. Doesn’t do it for a living but she can do it I think. >

Now, how well can Maeda write English…


I hope Ana isn’t an indicator. Uh, not by maeda.

One of them is Misa, who I mentioned under Yusa’s bio. And the other is Ayumi, who I mentioned in Yuu’s bio. The character page barely has any info on them, so I haven’t made a separate section for them yet xP

I don’t pay attention to a lot of anime before it airs but do they normally announce OP/ED singers before the voice cast? It just seems weird especially since one has a singing voice but no talking voice yet.

Well ZHIEND is a band that isn’t from the school so I don’t think she has a talking counterpart…

But yeah, it is weird that they are putting all the voice cast info under wraps. I guess that’s just how Key rolls! One thing they did reveal long ago is that the seiyuu of Yusa would also be performing the songs from How Low Hello, so we have that

I think it’s pretty normal for Key. The musics are definitely one of their strong points.

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ok thanks. The only anime I had really paid attention before release were season 2’s which didn’t need to voice cast re-announced and Food Wars! which had the main characters way before OP/ED so I was confused if that was the weird one or Key just acts differently.

And we could also see that when the first PV was revealed. We were on a skype call and first thing everyone said was “THE MUSIC MAN!” ;).

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I don’t think most people will agree with me, but I saw nothing special about the song of the PV. But of course, there will be amazing songs (like all Key works). I have high hopes for the OP theme too, since all Key OPs were impressive for me.

If she do, then she will not just singing. Yusa was announced from the beginning to be voiced and singed by singer that debuts as voice actor.

In that case I’m almost sure it’s going to be LiSA. She’s everywhere in Aniplex productions. (SAO, Mahouka, Mekakucity… just to name a few)
I’d prefer Kitazawa Ayaka or Rita though.

I don’t want to jump into conclusions as to who Yusa’s VA will be yet, but yes, it’s confirmed that her VA will also be singing for How Low Hello.

IMO, though, LiSA’s voice doesn’t suit Yusa’s whole… aura, if you will.

Yeah. LiSA’s voice has a bit of a stronger feeling to it and most Key girls (not all, but most) aren’t generally… strong.

But we will have to see how it all plays out in this regard. Even if LiSA is the singer/VA she might pull it off well for Yusa’s character.


So additional character information from the first chapter of the 4-koma!

Yuu and Jojirou seem to be the same as described; Yuu is pretty rude, and Joujirou is a Takamatsu ripoff (tries to be serious but fails). Nao, on the other hand, received a whole lot of characterization. First off, she seems to be very upfront about things. She isn’t the kind to get flustered or ashamed, which is interesting. I don’t want to assume yet, but she seems a bit snarky, and I like that! Snarky characters are always interesting.

Also, Naonao is a glutton. Food good.

I would personally say LiSA is more in the realm of… >can’t think of anything nice to say< Sounds the same in everything-

At any rate I could see her being a cutesy idol singer so, this could be a good fit and I more or less expect it regardless of what I’d like.

No wonder that ass was phat.
She’s just fat.


4koma discussion topic is live!


There’s a Tamori in AB!

Clearly this spelling is an engrish and it’s Tomori. NaoNao’s brother.


Seems legit.
We already know Yusa is Yusa afterall.

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