Charlotte - Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

So you’re telling me that you think that you think the dark, eerie poster that looks like some kind of prison or testing chamber, is going to be a superficial conflict…?

Wait, back up. You think that the Angel Beats shadows were a superficial conflict?!

Im gonna be honest. Thats just completely ridiculous.

I think you misunderstood what I meant by superficial. When I say superficial, I mean it isn’t the main conflict, or one of the main conflicts, of the series. It probably just serves as an introduction for the real thing.

I didn’t mean it wasn’t serious or anything…

Ok, that makes a little more sense. I’m not sure I agree with your speculation in this case, but I understand what you’re saying.

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Huh… Hmmmmmm…

Well, I think it might be a little bit of both. This thing seems like huuuuuge conflict that they would have to overcome in the story.

But, at the same time, it’ll lead them to some inner conflicts that they will have to grow out of before they tackle the bigger issue at hand… At least, that’s how I see it at the moment.

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I also had this feeling, but I wonder how will they fit that kind of conflict into a story whose main conflicts are actually inside the characters. Because Maeda said the first 6 episodes would be something slower, so probably that thing isn’t in the beginning, but also the final conflict has to be related to the characters so…

I guess I’ll wait and see, though that seems kinda difficult to imagine…

I think it’s still early to judge it. Because you have to see how well employed is the setting, relating it to the story’s themes and as a motif. We all believe that Charlotte is going to have characters’ stories relating to their powers, but this is still just a speculation.

I think this one is early to judge too. We have like 2 or 3 tracks from it? I have high expectations for it, because Maeda said he was using songs of his youth and all… But I’ll just wait and see.

Crunchyroll posted it will be on their site at 10:00 AM Pacific time along with regions


Will anyone write episodic reviews here?

Something like Entravity or Seventhstyle would be great. The former’s image caption is hilarious. :smiley:

I mean… we will being doing this thing called the bookclub… where we have a whole podcast for each episode…


Awwww yay Daisuki confirmed! I hope it’ll be early as well :smiley:

I don’t pay too much attention to them right now as all the series they have are on Crunchyroll but I think both Nisekoi: and Plastic Memories air the same time on Daisuki and Crunchyroll.

I’m the same; I just use Crunchyroll. They have a ton of stuff on there, including the KEY works (I think all of them).

Not even close. No Kanon, no AIR, no CLANNAD. Just Angel Beats! and Little Busters!.

And now Charlotte of course.

Funnily enough, those are the only two KEY works that have animations which i’ve read, haha. Guess that explains why I didn’t notice the others missing.

So excited for Charlotte!!! English site for Charlotte is up.


Haha looks like I am 26 minutes late XD Currrently checking out website and matching it with whatever we know about Charlotte so far :slight_smile:

The only new info I see (that perhaps only I didn’t know?) is that Misa has powers too! Pyrokinesis apparently

What the hell? Are we gonna get everything in English from Key, from now on?

Hey guys, any ideas what’s coming next? Maeda Jun, Na-Ga(Well, they’re probably busy right now? Charlotte+ AB!)? Angel Beats! english site?

I don’t see anything wrong with that 8D

Is the PV already up? 6 hours ago twitter said it would broadcast Friday 24:30. But it’s already Friday 4:30…

When they said Friday at 24:30, thats mean 0:30 Saturday XD

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