Well, it’s only the second episode, and we’re already seeing the more emotional side of the show. Nao has already become a much more sympathetic character than she was before, given the reasons she has for so aggressively chasing after other ability users. She’s a lot like Yuri in that respect too, I suppose. But seriously, that scene with her brother in the hospital was sort of devastating in a way, especially with how calm Nao was about the whole thing. I mean yeah, she’s had some time to come to terms with the whole thing, but that says something about how strong she is in itself, that she was able to get used to a sight like that and have nothing to say besides “oh, he ruined another futon.”
We got our first “appearance” from Zhiend, too. Of the two groups introduced, they’re the one whose music I’m most interested in hearing. As cute as Yusa and How Low Hello are, I just need that ~post rock~ in my life. It does give another layer to Nao’s apparent fascination with the band, though. Who would have thought that she learned about them from her brother?
Oh, and we got more stars this episode, too. I’m guessing there’s some kind of significance behind the comet that Ayumi wants to see, but it’s still too early to know what that could be. My initial thought was that maybe there was a comet named Charlotte, and that was the significance, but a quick Google search gave me no hits for “Charlotte comet” besides some bar in North Carolina, so I’m guessing that theory can be thrown out the window (unless they made up their own comet). 
Moving away from the more dramatic side, though, the comedic scenes were just as on point as the first episode, and the scene with the archer in particular served as a good transition to the second half. Ayumi’s apparent inability to make anything besides omurice kind of amazes me, considering how hard it is to make that stuff look just right. I would think that if you can make an omurice look good, you can cook anything, but I guess not.
Pizza sauce curry sounds terrifying, though, and I’m not sure I would want that anywhere near me. Yu is a brave soul.
As a side note, the scene where they grabbed the sandwiches made me think of that LB scene where they grab random bread, with disastrous results. The sandwiches here may have been smashed, but at least they were edible this time!
All in all, this was probably an improvement even in the first episode, and I’m looking forward to more ~reveals~ as the show goes on.