Charlotte - Episode 12 "Promise"

It’s toxic because it’s bringing everyone’s moods down heavily, and the criticisms aren’t conduce to a proper discussion. It’s just “This is too late!”, “I don’t care about these characters!”, “This felt forced” over and over again. There may be valid arguments for these claims, but saying them over and over again isn’t a discussion.


I think this episode was pretty much about what I would have expected, and fulfilled my expectations for what I’ve seen so far: a show with too many undeveloped characters in too little time. I almost feel in some ways like the episode was a microcosm of what we’ve seen so far. Touching moments with some twists, but ultimately little feeling for the characters behind them for no reason beyond not having connected with them.

Charlotte definitely suffers from being broken up week-to-week, I think much like the more recent chapters of Yamada-kun (which has been introducing some of the same problems people complain about Charlotte; not all the same, mind you). I definitely don’t hate it, and it’s not awful, but I have no desire to watch it again. If I want something short and fulfilling, I’ll find something a little more suited for a one-cour anime. If I want what I originally wanted from Charlotte, I’ll re-read Maeda’s VNs.

But at the same time, its obvious that many people are very disappointed in this series, and they should be allowed to express that. People should be allowed to agree with each other as well. And the problem is the people who are saying positive things are just seeing things in completely opposite ways. There’s no disputing taste, as they say. I’m not really sure what else you want people to say. You cant force them to like it.


I can’t force them to like it, but I can discourage them from making non-constructive posts. And as I said, I want people to try re-watching the series with a new mindset. That should help generate new ideas.

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I’ve been going out of my way to find parts I enjoy about the show for that very reason. Sure I wasn’t in to the first half of the episode but I thought the confession was very well done, especially when I thought romance in Charlotte would feel forced.
I just didn’t think the show was what it could be, it’s not horrible, it’s actually very fun, but I think that the negative aspects are important to discuss. At the end of almost every episode I felt discontent so I decided to voice why I felt that way, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t having a good time, I think the same goes for many others on here.

Yuu goes around taking powers. Nao waits for him. That’s what the pre-release material was at least. I’d write it from Nao’s perspective, but Maeda’ll probably follow Yuu as he does some stuff, and it won’t be very fleshed out, and we’ll get some kind of ending.

He’s gonna become the new Charlotte! cue overly dramatic music

Skip ahead in time and say that everything was resolved off-screen?

To me, it feels like this was just the build-up to the start of the show. “And now we follow Yuu’s activities around the world, and see how his character changes!”
These 12 episodes would have been great as like… an episode 0.

He can “teleport” in, and he can go invisible.

Oh, it had promise. I defended it on-and-off for quite a bit. But… 12 episodes? That’s a bit too long for the show to start getting good. At this point, I don’t even see a reason to keep watching. I sat through this episode thinking “I should like this but… I just don’t care about anything that’s happening.”

The series sucks. That’s why the discussion sucks.
Value or not, it’s still bad. Regardless of if you personally enjoyed it or if some guy personally hated it, to me it looks objectively bad.

It’s like back when we were reading through AIR. I can’t be bothered with it. It’s unenjoyable.
I don’t do rewatches often, and when I do, it’s after 5 years at the minimum. You fall at the first hurdle? There’s no point getting back up. I won’t be there to cheer. If it doesn’t stand up to any other show of the season, I see no reason to find a way in which it does.
It doesn’t help that people marathoning the show have said the first half is hard to get through.
Charlotte lost me, and it’s too late for it to do anything else.
Sora no Method was bad because it did too much and felt forced. Charlotte is bad because it isn’t doing enough… And it still somehow feels forced.

We had some good discussions out of it. Especially in the last few episodes.

You don’t have my votes dragging it down at least :stuck_out_tongue:

No, but it tells us that it continues to be a problem each episode. They haven’t gone out of their way to fix these problems.

Pretty much. It’s hard to go beyond “this is my opinion” “this is mine” “okay.” Dunno when a discussion gets too off-topic, so it’s easier to just not start the discussion.


Are they aware of its location?

I used to rush to this forum right after finishing every single chapter of charlotte, but guys, this has become depressing, I don even feel like commenting on this anymore!! this place looks more like a place for maeda and charlotte haters than a place for key fans. I know charlotte has had plenty of mistakes and maybe havent live up our expectation but ¡¡come on!!!, stop complaining and start enjoying!!!.. letting my disgust aside, I think it was a good episode! overall, I didnt get any feels from misa but I really felt satisfied AND we finally understood the phrases from charlotte promos that went like ““The boy confronts fate, even if he loses something precious,” and “The monster continues to challenge fate, even if it means forgetting someone precious.”” …

why am I the only one thinking that charlotte is gonna be two cours?, I mean, maeda said that charlotte has an after story/refrain arc and I think we havent seen that!!, am I missing something???


I believe he was referring to the transition in tone after episode 6, but I could be wrong.

It has been annouced 13 episodes, even before the series started, no more. Two-cour length as you say is not considered. I have enjoyed every episode until ninth episode.Everyone love Key, doesn’t hate Maeda ever but we know he can do even better than this, like his projects before. Maybe we discuss too much about mysteries, prediction, next events… but forgetting how does it happen, slowly, rush, forced… I will consider it in future, maybe Rewrite anime I guess ?



Hey @Takafumi. Newsflash: your opinion isn’t objective. Stop acting like your word is gospel and discrediting the opinions of others. It’s disrespectful and offensive.
This goes to anyone else trying to present their opinion as objective.

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Guys come on…

A time-lapse scenario Maeda wrote before. The difference between Charlotte and others anime have time-lapse scenario is very easy, consequence is not considered or is not serious (like the world is destroyed like others), meanwhile it’s source for sad developement in general (never meet again, the person is not exist). I thought Maedia would build Charlotte like Flamming June but no. Maybe he wants to change his style (you see Yandere is appear first time in Key’s projects) but failed. Anyway I believe there will be Charlotte Visual Novel like Angel Beats!. Still many characters need to be clear, although less than AB!.

Well, well, well, well…
It’s extremely hard for me to give my thoughts about this episode because I feel extremely neutral about it. It isn’t like last episode where I saw bad points and good points counteracting each other; here it’s just… extreme neutrality towards everything that happened in the episode.

I guess I should approach it point-by-point then:

The first half of the episode was a lot of Yuu’s confrontation with the rest of the cast. He learns Shichino’s dismay towards him; he gives advice to Misa and Yusa about confronting their own elephant in the room: getting over Misa’s death. We even see how much Yuu actually appreciated Joujirou, which was kinda nice. A lot of the first half was people feeding Yuu :stuck_out_tongue: Which, surprisingly, tied up many loose ends in terms of relationships between characters.

Next point is the Misa/Yusa backstory. We had two instances that were seemingly touching scenes: with their parents, and then from Misa to Yusa. While they had great value in where they drove the story, I am left quite curious as to what the director had planned.

If I could ask the director one thing about this episode it would be: Were these scenes intended to be touching? Or were they there only to drive the plot?

If the director genuinely thought those scenes would evoke emotion with the viewers then I would say that that has failed tremendously. We lacked backstory between Misa and Yusa’s relationships and the relationships with their family. We were also given literally less than a minute per scene to bask in the emotion of it all. So, if they did want to give us feels, I would say they failed.

But if they simply wanted to give resolution to Misa and Yusa, then I would say they succeeded, and pretty well, at that. So I can wholly agree with this:

So yes, it was executed pretty well. My response to this:

is simply: Welcome to the wonderful world of Japanese Television, where watching idols eat food gets super high ratings!

And then we have Yuu’s confrontation and confession with Nao. As much as I absolutely adore sappy romance scenes, Nao’s reaction put a smile to my face. “Eeeeeh? You mean like romance?” That’s classic Tomori Nao right there if I ever saw it. Which is why when you say:

I can assure you, that was in no way forced. Nao herself showed no signs of said romance. For all we know, she could be using Yuu’s love for her as a means to get him to save the world; it’s definitely something I wouldn’t put it past her to go that far.

And finally we are at the crux of the episode: Yuu saving the world. Props to @Naoki_Saten for figuring it out last week! This I feel extremely neutral about. Do I think it’s a bad direction? No. Do I think it’s a good direction? No.

But it sure is a direction. Yuu definitely has a goal now, and the Otosaka Yuu of episode 1, episode 7, episode 9, heck even episode 11 wouldn’t have been able to pull this off. It’s like we’re converging towards what was intended in this story from the get-go. My only issue is that it’s a very end-backwards approach; in hindsight, everything makes sense, but as we are going there, it kind of doesn’t. This is one of the few series that I’ve seen that does this.

I only wish we had ample foreshadowing as to this final convergence. As I said in the podcast, it’s something I highly appreciate. If we felt from early on that these powers are serious problems that must be handled for the sake of humanity, then I would have appreciated it a lot more, instead of feeling neutral about it.

So where do we go from here? For sure, we will see short scenes of Yuu going around the world, learning more about power users. He might even visit England and, well…

That’d give him an excuse to see Sala again. I personally have a running theory when it comes to Sala, and hope it would be put into fruition.

What happens after? It’s definitely not an easy thing to do, and it would be hard to believe that he can accomplish it in a few years. But the promise to come home? Boy am I gonna cry like a baby when they fulfill that. I know myself, and I know that this is the sort of thing that would open my heart and if it does, it would make everything, more or less, worth it.

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This was probably my favorite part of the episode. Romance is ok but I’ve always really loved strong friendships in shows, and they gave a pretty good job at least concentrating that feeling into this scene. I wish they spent more time developing the friendship between Joujirou and Yuu instead of, as has been said like 1000 times by now, just using him as comic relief. They could have had a very strong and powerful bond that could have lead to making the scene in this episode even better. Out of all of he characters in Charlotte I feel Joujirou was the most underutilized.


And the promise to come back. Glad we finally know what that was about. I wish it was a bit more dramatic though. It was such a good line in the trailer!

I thought that bit was actually quite nice~ The removal of her power anyway. The visit to the parents was weird…
I liked the bit in her intro-episode too though, and people hated that. Leading up to it I was like “but she already said bye to her friends” but it was still good.

I wish it was. It really feels like it could be… As I said before, it’s the perfect set-up for a good story. Have Yuu travel around from place to place, coming to understand others and accept them in the process of finding and taking their power. I’d love a show like that.

A lot of people on reddit think the past 2 episodes have been a drop in quality. It’s quite interesting, because I actually think the show has gotten better overall.

I already said I’ll look down on anyone who thinks this thing is good. Disrespectful and offensive is me in a nutshell~

Poor Maeda would be exhausted after AB. They also were saying that Charlotte couldn’t be turned into a VN. I disagree, but that’s what they said.

Did you get the “I should like this” feeling too?

Was that all on the same day? I feel bad for him if he had to eat that much in such a short period of time.

That’s what I kept wondering early on. I kept thinking “why isn’t stuff happening?”

He’ll have got a lot of people I bet. No build up, no development, but people get sensitive with stuff. My mom cried to the opening on Finding Nemo shrug

Wonder if they’ll get her back on to react to the footage? DOUBLE THE RATINGS!

It’d be great if we had more episodes. If this was like the half-way point, I’d be totally up for it.

Spontaneous personality changes. Next time we meet him, he’ll be Komari.

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Welcome home, Yhu.


I honestly never got this feeling. I have had no obligation to like it, and my feelings remain pretty neutral up til now.

Obviously not, but I’d be one happy camper if I were yuu and that were on the same day.

I guess you have a point but… It could have been so much more powerful, if that was what they wanted to do.

Yeah that’s usually how it works; the idol watches footage of her going to random places and she reacts to it in hindsight :stuck_out_tongue:

His development was, in no way, spontaneous. But eh, I don’t feel like talking to a wall now so I won’t continue.

Anybody notice the Yuu x Nao reference here in the lyrics to the full version of Bravely You? Pretty nice touch in my opinion. “The person I believed in” Very cute lyrical nuance. Never get enough of that sweet Maeda/Lia combo.