Wow I love this topic. So many differents points of views and tastes.
Some folks are more interested in Lia, some considers Lia songs boring.
Some people considers that almost “static” EDs are actually BGM.
This is intesresting. So many diverse opinions makes this topic wonderful.
We all feel the same at the core level, but we are very different in the colateral aspects in my opinion. And that is great, specially for VN readers. Because in a VN you choose a lot of things. Like your “heroine”, or perfect ending, and so on… (even if it is not a so-called canon ED)
Great. Thanks to those “conflicts”, something new always comes out. Keep this going. So…
I’ll state my POV
This is a extremely hard (and wonderful) topic set by Pepe.
Planetarian OP is powerful, and I believe we could call it OP “as is”… I can understand that some of us don’t like the idea. But for me, it is just an opening. I may also add a few introductory lines after you hit the play button, and some image transitions, to create an extended OP.
Just like with Clannad EP1 “I hate this town”… I almost consider that scene part of the OP. I know, it would be a very extended OP, but don’t you feel like it is part of the OP? At least a bit? We saw that same scene oh so many times, even in the anime it is repeated :).
Ergo… talking about almost “static” OP and ED… then Charlotte ED would be like Planetarian OP, in the sense that there’s no movement, but only great slow changes.
I think the word OP and ED shouldn’t be attached with movements and fancy effects. We can enjoy the great Rewrite OP and the Planetarian OP aswell, they are diferrent in pace, and in the amout of content, that’s all.-
One key point -for me- to consider something something an OP or an ED is the music. And… we have plenty of great emotional music out there in the Key universe.
I don’t really care about fancy powerful OP (I love them too but…) semi-static OP and ED are not BGM imho.