Ask a Key fan!

I’m afraid that I can’t help for that, I don’t know if there are other ways :frowning: good luck to you!

I’m not the best but I think the patch is specifically made for PC so unless someone makes one for iOS there isn’t a way. Holy Breaker doesn’t even have a PC patch released yet as far as I’m aware anyway.

I prefer Hinoue. Her designs are much more original and moe. Her designs are in fact one of the reasons Key became so popular…


I have question regarding Key Sounds Label.

What ever happened to that band from KSLA-0001? I mean, who are those people, even? I can hardly find any information about them. Are they professional musicians? How come they were affiliated with KSL?

From what I can find, Work-S was a temporary band of Shinji Orito.

So who were they: No idea, but they were produced by Shinji Orito and it was “his band,” whatever that means.
Are they professionals: I would assume so if they were on KSL.
What ever happened to them: Since it was temporary, I the band is no longer together I guess. Who knows, some of the members might have continued to work with Orito.
How come they were affiliated with KSL: I think that answer’s probably obvious at this point XD

Thanks for the reply. I found it strange that the very first album of KSLA is not well regarded (although I definitely know why— It wasn’t satisfactory quality. It doesn’t even sound like recorded in studio… imho)

I’d like to ask another question regarding KSLA, although maybe it’s not the place to ask so.
Does anyone here actually worked on wikipedia article regarding Key Soundtracks?

Several days ago I had a discussion with my friend, about the soundtracks title romanization. I’ll use CLANNAD as example. The title track, 汐 is always written as “Ushio” because a very well good reason, but according to [CLANNAD Soundtrack list in official KSL iTunes][1], it is actually “Shio” and 東風 which is well known as “Kochi” is romanized as “Tong Poo” (I’m pretty sure they meant Tonpuu). Mistake in romanization is natural, because 東風 itself [has a ton of reading alternatives][2]. And TONG POO romanization might be inspired to [Yellow Magic Orchestra][3] [song][4].

So, I wonder if someone here is up to editing them :3

By default, iTunes romanizes Japanese kanji-only titles as chinese characters, so “tong poo” is only the chinese reading of 東風

Though that kanji already has multiple readings so… :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a question about CLANNAD.
Did the (CLANNAD spoiler) Illusionary world take place after the events of After story, or did it spawn linear to the actual story, like it did in the anime ? I was just curious about how that worked out.

Do you mean lore-wise or presentation-wise?
Lore-wise, due to the nature of it, I don’t believe it can be placed on a time-line.
Presentation-wise, it ran parallel to the story of CLANNAD.

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Eh, sorry, but I don’t understand. Like, the first appearance of the world, and the girl. So it was parallel to the CLANNAD story ?

The first appearance was during the first day or two of the VN I think. It was a dream that Tomoya had every few days.

The first appearance was right at the start of the VN, IIRC

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I remember it starting with the “I hate this town” monologue, leading up to a fancy title animation. That might be wrong though… Vaaaaague memories!

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If it happened like that, how come people said that CLANNAD would be hard to adapt ?

One reason would be that there’s two hugely different sides to Afterstory. As is, only one half of it got adapted more or less.

Plus the way the lights interact with progression maybe? As it stands Kyo Ani did a really good job either way in a sort of shout out to peeps who’ve played the VN way.

EDIT: Plus the routes / parts of routes that you physically connect slot into a linear timeline. Again, Kyo Ani did a good job on that even with the huge cuts they made. And the OVAs were cute. Though no Keppei is a bit sad given how that route plays out.

EDIT2: I’m also fairly certain the adaptation uses the Illusionary World in a completely different way to the VN. At least that’s the vibe I got. What is declared in After Story in the anime goes completely against what I took from it in the VN.

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The same reason Litbus and Rewrite are considered hard to adapt. The stories relies on a multiple-route format to make as much sense as possible.

They missed out most of the good parts too…

The problem with it is that it relies on extra knowledge from the VN. Kinda sucky.

Linear timeline yuck. They just got routes, removed some stuff, and slapped Nagisa in the middle of it to keep her relevant. Certainly not as well thought out as the Kanon adaptation… Even that was butchered though.

Cute, but disappointing.

I don’t remember them changing much about that though. They were never sure what it was in the story, but Kotomi’s theory thing was still including in the anime iirc.

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And one more question
Has anyone played the vn for Angel Beats ? I know there are some people who can read it. What was Matsushida’s route about ? And did anyone find out what Yui’s background was, as in how she ended up in the other world since it wasn’t made clear about what happened for how.

There are various topics for the game and each of the routes that you can take a look at if you want to be spoiled.


Hello minna-sama,

I even wonder if it ever exists in an official OST. But I have to ask:

Does anybody knows where I can find the sad, string-based chords, music played at the very beginning of Clannad’s OVA 2?

Thanks in advance.

Its from the CLANNAD remix album: -memento-.

Its called Song of the Cherry Blossoms