Angel Beats! Operation Wars

TK voice acting has arrived.


That reminds me, which of the characters are we missing? I know all the females are voiced and only some of the males. And is the TK voice actor also there for the VN voice as well?

Yeah, the VN is all voiced and stuff minus in-otonashi’s-head Otonashi and possibly side characters.

ABOW was missing voices for everyone but the girls and Hinata and Otonashi.

Can someone debrief me on what just happened with the new event? like there’s 2 gachas right now and I think they’re cross referring another anime as well. I’m so confused.

1 give you a event card gacha (100% de chances) for 100 mobacoins
The another is normal

And where the voice of the guys are added ? The Twitter say it’s arrived, buy nothing… (Sorry for my english, I try my best…)

Yeah same, I tried using TK but didn’t get any voices from him ;_;

I want the voice of Fujimaki and Noda !
Good, Yusa SSR no Gacha !! Oh… Hisako SR and red…
I search the red card SR of Fujimaki, Yusa, Hisako, Irie or Noda (My team)…

Anyone know how the Hackadoll event works? The part that gives you the access code “hkdabow”

The Hisako in this event is GAWGEOUS

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I actually got it off the gacha, sad thing is shes not in my main crew :(. If only you can trade cards with other players cause like, trading card game lulz.


That’d totally remove the pay-to-win aspect tho XD One could easily make a new account, get shitloads of medals for gacha then trade his cards to his old account

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Damn, I never even thought of that. It’s smart people like you that make fun ideas like that, bad >:(.

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Just a question, the missions like the 4 of the 3 level of Wallaby : 4. 残り1人かつHP5割以下でクリア
(With google translate : 4. Clear the following remaining one and HP5 percent ) what can I do this mission ?

Does anyone know if this is even remotely possible?

Dude got 15 SSR Yusa from the event. To get 5, you have to get a full 100 clear…

Does this picture answer your question? D:

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That’s terrifying.

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I don’t believe that’s humanly possible at all. Has to be some sort of program on the phone that auto plays or something. I did a lot of playing with a lot of Key Coffees, and I was barely able to get to 93.

I just got what I think it was a SR Chaa card. During the boss battle he was holding a guitar on his left hand and a katana on the other hand. I couldn’t take a picture because it was too late when I realized.

It’s hard to believe but I expect anything from japaneses.

I have seen pictures in twitter with >500 key coffee D:

Yeah, you can also get SSR Chaa from that boss battle as well.

Yeah but is that humanly possible? Unless they have no occupation and can go 14 days without sleep, it’s hard to accomplish.