Angel Beats! - Heaven's Door Discussion

So has any more been translated yet?? I’m hanging out for TK!

Not that I know of, but I can’t really say. :stuck_out_tongue:


Also don’t forget about Fujimaki and Takamatsu. I mean, what? :wink:

Does anyone know if they just went on hiatus with the manga or we just don’t have the translation going on?

Can’t really discuss it here, but that project is more or less dead in the water.

However the series is still ongoing. I got volume 7 a few months ago.

As far as I know they release a new chapter once a month? In the Dengeki Gs Comic magazine, I believe

But yes, the translation project is as slow as a turtle now xP Which makes me wonder…

@Bizkitdoh Does the Heaven’s Door manga have Furigana? Because if it does I should try picking it up as well

It does not.

Damn >.< Well I’m gonna have to learn a lot more Kanji before I start trying to read this, then.

(for now I’m sticking to Yotsuba& lol)


Preordered. :3


Shame about them lack of translations doe.

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Doesn’t make new canonical AB! story any less relevant.

Heavens Door Shiina a QT.

ok bye

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She’s great and only gets better.

Yes that’s it! Let the Shiina flow through you… Let it control you… Let it BE YOU. But all in all, the ambiguity in conjunction with her badass talents makes the character awesome. I really cant wait to find out about her past and all about her in the VN.


Pssh. You can say that about literally every route. Honestly, the 1st beat routes are somehow some of the ones I’m the least hyped for.

Which is what makes Maeda such a god. Like, he’s created the most perfect world for tragic storytelling EVER.

[quote=“Aspirety, post:45, topic:304, full:true”]
Do you want to elaborate on that ‘Shiina is from another planet’ theory?
[/quote]Well, she does say she can walk on water lol XP. But yeah, Feudal Japan makes most sense.

[quote=“Bizkitdoh, post:55, topic:304”]
All we can assume from the handshake is that it provides Yuri with reason to trust her, and it is set up via Angel Player.
[/quote]Right. My theory is that Kanade uses the Angel Player to help Yusa lock her true, vicious self inside of herself. Thus the chains. I guess I kinda assumed the handshake allowed Yuri to see the flashback that we were shown, but idk.

[quote=“Bizkitdoh, post:55, topic:304”]
Kanade mentions a murderer who had graduated the school 3 years ago, and the idea that it may be the same person arises via Yuri.
[/quote]Ah yes, and once again all we can say as of now is #INTERESTING. Something really wacky must have gone on for Kanade to believe she had graduated. I mean, she certainly doesn’t seem fulfilled when we meet her. And Kanade doesn’t give off any sense of recognizing Yusa when she finds her at her desk…

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Discussion for Heaven’s Door is now open up the the end of chapter 35.

It might just be because I just finished the show before this chapter came out but does Yuri and Hinata kinda remind anyone else of Haruhi Suzumiya and Kyon? The female leader that acts way more important that everyone else and rarely does the hard work and the poor lead that gets stuck with all her crap.

After reading chapter 35, I think what I paid most attention to was Shiina. It’s just so interesting how she got fired up after hearing about Operation Campfire

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Chapter 35 was way too short.

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Shiina has definitely been taking the spotlight in these past few chapters.
But it looks like we’ll be getting some new recruits with this operation!

I can confirm it only gets better and your observations are well made. She’s the cover girl of this volume, after all~

The things I liked was obviously Shiina, but also the covering of ‘school activities’ in the world and more discussion about time- NPCs go home?! Like whuuuua? Other neat developments are Yuri being more of a leader supporting a team now that they have a name, as well as Noda starting to be more… Well, normal, really. Nice to see he has that side that can actually hold a conversation and think some. Also shoutouts to Hinata for being very observational about the ‘new girl’ and where Ms. Slasher went. Smart guy.

Also, how about that forest fire doe?! :open_mouth: I like to wonder if the actual wildlife of the world is something that corrects itself, or if it actually needs to be protected and you could theoretically have a barren and horrific wasteland as an ‘afterlife’. Outside of Angel Player and the idea of creating from other things, it’s hard to see the place as self sustaining, which is pretty shotty for an afterlife world. Like you could probably really fuck the place up, no? You’ve got these old run down buildings and shit that have gotten rotten and dusty and stuff from lack of any real usage.

Anyways- Fun point time. They pop into this shed to get supplies for the bonfire, right? Which used to be a school activity, right right. So, curious- Anyone else think this the same place that becomes Shiina’s hideout where she stays most of the time in the animu? The gymnasium supply shed…?

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