Angel Beats! - General Discussion

Hey there I’m a big AngelBeats! fan.
Sadly the anime’s flaw was having its 3 arc story put into 13 episodes. (When I say arc I really mean the enemies being Kanade the clones and the shadows.)
Anyway I never read the mangas yet so maybe lots of these were already explained if not let’s discuss some ideas for them!
The first is where did the school and students come from?
Why hasn’t anyone tried venturing outside school grounds?
And last but not least for me anyway why not just lure angel out then collapsing the tunnel in ep 2 and not blowing up the guild?
I want to hear your opinions!

:edit: didn’t see this thread found it looking for mine should add a notification when something’s moved… Anyway sorry for the trouble!

:edit2: my angel beats / Charlotte magazine came in XD and apparently my camera on my phone takes to big of a picture to upload…

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Bro, you should definitely read Heaven’s Door! It actually uses the enormous potential that the anime showed us, and its still only the tip of the iceberg.

Believe me I would but I’m only starting to learn Japanese heh…

They have a translated version of it for English readers or a fan group translated it.

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School: Nobody knooooows~
Students: Well they came from the real world, it is the afterlife, after all!
NPCs: Nobody knows either. There’s a running theory that (anime spoiler)they all used to be people, but were converted into NPCs

Huh, maybe they have, but they realized it was too dangerous, since it’s all woods surrounding them. For all we know, you might be able to go straight and end up back at the school.

Because the SSS are idiots! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha but it’s easier said than done. I think

Well, it came from whoever created the world :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

[quote=“Pepe, post:45, topic:36”]
Huh, maybe they have, but they realized it was too dangerous, since it’s all woods surrounding them. For all we know, you might be able to go straight and end up back at the school.[/quote]

Well the fartherest they went in the anime was to go fishing, and the farthest they went in Heaven’s Door was Chaa’s cave, which as we know leads to the guild.

[quote=“Pepe, post:45, topic:36”]
Because the SSS are idiots! :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote]Ha, this is so true tho.

When I said students I ment NPCs xp thanks though him but now I’m thinking how did kanade find out about the guild in the first place and isn’t she more of a defensive person to begin with? Why start the attack?

@Pepe In other words their a group of morons!

That’s actually a pretty good question, huh. I can’t quite answer that >_<

I’m actually more surprised she found an entrance seeing as the two in the anime was one in the floor board of the computer lab and the other under the school gyms chair storage area what’s a student body president doing to have even found an entrance or figure out hey they make weapons down there…

Maybe she thought mabo tofu was down there…

Again, as you’ll see in the manga there are actually even more entrances to the guild, and probably some we dont even know about.

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1)@Yerian ya I know that I’m just saying from the examples I’ve seen they were well hidden and as student body president I’m not sure what activities she’d have done to find an entrance . I’ll have to read the manga soon.

  1. :edit: sorry read that wrong >.>

Please excuse my ramblings XD

If my understanding of the Japanese from the 1st beat trial is correct, there’s a large, indestructible wall surrounding the school at the edge of the woods. They’ve tried to break through but nothing works.

Makes me curious if there really is something beyond it…

Reminds me of 11eyes or whatever that anime’s name was wonder if the souls just can’t pass through while everything else can(like where does the infinite supplies for the school come from for example computers and food) or if thats where this world ends.

Does the manga or VN trial say why they can’t hurt the NPCs? Do they feel morally wrong or do they die permenantly? Always wondered this to.

It’s probably just nothing. This entire world is just like a game with NPCs. So it’s probably just an industrible wall with nothing passed it like every other game.

So this is what you get if you order the Limited Edition of the Angel Beats Blu-ray Box from the Aniplex website.

mhmm mhmm…


if only I had 30,000yen…

the page is here


This item by itself is being sold or preordered on eBay for 390 plus 25 for shipping…saw this a week ago and wondered if it was authentic thanks

The angel beats limited edition tapestry I want is on eBay… It 190 plus shipping… XC resist the buy resist the buy!

Oh and is there a Charlotte discussion yet?

Eureka! I’ve found a shipping service I can use to order from the Japan only sites! I’m so happy XD