Hey there I’m a big AngelBeats! fan.
Sadly the anime’s flaw was having its 3 arc story put into 13 episodes. (When I say arc I really mean the enemies being Kanade the clones and the shadows.)
Anyway I never read the mangas yet so maybe lots of these were already explained if not let’s discuss some ideas for them!
The first is where did the school and students come from?
Why hasn’t anyone tried venturing outside school grounds?
And last but not least for me anyway why not just lure angel out then collapsing the tunnel in ep 2 and not blowing up the guild?
I want to hear your opinions!
:edit: didn’t see this thread found it looking for mine should add a notification when something’s moved… Anyway sorry for the trouble!
:edit2: my angel beats / Charlotte magazine came in XD and apparently my camera on my phone takes to big of a picture to upload…