Key has just announced that they are planning to release a trial version of the long-awaited Angel Beats -1st Beat- at character1, a convention that will be held on May 2, 2015 at Tokyo Big Sight. character1 is one of the upcoming events that we have been expecting since we reported on Key's upcoming schedule, and it looks like they are going to be a giving the trial version as a treat to visitors who will purchase items from their booth at character1.
Although no date has been announced for general release, this will be the first chance we get to take a peek into the game system of -1st beat-. For now, a few in-game screenshots from the trial version have been released. Enjoy!

You can enjoy listening the GirlDeMo Member's Love Stories... or something like that.

Every morning and afternoon, a map selection screen appears, allowing you to interact with specific characters. Since the SSS members don't attend class, they are doing various things in various places.

How did the option to give Yuri a kiss appear!? Noda would die of shock!
Credit to Zak89 for linking us to the original article: http://blog.livedoor.jp/geek/archives/51484011.html
(Warning! Link contains some NSFW content. Click at your own risk)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/angel-beats-1st-beat-trial-version-to-be-released-at-character-1/