Angel Beats! -1st beat- opening sequence revealed at Comiket Special 6

UPDATE: The official, HD upload of Angel Beats! -1st beat-'s opening movie has been released by VisualArt's!

Today marks the beginning of Comiket Special 6 - OTAKU SUMMIT 2015- in the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba, Japan. Comiket Special was one of the upcoming events that Key has lined up for 2015, and we mentioned it in our previous news entry here.

I was able to attend the event today, and, at the sales booth, they were offering items such as an Angel Beats! -1st Beat- Set containing a copy of Heartily Song (4 days before the commercial release date!), planetarian English Edition, some Charlotte tapestries, and even an Angel Beats! wallet costing 20,000 yen (around $170 US).

On the side of the sales booth, however, they had a large TV screen scrolling advertisements for HOLY BREAKER!, planetarian English Edition, CLANNAD International Edition, and Angel Beats! -1st beat-'s opening sequence, Heartily Song! This is the first time that this opening sequence has been revealed to the public, and it shouldn't be long until they upload it for public viewing online. In the meantime, I took a short snippet of the video, as a sneak preview of what the upcoming Visual Novel has in store for everyone, so take a look!

Some more pictures taken at the booth:

VisualArt's has been going all-out with their promotion of Angel Beats! and are slowly revealing more and more information as the release date approaches. All this new info is just increasing the overall hype for the game, and, frankly, it's just getting me and everybody else more excited!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Fujimaki isn’t in the opening xD

The real question now is:
Troll or plot twist? XD

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I’m fairly certain he’s supposed to be in the first snippet of the bros. I wouldn’t be against this OP being unfinished. /shrug

“Nobody even new his name, so we just took him out of the VN completely.”


He is in the opening, don’t worry. This was just a short snippet of the ending, but he’s in the other parts… Weird that, despite showing all the other characters, they didn’t show him :stuck_out_tongue: ah well


I want those dakimakura

I would like to just go there and buy everything :3

I really like it… it feels strangely good. Like it’s got many of the best ideas and feels from the original series, while there would be tons of new wham moments. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to buy this one for sure asap.

Yeah, I was referring only to the portion of the video you recorded. With so many characters, they would forget one… Fujimaki was the unlucky.

Edit: Full OP <3

Fujimaki is there :stuck_out_tongue:


Man the graphics are so god damn good! I honestly thought Rewrite’s graphics were amazing but in comparison to AB, it looks like a toddler made it with legos.


I’ve got the shakes!
I still can’t believe this is happening.

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I think its gonna turn into full blown seizures by the time the VN is actually comes out



lol key you can’t just take something from LB’s OP and put it in a new OP you hacks.

Middle part is nice, where Kanade shreds that Piano and then has a really badly animated fight with Yuri, and Lia’s yell after.
Much nice.


Also the OG SSS are the Little Busters!, you must accept.

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Wait the little Little Busters or the baseball team Little Busters.
Because nope if the later.
And I’ll nope to the moon if you mean the former.

Everything about the song and the OP is amazing it, and while watching it, I was subconsciously smiling. That’s how I know I am hype and I am seriously pondering whether or not I should get 1st beat.

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Of course you should!

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But moneeeey ;_; and 8000 yen is a lot of it for something I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to read

Join the machine translations train! Choo choo!

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