Who is your favourite Key character and why?

Yusa. She’s not part of GirlsDeMo, just put in charge of overseeing it. She’s Yuri’s eyes.

When the Rewrite trailer released I thought Akane would be my favorite. When I actually played the VN Lucia turned out to be my favorite. Not that Akane was bad, but she wasn’t really something the story focused on.
She’s very popular though, at least… she is here. Top 3 for most people.

That one CG. At the end of the Takafumi arc. So cute =w=

Hated him at first, found no reason to ever change that opinion.

Oops, misquoted then. 80% hated, most came through. I won’t attempt to 'suade you, of course, but needed to correct the quote.

Rewrite - Akane. I find her to be the most relatable & being the narcissist that I am, innately makes her my favourite. Thoroughly enjoyed her proneness to the theatrics & the subtle hint of schadenfreude in her mannerisms. But, it was her PC gaming hobby that really caught my attention, bonus cred for those living in the console-centric Japan. Semi-nsfw http://i0.wp.com/angryanimebitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Rewrite-Akane.png?resize=720%2C404

Favorite key character I have to agree with @Bonecuss and go with Rin. Rin was the first LB route that I ended up on when I played through the VN and I had no idea it was a split route and so when I hit the end of Rin 1 it really annoyed me thinking that was the end of her route, imagine how happy I was when I finally found out about Rin 2. My favorite part of early Little Busters was watching the change in Rin and how it mirrored how Riki changed as a character. Watching Rin (forcefully?) move from this shy standoffish character to a character that is more outgoing and projects what she wants and is feeling was enjoyable. As hard as it was to read I also liked the broken Rin part, I believe setbacks are as much a form of character progression as growth it. Oh yeah and…

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AFAIK, while I haven’t played Rewrite, either (shame on me), people from my Twitter TL are all over Akane’s personality (Her route is a different matter)…

…on the other hand, they dismiss Tonokawa’s heroines and their routes as shit ;~;

I have nothing against his characters, but I have said on the forums before that I am not very impressed with his routes :stuck_out_tongue: Wouldn’t call it shit, but I’d consider him my least favorite Key writer

well, there is no apparent reason behind it.
I don’t know her personality because I haven’t read the VN yet, but I like her looks. And her power (got the info from a friend of mine)

Actually, the more I think on this, I have to go with the heroines from both games I had the potential of choosing heroine vs… guy. (Kanata on LB and Shizuru on Rewrite).

Specifically because despite it all… I think Kanata might be the one I say is my favorite Key character. Ah well, first I need to play her route in EX and HF before I come to this conclusion. As it’s between the two I mentioned above for specific reasons.

My favorite is definitely Ryou Fujibayashi, from Clannad, which is odd because she really doesn’t get enough development to really establish herself. Certainly not as much as Kyou does.

What I like about Ryou is that there’s more to her character than meets the eye, and her failings as a character seem believable and sympathetic. When we are first introduced to her, it’s established that she’s diligent, responsible, concerned with others (including the wayward Tomoya), but also pretty shy and a little clumsy. She also has this quirk with her whole fortune telling schtick. From there we’re introduced to Kyou, who basically barges in and steals the spotlight. Kyou has her own character music and a bold personality to match. From the moment Kyou steps in, this is Kyou’s story and Ryou is basically a tool for telling that story.

Spoiler: Kyou’s Clannad Arc What strikes me about Ryou is how her literary function and character motivation are so complementary. The fact that Ryou is a supporting character tacitly reinforces her motivation to outshine her sister and have Tomoya. She doesn’t /really/ want to be with Tomoya so much as she doesn’t want her sister to have him. She wants to be first in someone’s heart, something that I think we all desire, but she’s always in her sister’s shadow.

Ultimately, I like the character growth that I see in Ryou during her sister’s arc. She stops being selfish, and puts her sister’s desire for true love over her own desire for mere validation. Looking at the story from Ryou’s point of view, it’s kind of a bittersweet ending, but one that shows her strength as a character.

Ironically, I don’t think Ryou really shines in the Kappei arc. We still see her strength and resolve, there, but we don’t really see a lot of growth.


I might be mistaken here, but as far as I remember, Ryou met Tomoya way before her sister did. And she talked a lot about him with her sister, indicating that she might’ve already fallen for him at that point. Only then did Kyou step up and got to know Tomoya (and Sunohara).

[quote=“therationalpi, post:50, topic:712”]
Ironically, I don’t think Ryou really shines in the Kappei arc. We still see her strength and resolve, there, but we don’t really see a lot of growth.[/quote]

I can’t agree with this one, either. During the Kappei arc, Ryou was much more proactive, and at times downright scary, like when she told Sunohara to stay the hell away from kappei (I got chills down my spine, srsly) or when she ‘threatened’ to ‘attack’ Kappei at night. That’s a lot more shiny than during her own route, similarly to how Sunohara was a far better character during Kyou’s route than he was in his own.

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Wrong. It was mentioned that Kyou had met both of them and might have slightly liked Tomoya. Whether the latter is true or not, she would constantly talk about Tomoya to Ryou and Ryou fell for this interpretation of Tomoya, then it was love at first sight for the (insert foul language here)

I didn’t say that Ryou wasn’t proactive in Kappei’s arc, just that she didn’t seem to show growth. In Kyou’s arc we see Kyou, Tomoya, and Ryou all change. Ryou specifically moves from selfishness and stubborn self-delusion about Tomoya towards selflessness and acceptance in letting Kyou have him. In Kappei’s arc we mostly see Kappei change, and Ryou is an agent in that change, but doesn’t change too much herself.

I think it’s just a difference of opinion. I like seeing character growth, and I just don’t see it from Ryou in Kappei’s arc.

There is truth to that, but the reason is because Kyou’s story is all about growth especially in terms of relationships. The core concept that I got out of her route, at least, was that romantic relationships should not be taken lightly, and they had to learn how to deal with their emotions together with that. It is significant to character growth

Kappei’s route, on the other hand focuses on Kappei’s growth. Ryou isn’t the one with the problems during his route, but she serves as a great means for support. She’s always been a great supporting character (and I mean supporting here literally) and that part of her shines in Kappei’s route. In other words, she’s perfect for Kappei so growth isn’t really necessary

I did say above that my favorite female character in Clannad is Ryou and I guess it’s because of her supportive nature. But it’s also because I don’t find the other characters in Clannad very interesting XD

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Nayuki. I still use her as my alarm. I’m not sure how to quantify it, but there’s definitely something to her personality that is just irresistible to me. She’s fairly easy-going but that alone isn’t enough to justify her. You also have her general personality – fondness of strawberries, super tired in the mornings + alarm clock collection, love of cats even though she can’t touch them, – yet she’s on the track team which I wouldn’t have expected given how lethargic she typically seems.

Kanon: Mai. (If I had to choose someone other than Nayuki.) When I learned that she was fighting her inner-demons, in manifested form, I might have fallen irreversibly in love with her story.
AIR: Minagisuzu. (I can’t decide between them. They’re both charming.)
Clannad: <pending official VN> – leaning toward Akio, based on the anime. He’s awesome. Ryou seems like she’d probably be the winner though. (Her klutziness and shyness are adorable.)
Tomoyo After: Tomoyo. Takafumi has the worst timing, or he’d be first. xP
Planetarian: <undecided> – (story development spoiler, sort-of)→There are only ever two characters in the story, so it’s not like I have much of a choice. I almost want to say “the old man that told the Junker about the robot” to not be obvious, but I don’t really like him either. This is a pseudo-spoiler because it explains that something definitely won’t happen in the story.
Little Busters!: Kud & Kyousuke. Kyousuke for similar reasons to what others have already posted. His willingness to pass the torch to Riki and help him along the way was rather admirable. If it weren’t for him, there wouldn’t have been a Little Busters! in the first place, and that’s really important IMO. I’d have probably been undecided if it weren’t for that. Kud because… Wait, I’m not a lolicon, I swear.
Rewrite: Shizuluciakane… Shizuru for the story. Lucia for the common route and looks. Akane for her personality. (Moon and Terra spoiler)→I also liked Kagari (Moon) a lot. I found the amicable numbers reference to be extremely romantic given her character. (220 and 284 mathematically reference themselves. They “make each other.” If you “translate” that a few times you reach the concept of a “soul mate.”) Considering that you ultimately return to her (is my interpretation) at the very end of Rewrite, I’m not sure how I could leave her out.
Angel Beats!: <pending VN> – from the anime I’d say “Tenshi,” but (Ending spoiler)→Isn’t the ending inconsistent? If she got her heart from Otonashi, which could have only happened after Otonashi died, then how was she there before he was? I don’t believe that was ever explained, so I’d like to see how it gets explained in the VN.


It’s a common-known fact that the Angel Beats’ Afterlife transcends time. So any person, whether they are from the past or future, can meet in the afterlife. It was even revealed in Angel Beats Heaven’s Door manga that Shiina was actually from a different time period (feudal-era japan probably).

Hope this helps :wink:


Ah, thanks! I wasn’t aware of the manga; I’ll have to check that out. I wonder if the “creator” of the afterlife world actually comes from a future point in time then. That would be neat. Now I’ve gotta re-watch Angel Beats. :slight_smile:

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Iya iya iya, don’t go rewatch it. Go read the manga NOW! Heaven’s Door is sooooo much better.


Yeah, I’m definitely going to do that too. tbh I wasn’t aware of the manga, so now I’m probably going to just pick it up somewhere (if it’s in English – haven’t poked around yet). But Angel Beats is only 13~ episodes (iirc) so I don’t really mind rewatching it either. (I’ve only seen it a total of two times anyway.)

Note: I will make this as short as possible.

Akane (Rewrite): Because of her haughty personality, her amazing black “magic” to win her arguments, and the fact that she destroyed Earth on her own route.
Yoshino (Rewrite): Because he’s a cool gangster/mafia/street-fighter wannabe.
Haruka (Little Busters!): I like her cheerful personality, and the dark emotions hidden beneath it. She hates her own twin because she though that her sister is living a better life than she did and needs “someone” to blame.
Kanata (Little Busters!): Because of her true self hidden beneath her cold and somewhat anti-social mask she wears. She acted like a fucking jerk around her twin, throwing insults and laughing derisively at her, but in truth she does it for her sister’s sake, even if the sister in question doesn’t know about that.
Riki (Little Busters!): Because his progress of “growing up” from a weak boy that would follow Kyousuke and can’t do anything on his own into someone who can take care of himself independently without needing help from anyone.
Kanade (Angel Beats!): …Because I’m a lolicon… and I like quiet girls in general (someone like Nagato from the Suzumiya Haruhi series).


What exactly makes Kanade a loli…? ^^;