One of the great aspects of the Key15th Anniversary Letter Project, and originally it’s primary focus, was that it gave a voice to Key fans hoping to reach the creators of the stories they love and convey that passion to them. While the focus of The K.E.Y. has deviated from this due to how much Key’s relationship with their western fans has developed over the years, I think a lot of people would still like to see this aspect brought up in The K.E.Y. in some form. We can’t exactly include all the letters from the original project since they’re largely irrelevant and outdated now, but what we can do is gather new letters, and dedicate a small section of the book to them.
So in this topic, I’d like you all to post letters to VisualArt’s/Key, with a word limit of 280 160. We will be choosing a small select few letters to be included in the book and translated into Japanese, with the hope that when we deliver the book to VisualArt’s/Key, they will read these messages you guys leave. While we won’t be able to include and translate all letters, we plan to include a link to this forum topic in the book itself, so try to stick on-topic with your replies! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to PM me.
As for our criteria for which letters will be selected… Well, I can’t say. We’ll be looking for letters that really stand out from the crowd and probably have something interesting to say, or even letters that are just really well written. You’re welcome to edit your letter at any time, but please keep it to one letter per user.
So, what would you like to tell VisualArt’s/Key?