Tales of Series Discussion

For those into the PC side of all things Tales-related, Steam is having a Midweek Madness sale this week specifically featuring Tales games! If you couldn’t secure a copy of Symphonia, Zestiria or Berseria during the summer sale, you have until August 4th to do so~! :smiley:


After kicking the tire around on getting Tales of Destiny Director’s Cut for what feels like forever, it will (hopefully) soon arrive. I’m not sure how to proceed with playing that game yet since I can’t read Japanese and don’t know the story, but it is going to happen at some point. Does anyone have any suggestions about this (I haven’t done much looking into it yet)?

With quite a few Tales of games left to at least look into, it seems best to start with Xillia 1 soon since I’d rather save Graces F for later (I’ve waited so long to play that gem that I can easily wait some more until things are less hectic) and it doesn’t seem best to jump right to Zestiria and then go backwards.


You could wait until Absolute Zero finishes their English translation in ten years… :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness, though, although you’ll be missing out on the story, Destiny R (as I call it) should be one of the easier Tales games to navigate through. The game does give you some non-verbal direction on where to go, but there are some guides (here and here) on GameFAQs if you don’t trust the game to tell you where to go. Just be wary of spoilers~ :wink:

And good luck with Xillia~! :lucky:


Ten years is quite a bit time for a part of a game so those guides will be more helpful, and it sounds like this won’t be hard to play at all even if that’s all I use. :slight_smile:

Still, that translation is moving well enough so who knows. Thanks for the good luck as well!


It’s sad how many Tales games have yet to be localized. Rebirth, Vesperia PS3 version… even some games released in USA didn’t get a Europe release. I had to wait until Tales of the Abyss came out on 3DS before I could even get to play it. I really hope we’ll see more PC releases of Tales games too, and I’m looking forward to hearing what that Tales game on Switch is going to be. Perhaps that will be the reason I finally buy a Nintendo Switch.

The latest Tales game I played was Berseria, and it’s a really good game. Magilou is unquestionably the best girl.

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I feel for ya. I have a PS2 copy of Rebirth gathering dust in my collection, and although what I’ve played (via emulation of the PSP version) is quite fun, a guide seems to only get me so far… :frowning:

I’ve already mentioned the Vesperia PS3 English patch, but I’d really like to see either that or Graces f on PC. I’m also really excited for the Switch Tales game (even if the skeptic in me thinks it will be an Escort title). Since I don’t have ready access to current-gen consoles or a PS3, though, I really hope more titles get released for PC.