Summer Pockets Quotes & Screenshots

Use this thread to share your favourite quotes from Summer Pockets, and help us make this thread the definitive collection of Summer Pockets quotes! You can post your quotes as screenshots or text. As a guideline, try to keep the thread in a healthy balance of funny and serious quotes, without drifting too far in one direction.

Anything from the series can be posted without spoiler tags. Since we will be posting direct quotations of dialogue stated in the series, please note that there can and will be spoilers in this topic.

For Summer Pockets especially, we’re on the look out for quotes and screenshots to put on the series information page. I just picked stuff off the top of my head to use as a foundation. We’d want stuff that encapsulates core aspects of the game without too direct spoilers, and a mix of funny and serious.

Went through some of my screenshots to find some contributions and it seems that I have unfortunately only saved mostly joke quotes. I might go through and try and find some more serious ones eventually but for now these are some of my favourites in no particular order: