Special Write-up of the Key Fan Party 2016 at Anime Expo

Anime Expo just concluded last week, and boy was it a treat for Key fans and Visual Novel fans as well! And, if you were keeping track, Key also held a Fan Party where they allowed fans to have dinner and talk with the staff from Key who came all

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kazamatsuri.org/special-write-up-of-the-key-fan-party-2016-at-anime-expo/
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Q. Best Rewrite girl?
A. Kotarou… jk Kagari


Oh, right. There was that. I’ll add it to the list of questions asked.

Protect girls from Baba 2k16


Fantastic job with the write up! I couldn’t have done that myself o_o yikes! That’s too bad you couldn’t get in on some on the fun. But you did great!

Some of the missing questions missing were:

Q: Will you make more figures like Shiori, Yumemi, Natsume?
A: Baba said he’s good friends with one of the ppl at GSC and said he will mention that we want more figures and to send requests to them. (I think that’s how it went)

Q: Will you have more 18+ games
A: Yes (With some hesitation to answer if I recall)

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Likeaneko and I actually remember that last one, but Baba did say to keep it a secret there :kudshock:

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Ahhh~, that looked like it was fun. I wish I could have gone but nope, I could not make it to the party and they ran out of guaranteed party tickets. But this was a nicely done job, I hope that those of you who went ejoyed the party.

Best girl is Kagari ?? Her route must be fantastic. Can’t wait to see how it’ll work out. If I remember, Morita said something about wanting to voice act something in the Kagari route. But my mind’s a bit foggy so I don’t recall if it actually was the Kagari route.

And Orito’s is a track from Harmonia ?! I can’t wait until the original soundtrack comes out ! If it’s his new favorite, must be something close-to Tori No Uta, considering how much time he had loved the track.

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Here are my photos

Tomoyo After trailer

Food - This was maybe the fanciest dinner I ever had at a con. Well… Touhou gettogether at Otakon last year might have come close.

Challenging Frontwing’s CEO to RPS. I didn’t defeat the final boss Baba but I was able to get goodies from Frontwing.

Me with Baba and Orito

I got them to sign my fan.


Btw that Iwasawa micro fiber towel we got
I’ve never used a micro fiber towel before how should they be used if we were to use them?