Rewrite Epilogue "Cradle's Tale" Announced

Looks like fans of Rewrite have one more addition to the story to look forward to, included with the release of Rewrite Vol. 13 coming on the 27th of September: a new PC side-story titled ‘Cradle’s Tale’, sharing the same name as the song from the Instincts single. Announced on Twitter just now, it appears to be an epilogue for the franchise, taking place after the final episode of the Anime series and detailing “A story that believes in mankind’s potential” where Kotarou brings Kagari back home. Looks like this may be Romeo Tanaka’s final contribution to the Rewrite franchise. Key have teased us by pointing out that this game does indeed share the same name as that song. As for what this could mean, Key asks that we listen to the song in preparation for the game. Guess it will set the scene for what’s to come. If you’d like an English translation of the Cradle’s Tale song, our friend shiranehito already has you covered. How do you feel about Rewrite getting one last addition to the story? Will you be giving this a read? Be sure to let us know what you think below.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It’s exciting. I hope it will be translated because It’s probably good if it’s official and I’d like to see more of the Terra world since we see very little of it after the time jump.

Same here! I thought of the coolest aspects of the anime (and to a lesser extent Rewrite+) was how it showed us a lot more of the final world. I’d love to see that expanded upon here.

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…Okay then. Let’s try and get through this one without a salty rage about how pointless this is. You can do it, Soggy…

–Here we go, again.

Hearing this just sealed in a whole new level of annoyance for this… bull that Tanaka seems to think is a good idea nowadays. First, the complete lack of any reasonable consistency fixes and a completely pointless ending change with Rewrite+, and now this. Seems Tanaka wasn’t remotely satisfied with any of that and has decided to go ahead and “fix” the wrong things, again.

Terra had many flaws. Though, I don’t think the relatively open-ended finale was one of them. Side stories and all are fine; they serve their small purpose. An epilogue is just something entirely different. Stuff like this, at least to me, can change the entire meaning of a story. What kind of “side-story” does anything that major?

Obviously, I can’t really judge whatever story this is going to tell as-is. I haven’t read it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a good little story within itself. Just annoys me that this was a good idea, to literally anybody involved. Then again, I guess that idol spinoff with Chihaya and Lucia also exists, so I guess I shouldn’t expect anything sensible to come out of these blu-ray “goodies” for this pile of crap anyway.

tl;dr: Pretty much everything Rewrite nowadays is completely pointless or plain bad, and Tanaka just doesn’t seem to care anymore.


They gotta cash in though, get that Blu Ray money. Then they can promo it in Ignis Memoria for more money. Then they’ll compile a “perfect” edition of Rewrite that includes this tale.

Joking about the inevitable aside, I’m not annoyed by it. I dunno what Rewrite+ did (though history tells me they did bad) but I don’t think adding to the ending of Rewrite is particularly bad. I don’t know anyone who thinks highly of the Rewrite ending. It just kinda ends. I don’t wanna judge the epilogue too harshly before it comes out… Even if the synopsis does sound at odds with… everything. I can’t imagine it being worse than most of the official Rewrite stuff out there.

The timing is really terrible. I’m sure there are die-hard rewrite fans or anime-only viewers who would love this… But I don’t really care about Rewrite anymore? Like… It was 6 years ago. Why are they adding an epilogue now?


I’m glad that there’s to be an epilogue to the Terra route. The last scene in the Rewrite anime was the only thing done better than in the VN in my opinion. 6 years is certainly late, but with the official Rewrite+ translation releasing soon, my guess is that ‘Cradle’s Tale’ will also get an official translation.

Maybe another translation team can get it done sooner?

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It really is especially odd considering how much more sense this would have made if it was just included in Rewrite+…


Personally, I wouldn’t really expect Tanaka (or any fictional storyteller in general) to be directly fixing narrative mistakes/flaws they or their editors never really addressed before they even bothered having it published. Well, that’s just me, really. :yahaha:

Anyway, while this sounds interesting, I really have to wonder if anyone will translate this. ^^

I would be very upset if this doesn’t get translated (within a year of its release in Japan). Either way, it’s another reason for me to double-up on my Japanese studies.

The first reason is Kud Wafter

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This is interesting, though it seems like they are constantly trying to change or add to this convoluted story. It’s like they felt the way it was wasn’t good enough. However, an add on does seem fun though, I hope we see some happy ends for the girls :slight_smile:

I would LOVE to see for Little Busters, an epilogue or sort of extra chapter where we see them on a trip :slight_smile:


It’s probably worth opening a discussion on whether you felt the original ending had value or not. To me it felt kind of, inconclusive… Like it didn’t serve a purpose to leave us hanging. In that sense I prefer the anime ending.


I hope this is not long, otherwise it will probably feel dragged. I think it would be more interesting if they just showed us how the characters were doing, like, 10 years later or something. But that doesn’t seem to be the case, unfortunately. Well, then, I wish we can get at least a glimpse of the heroines, not just Kagari.


This is an epilogue to Terra route, AKA Kagari route though. However, it would be nice for the others to get an epilogue too. Only Kotori and Chihaya really got one in Rewrite+

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Yeah, but (very light Terra route spoiler)all the girls appear at the end of Terra. I’m not asking for after stories, just for them to have a significant participation in Cradle’s Tale.

I bet that Kotori (and maybe Akane) will recognize Kotarou, but all five of the girls will be annoyed that Kotorou isn’t obeying them like a familiar should.

Well, as long as it gets translated, I’ll take whatever is given.


I don’t think anybody asked for this, but since its happening, its happening. It can be good, it can be bad,but its totally unnecessary considering the open-ending Terra had. Maybe it will be an after story-kinda instalment where kotaro is being a slave to his harem.but hell, it’s more rewrite,who would say no to that?! :joy:


Reading this thread I must be an exception, as I found Terra to be among the best and most well written parts of Rewrite, certainly the very ending. Like, that entire ending sequence was amazing, and all the notes it touches on at the end… it was sort of, I dunno for lack of a better word ‘holy’ to me. I really dug it. But i guess not everyone does. Back to the topic though, the notion of something taking place after Terra is definitely intriguing.


I think the reason many people don’t like Terra is because they believe it undermines the premise of the other routes. I personally disagree. All the routes have their own charm and gives something of a resolution (especially with HF’s epilogues to two of the routes) to each girl’s story. They all took place in alternate timelines after all, including Terra.

It’s just a matter of preference. That’s why I generally don’t like ranking character routes.
Coming from that, I really liked Chihaya’s route despite the hate it seems to receive.