Rewrite - Anime Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

Man, they really know how to buy-bait this thing. Cutest girl (Shizuru), fan-favorite route (Lucia), interview with Tensho, and something about Planetarian.

And there’s also that idol stuff

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So supposedly according to the scriptwriter KAI, the anime will truly adapt JUST “6th route”, but it will also develop the cast, so each girl will get her time to shine.

Please for the love of god, source your news properly.

I’m not warning you guys again.

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I think its around 23:00 (my internet has gotten slower now so I can’t really confirm it, sorry :komue:)

I’m still a beginner in japanese so I might be wrong but I remember Kai saying that they will adapt the 6th route only and give each heroine her time to shine properly.

@HeliosAlpha you are the person that I trust the most here when it comes to decrypting moonrunes so if what I said is mistranslated please tell me.

I just watched the stream VOD. I didn’t catch the line in question, but I did hear them say they’ve finished recording episode 7. THAT SAID, let’s think a bit about how anime production works. The episode scripts are not always finished early, so the voice actors sometimes don’t know how the anime will go. From Morita’s perspective, as someone who knows the source, it’s possible he said something “unofficial” in the sense that he knows episode 7’s content reaches “half of half the full story of Rewrite,” but this could be unrelated to the actual anime scripts. Again, I didn’t catch when he said that so I don’t know the real context, but I’d take it with a grain of salt. Regarding the Japanese person who interpreted it one way, also remember that Japanese is inherently ambiguous and even native speakers can misunderstand things without follow up clarity.

Kai also definitely said something like “it’s difficult to adapt all the heroine routes into an anime, so when Tanaka Romeo and I were figuring out how to do it, Tanaka decided, ‘ah we’ll do a 6th route.’” Contextually, it doesn’t make sense to include a 6th route as the solution to the difficulty of adapting 5 routes into an anime. My source is only the stream and my own Japanese knowledge; I don’t claim this is confirmation of anything.

There are also Japanese people suggesting split cour is still possible, which just goes back to my previous post that the episode count announcement doesn’t really say anything absolute. I still think it’s likely they’ll hold out until after the season’s over to officially announce a 2nd season. Regardless, everything is still speculation at this point but Kai said Rewrite will definitely be the best anime of summer season, so at least there’s that.


Ok folks, in order to make it a productive discussion, here’s my approach: Instead of thinking about why 13 episodes are not enough for a first season, let’s turn it around and think about:

What do you think these 13 episodes should include in order to be a success?

Since we don’t know how many episodes the Rewrite anime will have in total, we will have to assume several cases, all of which are, mind you, speculations. So then,

What do you think these 13 episodes should include in order to be a success,

  1. assuming there will be only 13 episodes?
  2. assuming that there will be a short second season, which will also be the final one (as in, 12-13 episodes of _Moon+Terra only_)?
    3.assuming that the anime will have more episodes than in assumption 2 actually, scratch that. This last one has been discussed at length pretty much ever since Rewrite came out.

Please try to be constructive and avoid comments like “lol no, that’s a fail”

I’ve explained before what I think the anime should be doing given the information we have on hand, which was also under the assumption that it would be 2 cour. As much as some people want it, putting all 5 routes into the anime would not have worked well for anime storyboarding; it would have only worked well as fan service for VN readers. The routes are also not inherently important to the overall story of Rewrite, and there are lots of ways to get around that issue which I have also explained before. That’s why I’ve supported the decision to do a 6th route and even suggested something like creating a new story at one point in the past. 2 cour is enough time. It won’t be the best, but it’s definitely possible to produce something good.

In terms of if the anime was only 13 episodes…I don’t think there’s much it can do to save itself. I don’t mean this to be negative but just look at all the hate Grisaia and 8bit got for that trainwreck and I legitimately think the anime did an incredibly good job, given the episode count constraint. The result was an unfortunate inevitability because there just wasn’t much more they could do with the time they had.

If Rewrite wants to do the best it can with 13 episodes, it’s going to have to cut a lot of content. 4 episodes of common route, 3-4 episodes of Kagari route, 1 episode of Moon, and then finish up with Terra. However, I think it’ll be better to combine Terra and Kagari route if (Terra spoilers) they cut out almost all of Kotarou’s history and turn it into short flashbacks and references then simply have Kagari route eventually overlap with events in Terra by shifting Terra’s timeline to prevent any need for time resets. This will hurt Rewrite’s story a lot but it’ll also make the adaptation appear a lot smoother and they’ll have more time for stuff like showing off the heroines doing cool stuff. I’m sure people don’t like my idea, but I’m sure people won’t like any idea that involves stuffing it all into 13 episodes.

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Amen. People aren’t realizing that if all the heroine routes are added, they’ll really hurt the story of Rewrite because of all the inconsistencies they’ll cause, and when you realize what those routes were in Moon.

Going for an original route with the true/end heroine, is better for both the story, and for both Moon & Terra. Will be better received, and will do better with BD sales (as I’ve said before, the heroine routes [aside from Akane and Lucia] wouldn’t probably sell as well).

I’d rather have an adaption that will be received better from the anime community, than a cluster of (great separate) routes that will create many inconsistencies and waste episodes that can be used for the true routes.

I agree. Though, perhaps the heroine routes could be released in standalone OVAs later on if it sells well or something.

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That’d be the best option for the heroine routes to be honest. So anime-only’s can see the different (moon) Timelines that Kotarou went through

It would also help calm down VN fans who wanted to see the heroine routes animated.

I’ve rewatched the NicoNico stream event and I’ve noticed few things, I will be putting time tags near everything I mention so you can check by yourselves.

First of all Morita confirms that they finished the recording of episode 7. 21:18

also when he said that the anime will be focusing on action he said “Up to episode 7 is half of half of the story, but you will be crying by that moment” 37:39 - 38:11

You can watch the stream here and confirm by yourself

So @Pepe I think that this removes the “they only recorded a quarter of episode 7” theroy.
what are your thoughts :smiley: ?

I’m not going to trust seiyuu saying I’m going to cry at the halfway point in a Key anime after Charlotte.


I wasn’t actually referring to things like which routes to adapt or how many episodes certain arcs should have. What I’d like to discuss are more… conceptual things. Things to be included and messages to be conveyed in order to effectively present the essence of Rewrite.

These are the things that, to my mind should be included and properly elaborated on in the series. A to-do list of sorts. (Heavy spoilers ahead):

  • present a solid image of Kotarou, including goals, fears and his stance on the entire conflict (settle for just one or max. two versions). Clarify his role.

  • present all the heroines’ reasons for participating in the conflict (can be brief)

  • Present Kagari’s (and by extension - the Earth’s) perspective and goals.

  • carry the environmentalism-y theme throughout the series: Earth is a dying organism. Humans are the cause for its impending demise.

  • clearly explain the ideologies and vices of both Gaia and Guardian - summoners and superhumans. Showcase how neither can solve the problem while their conflict puts the situation in a deadlock

  • explain nature and life including both the “love” and the “survival of the fittest” aspect.

If they can include these things properly (that is, while supplying sufficient explanations, thus avoiding a complete confusion for non-readers), they should be able to convey the essence of Rewrite just fine. Tanaka would be happy.
Though with just this, the heroines would remain in the background for the most part…


Sure I guess it removes the “only recorded a quarter of the episode” theory but it adds a new theory; even though it is only half of half of the story, it might not imply how many episodes the rest of the story is. Much like any other anime, the last half will have a significantly more amount of story in it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Goddamnit Pepe let the man dream


I will forever be the pessimist :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah, I guess if morita is to be trusted, that does kind of imply that there is more to come but… I don’t want to say that for sure because, well, we don’t have confirmation. For all we know, maybe they do plan to do a split cour but it relies entirely on how the public views the first cour.

It’s not the first time that an anime ending would be decided in the middle of it being broadcasted.

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Damn. That’s what I feared most. More than 8bit/ep. count/6 route or whatever/change of char. personalities or art style… When they decide how long show will be in the MIDDLE of it. Lol

They have 2 options:
a) “rushed script” for 13only (after 5-6ep)
b) “normal double-cour”
I would like to say, if you decided to do for ex. only 13ep. then do it right from the start and do not jump between options, but…Common route saves the day and give an additional chance to see reactions/ratings etc. and choose right option.
So I want to say… we do not have to worry first 5-ep but after it… Rewrite fate probably will be decided.

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well I said “story” in my translation but Morita said “7話って前半中の前半” and then he said "だけど泣けます”

So he didn’t mention how this is like the part that has “story” and this part doesn’t lol. I think that they all consider everything written in the script as the “story”, and the way Morita talked is probably just a small hint to reassure the fans that the Anime won’t have 13 episodes only.

Also when he said “you will cry” I guess this means he wanted to say that “even if it just reached the quarter of the Anime you can already get dem feels that you get from Rewrite” since he later talks about that feeling in your chest when you read a sad part of Rewrite.

Any more theories :smiley: ?

If a show is a split-cour show then the staff wouldn’t take a break, they will produce the anime like its a continuous 2 cour show, and the TV slot would have already been reserved lol, there is no way a studio can make a 1 cour show in the span of 3 months xD

Well the thing about Japanese is that it’s very context-sensitive. For all we know, he might even be talking about the first quarter of only episode 7. Saying that the first 6 minutes of episode 7 will make you cry.

Actually if it was a split-cour, then yes, they would take a break; maybe 3 months, maybe 6 months? So it wouldn’t be 3 months, but maybe over 5 months plus planning that they may have been doing for the past half a year. But if there is already a plan, but hasn’t been decided on whether that plan will push through yet, then I can see it being done during the 3 month break, yeah.

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Judging from the context I think he wanted to say “you will be crying in a very early part of the anime, since up to episode 7 is a quarter of the total number episodes”

if he wanted to say that the first 6 mins will make you cry then he will say “Quarter of episode 7 alone is enough to make you cry”

It it just me or you are being way too negative about this xD ??

I mean I’m pretty negative myself but not to that level.